Dungeon Hunter Chapter 142


Chapter 142

Chapter 142: A Worthy Death (1)

I didn’t drag it out .

I got rid of all restrictions . I opened my magic power and it caused a huge surge in the air around me . ‘Dominance’ started to creep into the surroundings . The creatures in the area were instinctively frightened . This was the perception of my presence .

It was similar to an area declaration . The high class 2Lv titan . Even this formidable creature took a step back . He withdrew and took a defensive attitude towards me .

The expressions of Dipella and the other demons changed . They frowned and placed a hand on their weapons . I was already moving before they could prepare their defenses .

They were completely lacking compared to the grand dukes . The reality couldn’t be ignored .

I had gained a few enlightenments in the Underground World . I had grown rapidly and . . . the rewards I got from there were at a terrifying level .

Besides, this was my Dungeon . As soon as I returned, the dungeon recognized me and started operating normally . In my dungeons, I was almost invincible .


I pushed off against the ground while gripping Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword .

I used Moonlight Falling and instantly appeared in front of Dipella and the titan .

Even if it was only a short while, I couldn’t tolerate their presence in my dungeon . I could get rid of them quickly but it was still unpleasant . It was only acceptable if they were corpses .


The titan’s lumbering body was hit by Wrath . The titan was thrown back with a loud sound . His body slumped against the dungeon wall for a while .

Keoh, keoooh .

The titan speck on the wall got up with a shake of his head . He couldn’t balance and staggered as he took one step . His spirit couldn’t wake up from the sudden attack . There was a clear hole in the part of the armour that had been hit .

“Pride . ”

I muttered . At that moment, black flames sprung up from my gloves and covered my entire body . The Wrath and Sloth skills raised and lowered my stats, but ‘Pride’ was different .

Pride’s flames . Once they hit the enemy, the flames wouldn’t stop until the opponent died . Of course, intelligence needed to be high for the skill to have this effect . . . I already had one foot in the transcendent realm .

The flames at this level couldn’t be avoided .


I stretched out my hand and Pride’s flames reached the titan .

Keooook! Keooook!

The titan was directly hit by the fire and groaned in pain . The flames penetrated the armour and spread all over the body .

"Seductive Kiss!"

Dipella took the time when I was distracted by the titan to attack me . Hundreds of mouths floated around me, unleashing a specific pheromone designed for bewitchment .

But . . . I was covered with Pride’s flames . The skill was unable to touch me .

"Twilight Whip!"

Whips emerged from the mouths and started swinging . It was a bizarre sight and annoying for me .


Wrath itself was a strong weapon, but it was overpowered with the combination of Dark Sword and Moonlight Falling . It was possible to break everything that existed in this world . There was no reason not to use the skills against Dipella .

The whips were cut off and couldn’t be used again .

Dipella watched this process and opened his mouth .

"The power of that sword . . . ! What is your relationship with Ariel Diablo!”


"Don't compare me with her . "

Ariel Diablo’s Abyss Sword and my Dark Sword were similar . However, hearing the comparison didn’t feel that good . It was something that I purchased from the Achievements Store .

All the whips around me were cut off and then I assaulted Dipella . The moonlight from Haien Moon’s sword technique shone even in the dark dungeon . The magic of the moonlight eroded away Dipella’s magic power .

Dipella was baffled . Seductive Kiss and Twilight Whip didn’t produce the results he desired . Originally it was normal to have hundreds of lips and whips . However, the ones that I cut didn’t recover .

It was due to the magic power itself being severed .

“Randalph Brigsiel . . . !”


Dipella gathered his remaining magic power into his lungs . I knew exactly what skill was being used . It was Duke Dipella’s patented skill ‘Breath of Darkness . ’


A dark cloud poured from Dipella’s mouth . It flew towards me while corroding everything it touched .

I recalled Lightning God . Electricity and Pride’s flames shot towards it . The two forces combined and collided with Breath of Darkness .


The dungeon shook . My flames smashing against Breath of Darkness caused a flare . It was only for a moment .

"This, this is ridiculous!"

How could he dream that his skill would be broken?

