Dungeon Hunter Chapter 162


Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Demon World Auction (11)

-Name: Shilla

Uniqueness: She is dead . She has an unknown ‘cursed’ status .

** An unknown strength is accumulating inside her heart .

No titles or stats could be seen . This was because she was dead . A status window would be useless unless she was revived as an undead .

However, there was a hidden option . An unknown strength inside her heart . I couldn’t feel or see it with the naked eye . The dark spirits weren’t aware of my transcendental state so they likely couldn’t notice it either .

At any rate, the strength inside the heart was the only clue . I wondered what that power was and what changes would occur if I unlocked it .

“Starting at five million points . ”

Dubolong said with a laugh . The starting bid was similar to that of the hydra . It was expensive but worth it when looking at the high dark elf Shilla .

“Five million . ”

"Grand Duke Pandemonium-nim! As expected, you can appreciate its worth . ”

“Six million . ”

"Grand Duke Upa-nim! I hope you win this time . ”

Ariel didn’t participate . She had no interest in making undead . It was the body of a high dark elf but it seemed like she showed no desire to participate in the auction of this item .

Upa and Pandemonium growled as they looked at each other . Both of them specialized in the undead . It was obvious that there would be competition over such a material .

“Seven million . ”

"He is finally pushing out his points! Grand Duke Pandemonium has called seven million!”

I didn’t know about Pandemonium . Upa had a little bit more than 10 million points .

His points were revealed thanks to the hydra . Even so, he was confident enough to pick the fight .

When the grand dukes fought over an important item, the winner would be delighted while the loser would be red-faced . Points were a type of ‘power’ so it showed that they were lacking .

Upa and his faction mainly participated in the auction when it came to strong creatures . It was evidence that he was elevating his strength . Shilla’s corpse was perfect for that purpose .

Pandemonium didn’t pay attention to that fact . His face showed his confidence in winning .

“Eight million . ”

“Nine million . ”

Upa called eight million and Pandemonium raised the bid before Dubolong could even talk .

Upa frowned fiercely .

“A close match! My body is trembling . This is possible due to the value of a high dark elf corpse . From the perspective of the host, I am grateful that something so good is being treated well . Grand Duke Pandemonium has bid nine million points . Any more bids?”


Dubolong was trying to maintain the atmosphere .

I stopped for a moment to ponder . Indeed, Shilla’s body was worth more than the hydra . In fact, the skill of the creator was very important when it came to the undead . It wasn’t guaranteed to get a decent piece of work based on the materials .

In relation to the creation of undead, it was true that Upa was ahead of Pandemonium . If it was made by Upa then a high class 3Lv creature might be born .

Pandemonium’s mouth curled upwards . It was the expression of a winner . He was convinced he had won .

He was caught off guard at this moment . . .

I opened my mouth .

"10 million . "

I couldn’t fall down in this fight .

I finally bought Shilla’s body for 12 million points . The problem was whether Chrisley was willing to revive Shilla as an undead . Of all my subordinates, Chrisley was the one most familiar with making undead .

She would do what the Dungeon Master told her to . However, it was unclear if the work would be carried out with sincerity . The mother who gave birth to her . Although Chrisley had no memories of her mother, she was likely to feel complex emotions .

It was called revival, but an undead was no different to making a doll that could be commanded . Depending on the degree of damage to the body, memories might be lost . Or there could be a different personality and she might not even remember she was Shilla .

‘She still has to do it . ’

Chrisley’s expression was dark . She was sitting patiently in her spot .

Perhaps . . . as a clever woman, she already noticed what I wanted .

"Now I will introduce the next item that I am proud of . It is Puragamo’s Flute!”

I turned my attention back to the front . Anyway, I wouldn’t receive all the items until after the auction was over . It was time to concentrate on the auction .

I bought the ‘Conqueror’s Ring’, ‘Mindset of a Puppeteer’, ‘Gajuneok’s Echo’ and ‘Eselal’s Blade . ’ It was the middle of the auction and I had already bought six things .

I had approximately 25 million points remaining . There was still room to spare .

The points used had already exceeded 100 million so other demons had used a lot of their points .

‘This might not be over . ’

I continued to watch the auction . It wouldn’t be bad if I settled on these six items . I could invest the remaining points in my dungeon and the leftovers would be used in next year’s auction .

However, my expectations would stay until the end .

The dark spirits had driven up the points in the individual auctions . Many of the auction items were large so I was expecting special measures to be used .


