Dungeon Hunter Chapter 154


Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Demon World Auction (3)

It wasn’t difficult to find the fire spirits .

It was enough to go to the place where fire magic power was gathered .

The strange thing was that I didn’t meet any demons in the huge castle . It seemed like the demons had gathered into their factions after arriving at the Demon World Auction .

'The grand dukes aren’t idiots . . . ’

It was clear they wanted to talk to each other about the items they would sell at the auction and develop a plan . I moved as an individual instead of a faction, so I could take one step faster than them .

'The security is poor . ’

The most suspicious thing was that the security level of the castle was very low . Unlike before, the dark spirits were hardly visible . The spirits of the other elements were inside the castle so their intention was to ‘stand by . ’

“My Dungeon Master . Is the interior of the castle supposed to be this quiet?”

“No . It is quieter than usual . ”

"Why . . . I feel animosity everywhere . ”

That’s right . I couldn’t trust anyone other than Chrisley here . The demons and spirits felt a similar way . Of course, it wasn’t just hostility .

Soon Chrisley and I arrived at the place where the fire spirits were staying .

There was a huge door comparable to the one at the auction .

-Is this information true?

-This is . . . an unforgivable problem . . .

-’Kerpi’ is the representative .

-This damn year?

-I am suspicious of their motives in sending Kerpi .

-Taking the initiative first . . .

-Quiet . A visitor has come .

The other side of the door was noisy . It instantly became silent after someone warned them .

Kkiik .

I turned the doorknob and opened the door .

Then . . . I witnessed huge flames all over the place . There were 20 existences that could be described as fireballs . Each of them had already reached the high class level . I felt it before opening the door so it wasn’t surprising .

‘The elite of the elite . ’

They were the fire spirits . Each one could not be looked down on . A power that could turn a situation upside down! The king didn’t seem present but they were certainly his close aides .

'I might be turned into a fireball when dealing with the fire spirits . ’

In other words, I had to be wary .

Did they recognize me?

Of course, they didn’t notice I was transcendent but that I was a formidable enemy . The spirits were amazingly hot and sharp .

“My Dungeon Master . ”

Chrisley sought my understanding . She wanted to take a step forward .

The fire spirits were already tense after seeing me . Even if I went forward it wouldn’t do much good . Conceding to Chrisley was the right step .

“I’ll allow it . ”

After hearing my words, Chrisley stepped forward and bowed .

“Fire spirits . My name is Chrisley . We are not your enemies . My flame is more intense than anyone else and I am seeking your goodwill . ”

-An amazing aura .

-However, the other half is water .

-No . . . the fire side is stronger .

There was a short exchange of opinions . The fire spirits stared at Chrisley and measured how much fire and water energy she had .

Soon the largest fireball in the middle spoke .

-Child . I know that you have a strong fire aura, but this is too abrupt . Especially when the person behind you is a demon .

"This is my master . He is a person who is taking a completely different path from the other demons . Master is someone who hunts demons and is the owner of vast knowledge . He will be able to answer your questions . ”


She saw it right away . Chrisley was familiar with some parts of the Demon World Auction . She managed to identify and use the theme of the transaction .

The spirits became noisy once again .

-A demon hunting other demons?

-Demons originally hate each other .

-It is inconsequential .

The response was mediocre . This was the attitude of the spirits whenever dealing with demons .

Then the leader of the fire spirits said .

-What makes you think we want your information and goodwill?

"I don’t mean any disrespect but I overheard you talking when I was outside . I take it that Kerpi is the name of a water spirit that you are at odds with for some reason . This meeting is because you suddenly received some information upon arriving . I guess that someone gave you information that would make you have a conflict with the water spirits . ”

Chrisley’s speech was fluent .

Her ability to reason after only listening to a few words of conversation was great .

‘I did well to bring her . ’

Showing her off to Pandemonium wasn’t the only reason why I brought Chrisley along . She was quick-witted . I acknowledged that she was a better delegate than me .

There was nothing wrong with that . Recruiting great subordinates was also a talent . Bringing her was the correct answer .

-Hoh . . . so you can solve our problem?

"Before that, I would like to hear your story first . If it can be solved then we will do it . ”

-No, from the beginning you said you came here out of goodwill . If we accept right now then will it achieve your goal?

“I’m not the type to shamelessly accept without giving anything in return . ”


The flames gradually weakened .

A moment later, a man appeared in the flames . A man with red hair .

His eyes flashed and he opened his mouth .

“Okay . I will tell you . Anyway, this is a problem that we can’t solve alone . ”

The man looked back .

"Everybody take your other forms . These guests aren’t enemies . ”


The 20 fire spirits changed forms . Instead of fireballs, they took the form of men and women who gave off strong impressions .

Once all the transformations finished, they sat down at the table . Chrisley was naturally seated on the other side . I was sitting next to her to hear the story as well .

The rest of the spirits stared at our side .

"I’ll just say it once . We received information that the ‘Great Fire Essence’ would unexpectedly appear in the auction . The Great Fire Essence is one of the nine fires we worship, and was stolen from us thousands of years ago . And we assumed that the water spirits were the culprits who stole one of our nine fires . This is because the water spirits greatly expanded shortly after the fire was stolen . ”

"Yet the stolen item showed up here . ”

“That’s right . The fire gods will never cease to exist, but 20,000 years have passed already . Little by little, the power will weaken . ‘They’ intend to sell it here before it loses all its power! Indeed . . . it is unacceptable behaviour . ”

“But only demons can contribute to the auction goods . ”

“Bah! There is no rule that the water spirits can’t cooperate with demons . Just like you and your master coming to us . Maybe . . . you came directly here in order to manipulate us . ”

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with their thoughts . There was a chance that water spirits could form an alliance with a demon in order to sell items at the auction .


