Dungeon Hunter Chapter 152


Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Demon World Auction (1)

If my memory was clear, there was three months left until the 5th Demon World Auction . I skipped the 4th one due to the Underground World, so I needed to establish a strategy .

‘The 3rd Demon World Auction is when it fully started . ’

Mago appeared, causing the atmosphere to change .

I didn’t know what came out in the 4th year . There was the titan but that wouldn’t be all . There would be instruments of power that could reverse the situation .

It was different from my previous life . The speed was rapidly increasing . I had no recollection of such speed in my previous life . The demons who suffered in the 3rd and 4th Demon World Auctions were more likely to bid higher this year .

The angels appeared and Okullos had died . They started to sweep the land in earnest . All the hidden cards . . .

They were likely to be found at the Demon World Auction .

‘The demons in Okullos’ faction . I don’t know what happened to them . ’

Okullos was dead for sure . But I didn’t know what happened to the demons in his faction . There was a chance they survived, but there would obviously be an impact .

And if they were alive . . . I couldn’t rule out the possibility of them being absorbed into the other factions . I had to make plans with all that in mind .

‘In many ways, this will be the basis for the 5th year . ’

Drastic changes . There was no reason to be stuck in the dungeon . Those who progressed slowly would be eaten right away .

At this moment, Pandemonium was raising and killing Awakened . The collected points would be used to reinforce the dungeon as well as for the Demon World Auction . I didn’t know what strategy Ariel and Upa had set up .

'There are certainly variables . If I don’t want to be shaken by the variables, something unique is required . '

In fact, everything around me was a variable . Right now, I needed to remain low key and create my weapons .

‘Points alone isn’t enough . ’

The time to use points to make my presence known was gone . Although I still held an enormous amount of points for an individual, it would be difficult to exert influence over the factions like before .

I needed something else . I had to make them nervous about my presence once again .

‘I will make changes . ’

I nodded . The answer itself was simple . If it wasn’t what I desired then I would overturn the plate and try again .

The problem was actually overturning the plate .

‘Dubolong . . . ’

I clicked my tongue .

If I could contact Dubolong then it wouldn’t be difficult . Besides, the Spirit World thought I was dead . I needed to contact them at least once . Their permission was required to access the Demon World Auction .

However, getting to the Spirit World was another problem . There was no way I could get in contact with Dubolong here . If I wanted to go there . . .

'I have to open a crack . ’

There were still many unclear parts about the cracks . There was no guarantee that the other side would be where I wanted to go . But I had the token that Dubolong gave me . The small stone was insufficient . I needed to open the crack in order to get the communication working . There was no need to cross the crack directly .

The crack was a type of circuit . It would allow me to open the line of communication with Dubolong .

At that time, a name popped into my head .


At that time, he had said . He made the Seven Sins and then threw them into a crack .


In order words, it meant he opened a crack himself .

It was the only clue . I immediately moved my feet .

‘I have to see Oswen . ’

I hoped he had the answer .

“A crack, you say?”

Oswen was making his arms in Gaparam’s workshop . He originally had six arms but four were cut off . Therefore, he was making fake arms to replace them .

Gaparam and the dwarf king were nearby but I wasn’t interested in them . I only looked at Oswen as I spoke .

"If you threw the Seven Sins into a crack then you must know how to open it . ”

“I know but . . . there is a risk . And I can’t do it alone . ”

"What do you need?"

Oswen closed his eyes . He pondered for a moment before sighing .

"After forcefully opening a crack, it is possible that unknown things will pop out of it . For example, spirits from the Spirit World or . . . existences trapped in nothingness . There are many old existences stuck in the crack . They are very destructive and unreasonable . "

"Do you think I won’t be able to deal with them?”

Even if a transcendent presence came out, I was confident .

My resolve was firm . Oswen realized this . Oswen knew he wouldn’t be able to discourage me and shook his head .

“Okay . However, materials are required . To create the device, I also need Gaparam’s help . ”

"Tell me what you need . I’ll get everything ready . ”

“First, lend me Wrath . I need to create a framework for the device . ”

Suuk .

I handed over Wrath without hesitation .

Oswen looked at me like he was a little surprised .

"You are just giving it without any questions?”

"It is something that you made in the first place . ”

"I don't remember how I created it . At any rate, Wrath isn’t the only thing I need to borrow . That item called Thousand Wings is wonderful . It is perfect for storing massive amounts of magic power . ”

Thousand Wings was detachable . Once the supply of magic power to Thousand Wings was discontinued, it would fall off .

“Ah! The Paranormal Ring! That as well . The irregularity of the item is good for the crack . ”

“Anything else?”

"Your Majesty . Have I lied to you?”

It was unclear but Oswen still had knowledge in this field . It was dubious in my previous life but now I had ‘strength . ’

My subordinates meant I could move more efficiently .

"I will tell you the rest . Building the frame will take quite a bit of time . . . and the device is single use only . The consumption of other materials is beyond imagination . Do you really want to open the crack?”

He asked for confirmation . I nodded .

"Open it . "

“Okay . Then . . . Gaparam, will you be my assistant for a while?”