If so . . . it might not end with the hydra and Shilla’s body .

I was sure there was something else prepared .

I watched carefully as the auction progressed . Finally, an item that met my expectations appeared as the 54th item .

"Please pay attention . I am sure that all of you will be surprised by the following item . Right . . . an angel egg . It isn’t an ordinary egg, but one that has been designated at the level of an archangel . Maybe even more . . . well, the explanation ends here . You will have to judge it for yourself . ”

An angel egg appeared as Dubolong’s words ended! It was similar to the appearance I knew, but it had a stronger holy power .

'The one that will emerge won’t be weak . ’

I smirked . It was an angel egg . The level was higher than what I had seen before . I didn’t know where it came from, but it was likely that the dark spirits stole it .

I was able to purchase normal eggs from the Achievements Store . But this angel egg was more peculiar and had excellent holy power . I stared at it .

The angel egg had never appeared at the auctions in my previous life . At that time, the dark spirits had steadily increased their strength and had no need for adventures . The fact that an angel egg emerged showed their urgency .

“Aren’t you curious? Don’t you have the urge to challenge it? Originally angel eggs are kept deep inside heaven . A place where only a few selected angels can enter! For many of the guests here, it will be your first time seeing an angel egg . . . ”

Angels and demons had an antagonistic relationship . It was natural to have never seen an egg before . It was just an endless repetition of killing .

Yet . . . an angel egg emerged . It was also an egg with a very strong holy power . If they could breed an angel above the level of an archangel . . . the demons hadn’t imagined it before .

That imagination could now be turned into reality . In addition, it was ideal for getting rid of other angels that were the demons’ natural enemies .

Dubolong stimulated their desire to buy it .

"It is a very special item but I will start at a low price . Any guests can participate . . . for only 100,000 points . ”

Their desire started brimming over .

An angel egg came out and stimulated the buyers, so the atmosphere became very heated after that .

There were good quality items or mysterious ones that stimulated the curiosity of the demons .

I ended up taking 10 items, including the angel egg . When including the Great Fire Essence, Hyacinth's Bow and other small items from the individual auctions, I ended up with 15 goods .

So . . . the auction ended .

“Chrisley . Let's go back . "

The auction was over and there was nothing more to see here . I needed to go back and organize my purchases .

As expected, the harvest would raise my power .

‘I hadn’t expected much . ’

I was already in the realm of transcendence . I had concluded that I wouldn’t raise my overall power that much in the Demon World Auction . But the other elemental spirits appeared so the dark spirits put in a greater effort .

It wasn’t urgent but . . . thanks to that, the range of what I could do had increased .

“Yes . ”

Chrisley responded calmly from behind me .

As I left the auction house, Ariel Diablo blocked my path .

“What do you want?”

I asked .

Ariel smirked and responded .

“Randalph Brigsiel . I will start moving . ”

Moving? Did that mean she had been still until now?

I didn’t know why she was telling me this, but Ariel said one final thing .

"Amuse me to the end, you who have entered the realm of transcendence . ”

They were crucial words .

‘Indeed . . . ’

She had noticed .

Right . Ariel Diablo’s eyes seemed to be the best . I hadn’t revealed my transcendence, but Ariel had spoken in a confident tone .

Her words about ‘moving’ could be interpreted in many ways . Furthermore, Ariel had been unchallenged so far . If she moved, I didn’t know what direction this war would go in .

Upa’s power had been cut, Pandemonium absorbed Okullos’ faction but Ariel had been untouched so far . Despite Pandemonium absorbing Okullos’ remaining forces, he wasn’t comparable to Ariel who had been accumulating her strength .

‘I have to prepare properly . ’

I couldn’t overlook her .

Ariel moving in earnest . I needed to prepare countermeasures .

There would only be one winner in the end . Everyone around me were enemies . This rule was absolute .

I couldn’t be too relaxed . Despite entering the realm of transcendence . . .

‘War isn’t fought alone . ’

The path forward seemed vaguely blurred .

“My Dungeon Master . Are you sure we should go back right away?"

"Is there anything left to do?”

Chrisley shook her head .

"I noticed that the auctioneer wanted to have a separate meeting . . . ”

"Dubolong speaks too much . That guy doesn’t need to concern you . ”

I noticed his sly glances after the auction ended . He wanted to meet with me separately, but it didn’t seem to be about anything good . It was better to just ignore him .

He would either ask about the days I disappeared, or my relationship with the fire and water spirits .

I quickly left, with Chrisley following behind me quietly .

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