But it was all without evidence . Even the part about who stole it was just a guess . What was the reason for the water spirits stealing it 20,000 years ago? Maybe it was because they were afraid . . . but no one could say for sure .

The same was true for the second part . It was ridiculous .

Chrisley also seemed to notice this .

"Once you start to suspect your surroundings, there will be no end to the doubts . I want to make one thing clear first . Who told you that information?”

“Dubolong said it . He told us that everything was in place for the sale of the Great Fire Essence . ”

Dubolong . His name came out . I really couldn’t trust anyone .

Chrisley opened her mouth .

"Did the water spirits really do it?”

"Why else would they appear here?”

Chrisley closed her eyes for a moment .

She was thinking very hard after hearing the fragmented story .

Chrisley frowned and declared .

"I would like to hear more about the Great Fire Essence . ”

“What do you want me to say? It is an eternal flame . One of the nine sacred flames . To be specific, the Great Fire Essence is in charge of ‘domination . ’ Thanks to this power, the water spirits suddenly expanded their power . ”

“ . . . . . . ”

"Now, have you come to a conclusion? If not, we have to make a decision . We have to take care of the water spirits who tried to deceive us . "

The man prompted . Chrisley sighed .

"The information is too fragmented . I need to know the story from the side of the water spirits . Unless you tell me more details, I won’t be able to solve it until I meet with the water spirits . "

“Child, I can only tell you up to here . If you want to meet with the water spirits then I won’t stop you . I am certain we are right!”

There were more worries . After a moment, Chrisley asked cautiously .

"Perhaps . . . do you know someone called Arshilla?”

"How does a dark elf know that name? It is one of the ancient water spirits . I acknowledge their skills but they are already gone . They were a close aide to the Water Spirit King . ”

Chrisley seemed to sense something and nodded .

“I understand . Then I will go meet with the water spirits . ”

"Be warned . If this isn’t solved then it will be a full-scale war!”

Indeed, the fire spirits .

They were vigorous and valiant .

“ . . . My Dungeon Master . ”

Chrisley got up from the table and said to me . She seemed to want to say something . It would wait until we exited .

Suuk .

A man cried out as I got up .

“My name is Jives! The fire spirit Jives . ”

His eyes were staring at me . He was looking at me with a strange expression . Jives had also been glancing at me in the middle of the story . It seemed he wanted a confrontation with another ‘powerhouse’ . . .

“Randalph Brigsiel . ”

I turned around and ignored him afterwards .

After moving a considerable distance from the room, Chrisley spoke .

"If my thoughts are right . . . the water spirits aren’t the culprits . ”

"You seem certain . ”

“Yes . It seems to be going in a good direction . Originally I had planned on using my father’s name to impress them . . . ”

True Demonic Dragon Aojin .

A dragon could be called the incarnation of fire so it wasn’t strange to use him against the fire spirits . It would be enough to establish a relationship with them .

However, they had a problem and she had a lead to solve it .

“The Great Fire Essence . Its power is ‘domination’ and that won’t go away forever . I know someone who owns something similar . I don’t know if it is true, but it is very likely if it has shown up at this auction . ”


“Pandemonium . ”


I hadn’t expected that name to pop up here .

The question naturally formed in my mouth .

"Wasn’t it stolen thousands of years ago? Despite Pandemonium’s age, he certainly hasn’t lived for that long .

Age . He was the oldest among the grand dukes . But thousands of years was too long .

"To be exact . . . it was just after Okullos’ dungeon collapsed . As his dungeon was falling down, everyone except me turned away . I watched the dungeon while hiding my body . Then one day, I saw Pandemonium arrive and pull out a small fire essence . ”

"That doesn’t make sense . How is it connected to Okullos?”

"That's right . The person who is truly connected . . . Contegonom . ”

Contegonom was king of the yetis!

The name of the one who confronted me .

Thanks to the use of Corruption, I couldn’t remember the last part of my battle with Contegonom . However, I was convinced that I killed him .

Chrisley continued while I was still puzzled .

“Contegonom was king of the yetis . He stole the sacred fire . As a result, he became king of the yetis and ruled the continent as ‘king . ’ However, yetis originally have the water attribute . Arshilla is the water spirit contracted with Contegonom . A contract must have been formed in order to use the power of the Great Fire Essence . Then things would fall into place . ”

Tak .

I clapped my hands .

“A contract . There was a contract . But why don’t the fire spirits know about Contegonom?”

"The spirits don’t pay much attention to the Middle World . I wouldn’t have known these things if I hadn’t read a book about Contegonom written by Okullos . Furthermore, Contegonom only acted for a short time as king of the yetis . It was only 15 years . He only ruled the continent for a short time . His obsession . . . ”

After I disappeared, Chrisley tried to investigate the reason behind it . Then she came across the story of Contegonom .

“Then the Great Fire Essence was left behind after Contegonom died and Pandemonium picked it up?”

“My Dungeon Master . That is my guess . I can make a more accurate judgement after meeting the water spirits . ”

I touched my jaw .

I never expected that Contegonom’s name would pop up again .

But . . . it was strange . My stomach felt weird after hearing the name of the Great Fire Essence .


My heart also jumped .

It felt like there was a foreign substance in my stomach .

It hadn’t happened until now, but hearing Contegonom’s name made me feel nauseous .

“My Dungeon Master . . . what is it?”

“Nothing . Let's go . "

I hadn’t eaten anything strange and it wasn’t painful . There was nothing that my transcendental body couldn’t digest .

It might be a mistaken feeling . I had been in many tense situations .

It was odd but I denied it .

I shook my head and kept moving .

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