Breath of Darkness was eaten by my flames . It couldn’t resist and eventually gave way . In the end, Dipella was in its path .


The flames swallowed up Dipella . The flames and Lightning God wiped out Dipella without leaving a single piece behind . He evaporated like there was nothing there in the first place .

The other demons hesitated and took a step back .

"Such a thing . . . !”

“Isn’t he just an earl? That power . . . I can’t believe it . ”

The titan was blown apart and even Dipella wasn’t a match . It wasn’t easy for them to accept . The most powerful one among them, Dipella, had been defeated . . .

They realized that I was a lot different from the ‘Randalph Brigsiel’ they knew . The power I showed at the Demon World Auction was only my points and high class creature . This was the first time I demonstrated my combat capabilities directly .

It was a pity but it was impossible for me to show generosity . It was the same for any demon .

Weak people weren’t wanted . They deserved to die .


Pride’s flames burned even stronger .

Oswen and Maxium approached me while covered in blood .

“New Maxium . I have punished the enemies in the name of Your Majesty . ”

“New Oswen . It was the same for me . ”

Maxium desperately accepted my words but Oswen had strong principles . In the first place, he hated the Hell Monarch . As long as I walked a different path from the Hell Monarch, Oswen would follow me .

He let me know it . Despite having four arms cut off, I brought Oswen along because his knowledge would be a useful thing .

However, I wasn’t paying attention to Oswen and Maxium . My eyes were fixed on one point .

“Dungeon . . . Master . . . ”

Krasla .

He stared at me with one hand on his red spear . But there was no focus in his eyes . He lost his eyesight .

His injuries were serious . His health was in a state of great deterioration . In other words, his life force was being gnawed at .

It wasn’t just one or two times, but dozens of times . It was amazing that he even survived this long .


‘I’m too late . ’

In this state, he wouldn’t be able to live, even with an elixir .

"Really . . . Dungeon Master? Strange . Um . . . it seems like I can’t see . ”

“That’s right . ”

“Ah . . . ”

Krasla smiled .

He had to understand that he would die soon .

Even so, Krasla still laughed . It was a fact that I had returned .

I recalled the first time I met Krasla . He had been trapped in a cage and shortly after entering the dungeon, I had punished both him and the dark elves .

Krasla was the one who most passionately imitated a dog . His sister Chrisley became queen and his warrior’s pride was revived .

He swore his loyalty to me after Chrisley survived due to the ceremony . He followed me and was never a disappointment .

"Pleas . . . "

Krasla painfully opened his mouth . His words couldn’t come out correctly . Most of his energy had been lost . However, I knew what Krasla wanted to say .

“Krasla . You are weak . Weak and about to die . ”

My words were heartless . On the surface, I seemed to have a blasé attitude .

Krasla closed his eyes . His life would wane in a few seconds . I was sure that he would completely stop breathing in a minute .

So . . . I said what Krasla wanted to .

"I will make Chrisley stronger than anyone else . She will never die like you . ”

“Th . . . ank . . . ”


Krasla’s hands flopped down without any strength .

His heart wasn’t beating anymore . The flowing blood cooled quickly .

However, the smile on his face didn’t change . He was reassured by my words .

I had been missing for one year and eight months, yet he still blindly believed me .

“Hiing . . . sniffle!”

Yihi’s head was down as she wiped away the continuously flowing tears . Her expression showed her sincere sorrow and regret for the dead .

I was still looking down at Krasla .

He died without strength, but his death wasn’t worthless .

I had that thought and finally turned away .

"Bury his body next to the Tree of Origin . I will be checking the top floor . ”

The dead creatures were buried near the Tree of Origin .

The process didn’t last long . It was natural for creatures to die .

It was better to plan for tomorrow instead of dwelling on grief .

In order to do so, I needed to figure out the overall situation of the dungeon .

‘There is almost nothing left . ’

Curse words automatically rose .

The creatures had dried up . It was comforting that most of the major ones were well . Although many of them were injured and couldn’t move, they hadn’t lost their source of health like Krasla had .

Treatment was still possible .

