Dungeon Hunter Chapter 165


Chapter 165

Chapter 165: Ifrit (2)

A white space stretched out endlessly in front of me .

I opened my eyes in the centre .

‘This place?’

I frowned . It was the first time I had seen a space like this, and I didn’t remember moving here . I could only speculate that it happened after the fire essence tackled me .

"Give me what is inside of you . ”

Flames appeared in this white space .

It was a familiar presence .

“Fire essence?”

The two-legged dragon . A human-like dragon .

This world seemed to be his .

“My name is Ifrit . One of the nine fire essences . The half that Contegonom stole was transferred to you . If you don’t give it back to me, I will destroy you . ”

I had no idea what he was talking about . I guessed that something entered me when I killed Contegonom .

“Ifrit . Even if you are right, it became mine the moment it entered me . I would hand it over if there was a deal, however simple threats won’t work . ”

"I have been trapped . . . but now it is different! This is my world, so you can never beat me . If you don’t . . . I will possess your whole body!”

Gugugung .

The world shook and Ifrit’s body changed .

After a while, Ifrit became the size of a huge giant .

There was enormous fire magic power! Ifrit was truly amazing . His magic power had to be over 100 .

But . . . there were many ambiguous points .

He said that he was only ‘half . ’ The other half had entered me . Nevertheless, he was still in the transcendental realm? Even a half transcendental being would be too much for the dark spirits to handle .

I couldn’t understand how he didn’t break the cage . At the auction, I had clearly seen Ifrit trying to break the bars to escape . The cage was made in the name of the devil, but it wouldn’t be enough to keep a transcendental being in .

‘This is a dream . ’

I laughed . Additionally, he was the one who gave me the big hint .

This was his dream .

Originally a work of fiction is called a ‘dream . ’ It was a world that covers the truth and only shows lies . Even the impossible could take place here .

So . . . it was possible that Ifrit made himself appear transcendent in this landscape .

I started to see cracks as soon as I realized the truth .

I opened Mind’s Eye . I would be able to reveal all of the truth if I used Mind’s Eye .

Name: IfritStatsStrength90 Intelligence88Agility87Stamina85Magic Power90 Potential: (440/500)

Uniqueness: One of the nine fire essences . Their role is to act as guardians for the fire spirits . Currently, he has lost half of his ability to ‘dominate . ’

Skill: Image Implementation (Epic), Power of Fire (Epic)

I knew it .

The stats that I saw with Mind’s Eye were considerably less than mine . The feeling of oppression was due to his ‘manipulation . ’

"How about it? I will spare your life if you give it to me now . ”


Ifrit thought I was wavering due to his words .

A laugh emerged from my mouth .

I never thought that the ‘Great Fire Essence’ would try to scam me .

The fire spirits worshipped him, but he was nothing more than a scammer .

"You talk too much . ”

I said curtly .

There was no need to start a conversation . It was something I developed over my long life as a demon . There was a winner and loser . The winner had the right to take everything . Words weren’t needed .

It was a sign of insecurity . Ifrit might be half complete, but he had failed to recognize my ‘rank . ’ He wanted to beat me with a bluff .

The attempt was good, but I didn’t bite that easily .

“I will give you a chance . I hate using force when it isn’t needed . ”

Ifrit still hadn’t stopped talking .

There was a degree of bravado .

So I opened up my magic power and concentrated it on my throat .

“Reveal the true appearance, Ifrit . ”

At that moment .


The world convulsed .

This world had no power over me once I realized the truth . It was far too rough to catch me .

"U-unbelievable . . . !"

Ifrit had returned to his original size .

He stepped back with confusion .

But I had no intention of leaving him alone .

I gripped Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword .

"This is a dream world so you won’t die . No, can a fire like you even die in the first place?”

It didn’t matter .

Whether he could die or not wouldn’t change the fact that I would attack until he was destroyed .

Ifrit shouted in surrender .

"Stop! I lost . I’ll acknowledge it . ”

But I still struck .

I used my full force .

This was a world of dreams, but a strike from a transcendent person would still deal a significant blow . From the beginning, this place was meaningless to me .

Yet he still had that attitude .

"You’ve maintained your consciousness . ”

I thought he needed more punishment .

“P-please . . . ”

Ifrit’s flesh was stretched out like a rag . The dream world tried to restore Ifrit’s broken body, but my damage surpassed the regenerative power .

It couldn’t keep up with the speed of destruction and now Ifrit’s body was strange . His hands were on his head while his face was at his feet .

I gave a low laugh . I smirked and once again split apart his body . The flames around Ifrit’s body were weakened .

"Stop! Stop! Aaaagh!"

Screams echoed through the entire space .

Ifrit lay on the ground in pain .

"I will destroy you! Once I die, the power inside you will run wild! Don’t think that you will be safe!”

“Stop talking . ”

“ . . . ?"

"Every word from your mouth is a lie . And . . . this is also a bluff . ”

It was easy to distinguish the second lie . Even if Ifrit was correct, there was no reason why I couldn’t control it . A little force would allow me to overcome it .



I stepped on his mouth .

After one more hour of beatings, Ifrit’s attitude changed .

“S-spare me . I can’t be destroyed yet . ”

"The reason?"