Gaparam, who was watching from the side, opened his mouth with slight disbelief .

"Can you really open a crack?”

"How long have you lived? It seems like you have been living comfortably in the mountains for a long time . How could you not know? The dwarf king here is giving me a look of respect . ”

Indeed, the dwarf king was looking at Oswen with infinite respect . He was paying more attention to Oswen then the Dungeon Master .

In contrast, Oswen was a little upset that Gaparam didn’t know him . Despite being in different fields, artisans should know each other .

"I admit that you seem knowledgeable and fairly dexterous . ”

“Tsk tsk . Wait and see . I’ll push your haughty nose down properly . ”

There was a strange war of nerves .


I interrupted them .

"What is the estimated time for completion?”

"At least a month . ”

“Report the progress to Yihi . Tell Yihi if you need anything . ”

“I understand . ”

Oswen agreed .

There was a way to open the crack .

It would take time so I had separate tasks to do .

-A remarkable achievement! For the first time, 10 ‘lizardmen villages’ have been created .

200,000pt will be given .

300 achievement points will be added .

-Great achievement! For the first time, the number of angels has increased through breeding .

400,000pt will be given .

500 achievement points will be added .

-Huge accomplishment!

The ‘Origin Seed’ has been collected for the first time . However, seeds from the Tree of Origin won’t grow into the tree . Instead, a ‘World Tree’ can be germinated from the ‘Origin Seed’ under certain conditions .

1,000,000pt will be given .

1,000 achievement points will be added .

. . . . . .

The best way to gain points was to have many achievements . In order to fulfil my ‘plan,’ I needed special achievements and special items .

I had the Origin Seed, Essence of Origin, Angel Tear and several other items that could only be bought from the Achievements Stores .

My points recovered to 30 million in just one month . This was after restoring the dungeon, building Gaparam’s workshop, investing in research and opening the crack .

And . . . I finally received word from Oswen that the device was completed .

"I will return Wrath to you . ”

"Once the crack opens, Wrath and the device will act as strong transmission equipment . ”

At first glance, Oswen’s device looked no different from Wrath . Of course, the magic power was completely different but the appearance was the same .

"The crack shouldn’t be opened for a long time . Your Majesty is obviously strong but you might become overwhelmed if numerous beings emerge . ”

"It is only for a short time . ”

“I understand . Then I will open the crack . ”

In addition to recreating Wrath’s outward appearance, there were a few more strange items . A compass, a grey Thousand Wings and Paranormal . They were the same but looked uglier . Oswen had made all of them .

Oswen put on Thousand Wings and the ring . He infused the power of Wrath into Thousand Wings .


At the same time, all types of magic power started flowing . There were flames, ice and occasionally harsh winds . It was chaos!

Light rushed and a dark passage appeared . The light was distorted by the passage .

‘It seems that is how the crack will appear . ’

I knew about it . It was similar to what I expected .

Soon the distorted passage disappeared and the crack replaced it .

“It is opened . Once the magic power is removed from Thousand Wings and the ring, the crack will disappear . ”

I placed my hand in the crack . My hand was holding the stone that Dubolong gave me .

It started to vibrate as I poured magic power into the stone .


I knew instinctively . The connection was made .

-No one should be able to contact me with this . . . who are you?

“Dubolong . It is me . "

-Me? I don’t know . How did you obtain this communication line?

Dubolong’s voice was filled with intense doubts .

"Who else would communicate with this stone other than me?”

No . It was hard to imagine that Dubolong would give it to many people .

Dubolong’s voice shook as he noticed it .

-Perhaps . . . ! No, but, it can’t be?

I said with a laugh .

“It has been a while . ”

―…… .

Dubolong couldn't answer . I could tell that he was surprised .

I waited leisurely .

I couldn’t afford to be idle due to the crack but I needed to seem ‘free’ to take control of the conversation with Dubolong .

-Y-you are really Randalph-nim?

"There is no other demon that would use that name . ”

-It is ridiculous . I checked and you were erased from the system . . .

"You can see that?”

It meant they would know when a demon died . I asked with confusion and Dubolong replied .

-Please just wait a moment . I will check . It won't take long .

"I'll be waiting . A guest happened to arrive . ”

I pulled back my hand . Once the crack was closed, it couldn’t be reopened . Dubolong could open it separately, but it would take too long . There were only two months left until the Demon World Auction .

Since I had to keep the crack open until Dubolong returned, the delay meant an ‘existence’ inevitably passed through .

“Oh my god! An ancient corrupted spirit . It seems like it has been in the crack for a few thousand years! Should I close the crack now?”

Oswen was startled as he saw the existence .

Thick hands . A dark body . Two eyes could be seen in the darkness as it floated in the air . An ancient fallen spirit . . . it should be an advanced creature . 10 such spirits appeared at once .

I shook my head .

“I will deal with it . ”

I pulled out my sword . I looked at the fallen spirits with Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword in both hands .

"I can’t move because I have to maintain the crack . Is it really okay?”

“I am enough . ”

The attribute of the spirits was darkness itself . I couldn’t use Dark Sword and would have to deal a blow with Moonlight Falling . However . . . that was only if I followed the attribute . I was different from those creatures . My transcendental attacks ignored the attributes .