‘The China and Japan dungeons . . . are safe . ’

I confirmed it through the connection to South Korea’s dungeon . They didn’t seem to be attack like the South Korean dungeon . It seemed like Pandemonium hadn’t noticed them .

I examined the status of my dungeon .

‘In order to normalize the dungeon, I’ll need to repair what it broken . ’

The most urgent problem was the breeding species . I had built them up over three years so an astronomical number of points was required for restoration .

‘I got a huge number of points after escaping the Underground World . ’

I received numerous achievements .

I realized that I hadn’t checked everything .

I decided to use this opportunity to figure out what had changed .

Points – 38,799,344

Current achievement points – 29,158

The points and achievement points were satisfactory . I would be able to make a dungeon stronger than before . In addition, the treasures of the Underground World were added to the Achievements Store . I would use the achievement points so that such a thing wouldn’t happen again .

‘Status window . ’

Soon my status window emerged in the air .

Name: Randalph BrigsielOccupationDemon Earl (Dungeon Master)Title

* Dungeon Hunter (Residual stats +1 when occupying dungeons and hunting demons)

* Indomitable Warrior (Ex U, All stats +2)

* First to Receive a Fairy’s Blessing (U, Magic Power +6)

* Origin Master (Epic, all stats +3)

* Undead (Ex U, Intelligence and Stamina +5)

* Ruler of the Underground World (Legend, all stats +5, the rating of all skills below epic grade +0 . 5)

StatsStrength85 (+20)Intelligence90 (+15)Agility80 (+20)Stamina85 (+22)Magic Power94 (+16) Potential: (434+93/550)

Remaining Stat Points: 13

Electric Power: 21GW

Uniqueness: The master of the Underground World . The Heart of the Hell Monarch has completely awakened .

Skill: Combine Everything (Ex U), Mind's Eye (Epic), Dark Sword (Epic), Divine Sword Unity (Epic, Passive), Lightning Elemental (Epic), Pride (Epic), Corruption (Ex Epic)

Skill and Item Effects: Wrath (Strength +7), Sloth (Agility +7), Pride (Stamina + 7), Divine Sword Unity (Strength and Agility +3)

[Before and After Comparison]

Strength 96 Intelligence 93 Agility 86 Stamina 85 Magic 98 Potential (412+51/500)

Strength 105 Intelligence 105 Agility 100 Stamina 107 Magic 110 Potential (434+93/550)

It was an amazing growth . All my pure stats and calibrated stats had risen significantly . Above all, my potential limit had risen by 50 . These were very tangible things .

By default, demons had a potential of 500 points . But normally, only the dukes and grand dukes managed to reach this limit . I had escaped that ‘base’ value . It meant that my limit was different from others and I had room to grow beyond 500 points .

Besides . . . if I added the calibrated stats then it already exceeded 500 .

A total of 527 stat points!

I had used the basis of 500 points as the standard for transcendence and now I had dipped a foot in that realm . I wouldn’t be lacking at all when going against the grand dukes .

My total stats were similar to the Dark Spirit King Adonis . However, I had surpassed the limits while he was still looking for a way . He was stagnant while I could continue to advance .

'A legend ranked title . ’

My eyes looked at ‘Ruler of the Underground World (Legend) . ’ Something legend ranked couldn’t be obtained just from being strong . I thought it would take at least five more years to even have a chance to obtain it .

My decisions in the Underground World were perfect . If I hadn’t gone there and broken my limits then it was unlikely that I would win this war, even with my past knowledge .

‘My skill ratings have also increased . ’

It was due to a title .

It increased the rating of all skills under epic grade by 0 . 5 .

The most gratifying thing was that Mind’s Eye became epic grade . Now a similar incident to the one with Okullos wouldn’t be repeated .

Divine Sword Unity enhanced the completeness of my sword techniques while the cutting edge of Dark Sword was sharpened . If I combined Dark Sword and Moonlight Falling with Wrath, it seemed to be able to match Ariel Diablo’s Abyss Sword .

In a true sense, I had become their opponent . No . . . I became a hunter .

A hunter that beasts crawling on the ground would have to fear .

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