"I haven’t met my son in 20,000 years . . . ”

"Do I have to continue listening to a dog?”

I clicked my tongue . By default, Ifrit was ‘fire . ’ It was impossible for him to conceive .

It seemed like I needed to hit him a few more times .

Ifrit cried out desperately as my sword flashed .

"The ninth fire! The fire that symbolizes ‘courage’ is derived from me! I haven’t seen him in 20,000 years so he must be heartbroken . ”

“So I should give you back unharmed?”

“T-that’s right . ”

It was new information . I thought about it for a moment .

The great fire essences held important meaning to the fire spirits . A total of nine had been born since the creation of the Fire Spirit World .

This meant he had access to the fire of ‘courage . ’ Needless to say, my influence was rising .

Ifrit continued nervously .

"I can work directly with the Fire Spirit King . If I can communicate with the Fire Spirit King . . . he will reward you . The Fire Spirit King can’t ignore it if both my son and I speak to him . . . ”

“I will give you back . ”

I interrupted him .

Ifrit was delighted .


"However, I won’t hand over what is inside me . There is also no way I will let you go so easily . ”

“ . . . ?"

Ifrit stiffened . He instinctively realized that my tone wasn’t normal .

I aimed my sword at him and declared .

"Come inside me . I have no intention of eating you like Contegonom . You are a type of spirit, so a ‘contract’ is available . ”

"That . . . !"

I randomly stabbed a spot . I didn’t hesitate to inflict damage .

A contract .

It wasn’t comparable to a contract with an ordinary spirit .

If I made a contract with the higher fire essence, the fire spirits wouldn’t be able to deal with me . I would also be able to use his power .

Anyway, ‘half’ of him was inside me .

Not only that, I was looking forward to meeting the fire in charge of ‘courage . ’

“I will give you two choices . Destruction or a contract . Pick which path to walk on . ”

"It is unprecedented for a great fire to contract with someone . I acknowledge your strength, but this is completely different . ”

"Then you will be destroyed . ”

I erased my smile and took an attacking stance .

He had chosen his own death .

It seemed like there was no other way .

I would make an excuse to the fire spirits, maybe by blaming Pandemonium and Contegonom .

Ifrit sensed my determination as I raised my hand .

“Wait! Although there is no precedent, there is no rule against it . Contract . . . I will contract with you . However, this contract will be automatically destroyed if the fire spirits are harmed . ”

"I will only act if they point their swords at me first . ”

I shrugged .

I had to maintain the alliance with the fire spirits for a while .

One of my goals was to incite them to move . They would pressure the dark spirits .

"I will give you the source of fire, so don’t reject it . ”


After his words ended, an intense fire soared from Ifrit . The fire swallowed me up .

‘It isn’t hot . ’

It felt strange . It was more warm than hot .

-The ‘Great Fire Essence Ifrit’ wants to form a contract with the demon ‘Randalph Brigsiel . ’

Do you accept?

I nodded and a new window appeared .

-The contract has been completed .

-Impossible achievement! For the first time, a demon has formed a contract with a great fire essence . In the future, the fire spirits will give ‘Randalph Brigsiel’ even more preferential treatment .

3,000,000pt will be paid .

2,000 achievement points will be added .

It was better to form a contract than to use force .

This seemed like the right path when looking at the future .

"I can’t return to the Spirit World, unlike normal spirits . I have no choice but to make a home in your body . ”

Ifrit spoke in a gloomy tone .

“Where is your other half?”

"The heart . It is hidden there . ”

It was in the Heart of the Hell Monarch . . .

I wondered why I couldn’t sense its presence .

'The contract is absolute . Ifrit won’t be able to kill me . ’

Furthermore, the Heart of the Hell Monarch was powerful .

If Ifrit tried something then the heart wouldn’t stay still . It would become a true ‘prison’ for Ifrit .

Others might feel a little panicked, but I was different .

My body also contained Lightning God . There was no way I wouldn’t know if Ifrit made any strange movements .

“Okay . Go to the heart . ”


After that, the fake world started to crumble .

When I returned to reality, I couldn’t see the fire essence in front of me .

Under the contract, he had already moved to my heart .

At the same time, the two forces combined .

'Is this the power of domination?’

Ifrit . He was the fire essence responsible for ‘domination . ’ I could subtly feel the power inside me .

-The split power of ‘Ifrit’ has been successfully combined .

The power of ‘Ifrit’ has been forcibly combined with the ‘Heart of the Hell Monarch . ’

-Ifrit’s power of ‘domination’ has settled in the user ‘Randalph Brigsiel . ’

What was this?

‘Combined power?’

The contract could exert power on the target .

Yet it had forced a combination and made an alternate form available to me .

‘Ifrit is shackled by the Heart of the Hell Monarch . ’

I roughly understood .

It was unexpected but it wasn’t a bad thing .

Once I looked at my status window, a skill had been added .

-Name-Power of Domination (Ex Epic, Passive)

Description: You can ‘dominate’ opponents that are in a critical state . The success will depend on the user’s magic power and the opponent’s intelligence . If the opponent is dominated, they will gradually lose their ego and follow you .

** Invalidates the ‘territory declaration . ’

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