The crack couldn’t be closed so I needed to take care of anything that emerged .

Kuoooooh .

The fallen spirits penetrated through the darkness . It seemed like they were aggressive .

But I was faster .


I cut one apart . The spirit was split in two .

‘It is a little annoying . ’

The fallen spirits would able to replicate themselves .

‘I need to slice them so they can’t divide . ’

Dark Sword made repairing injuries impossible, but dividing was another area . Anyway, I didn’t think much about it . I would just attack them until they couldn’t split anymore .

Starting with the ancient fallen spirits, contaminated gnomes and gastric golems appeared through the crack . Fortunately, existences similar to Contegonom didn’t show up . After buying some time, Dubolong finally contacted me .

-Really . . . you are alive . I’m really surprised .

“I won’t die . ”


The gastric golem was cut into two .

My dream was still valid . Sitting on the throne of the devil with a large smile! I wouldn’t die until I achieved that dream . I was confident that I wouldn’t die .

-The sounds around you are loud . Are you in a fight right now?

"It isn’t a big deal . ”


I burned the remnants of the gastric golem with Pride’s flames . Now everything became silent .

-Ohh, it is quiet now . By the way . . . I am wondering something . Can I hear the story of where you went?

"Unfortunately, there is no story to tell . ”

-This . . . I want to hear how to avoid the system’s eyes . I will pay a price . . .

Dubolong said urgently . Loopholes in the system would be accompanied by enormous sacrifices . The dark spirits were eager to avoid the eyes of system .

However, the Underground World was already incorporated into the system . It wasn’t a loss for me because I got a lot of rewards after connecting the Underground World to my dungeon, but it was a pity for Dubolong .

“Dubolong . Don’t you know that there is a reason why I contacted you?”

-Hmm, yes . Randalph-nim’s time is very precious . Was the reason why you contacted me separately due to the Demon World Auction?

A valid reasoning . It was true that I contacted him for access to the Demon World Auction .

But there was something else more important .

"I have an offer . ”


“Dubolong . Have you even thought about changing the auction method?”

I spoke bluntly .

Dragging things on wasn’t in my nature .

Anyway, my side was holding the key .

-It never even popped into my head . Change the auction method?

Dubolong’s voice trembled at the unexpected words . I didn’t delay .

"Add more items to the auction . The items will be obtained from the demons . ”

-In other words, you want to be able to contribute auction items?

"That’s right . The anonymity of the demons contributing to the auction should be guaranteed . ”

-That isn’t possible . There isn’t enough time and the Dark Spirit King can’t just change the fixed rules .

Was that really the case?

He could change the rules to his own benefit .

"It will cause some excitement before the auction . Please note that I will put up the Essence of Origin for auction . ”

-The Essence of Origin . . . !

The Essence of Origin . It was an item that the Dark Spirit King desired . I had asked for the Seven Sins in exchange for it .

It was an item that would allow someone to break through the limit . Although breaking it once was very difficult, it wasn’t very hard to find the next way to break the limit . That’s why Adonis desired the Essence of Origin and the grand dukes hid the way they broke through the limits in my previous life .

Now I declared that I would put it up for auction . Dubolong was silent for a moment .

Dubolong couldn’t come to a conclusion so he asked .

-Randalph-nim . I can guess what Randalph-nim is thinking . Can I ask you a question?

“You still don’t understand?”

-Isn’t that why I am asking?

Dubolong was confused .

We had a relationship so he speculated that I was going to hand over the Essence of Origin to Adonis .

But now the situation changed . I couldn’t overturn the plate without any changes .

"Adonis . He will become a participant in the auction . ”

I spoke like it wasn’t a big deal but it was an unprecedented proposal .

It would overturn the plate!

I intended to drag Adonis to the surface . He would no longer be able to watch from the position of a bystander!

– . . . Crazy . The Dark Spirit King is the head of the Demon World Auction .

"Are there any rules that he can’t participate?”

-The issue of fairness . . . I can’t decide for the Dark Spirit King .

"That isn’t your problem . ”

The final decision would depend on Adonis in the end . No matter how much Dubolong said, Adonis would decide in the end . Dubolong was closest to Adonis but he was still just an advisor .

-What reason does Randalph-nim have to change the auction method and force the Dark Spirit King to participate?

"I will also benefit . ”

How would I benefit?

Adonis would be turned from a bystander into a participant . It would instill awareness in the demons that the Dark Spirit King had started to move .

I wanted the confusion caused by that .

The Dark Spirit King could be a doubled edged variable but he was only available for me .

In addition, I could acquire more points and purchase more auction items .

The demons in the other factions would covet the items I put up for auction . They were things that weren’t available from the general store . It was because they were all from the Achievements Store .

-Hu! Okay . I will tell the Dark Spirit King . And . . . Randalph-nim’s survival is very sudden so giving you the list of auction goods in advance will be tricky .

"It doesn’t matter . "

-I understand . I will ask the Dark Spirit King for permission . Then all the demons will be told of the change in auction method . Don’t expect much .

“I’m looking forward to it . ”


The signal cut off .

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