Dungeon Hunter Chapter 138


Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Phantom Cavalry (2)

99 times . It was the number of times Oswen was repeatedly knocked out and then forcefully awakened . The blacksmith ego had woken up several times but had fainted from confusion .

Fortunately, it didn’t go beyond 100 times . He finally started to show a little bit of stability .

“You . . . who are you?”

"I have already told you a few times . I am Randalph Brigsiel . I don’t like repeating myself so please remember this in the future . ”

“My memories are a tangled mess . The memories of several people are mixed together . But I am the blacksmith Oswen . ”

The southern commander and everyone else were fake personalities . Oswen’s true identity was the blacksmith .

"Were you originally a doom knight?”

"Ah . . . come to think of it, my body has changed as well . Oh my god . . . the Hell Monarch . That cruel person has played with me for thousands of years . He was angry because I threw the Seven Sins into the crack . ”

The crack . The dark spirits knew how to handle cracks in space . They could pick up free goods from the crack . Then they sold the items .

Oswen turned his head .

"I remember that this is the world of the dead and Randalph is a hero in the south . But aren’t you still alive?”

"That's right . I am alive . ”

“Amazing . Those swords are somehow familiar . Wrath and the Emperor's Sword! That cloak . . . Sloth . Apart from the Emperor’s Sword, they are all items that wandered through the crack . Where did you find them?”

It was a problem . Was it okay to let him know?

The Twilight Blacksmith Oswen . I expected a lot from him . I wanted Oswen to follow me .

If I hid the Heart of the Hell Monarch from him and he learnt about it later on, things could turn bad . It would be better to inform him now .

I explained how I obtained the Heart of the Hell Monarch and the Emperor’s Sword .

Oswen’s expression changed as he listened to the story .

"Ahh, something like that . . . ”

“Do you believe it?”

"I can’t not believe it . Hah, then I guess the Hell Monarch has been destroyed . His heart belongs to Randalph . . . Maxium even mistook you as the Hell Monarch . Things are becoming interesting . ”

Oswen laughed .

He was still in a little bit of pain .

Oswen was happy since the Hell Monarch was his enemy .

“Oswen . This isn’t the time to have hazy memories . ”

This was enough explanation .

I had spent too much time finding Oswen . Now we needed to move .

"I was also the southern commander . The battle might have been lost, but don’t worry . The real power of the south isn’t at the fortress . ”


"The southern commander hid 2,000 phantom cavalry in a place that no one else knows . The phantom cavalry only responds to the Hell Monarch, but you should be able to wake them up if you have his heart . You will launch that strength and gather the remaining power of the south . Makdalli has lost one wing so victory is possible . ”

Phantom Cavalry .

It was somehow familiar .

'The phantom cavalry are troops that belong to the emperor . ’

I read the description .

I didn’t know if 2,000 phantom cavalry could resolve this situation .

However, Oswen had a confident expression .


“Follow me . We will go to wake up the phantom cavalry . ”

The weary Oswen rose from his spot .

It took three days and nights to arrive at the desired destination .

A huge mountain made of bones . It was a place where skeleton soldiers were buried .

"The southern commander created a secret place underground . The phantom cavalry are hidden there . Why?”

Oswen cocked his head with confusion . I was laughing .

"Is this your job?”

"You don't understand . I hate the Hell Monarch . On the other hand, I wanted to be the Hell Monarch when I was the southern commander . I’ve been protecting this place for a long time on behalf of the owner . ”

"There is a difference in your eyes . ”

“Yes . Most commanders won’t be like me . This state has lasted so long . . . they won’t admit that the real Hell Monarch has appeared . ”

Oswen’s words weren’t exaggerated . It was natural since he still had the memories of the southern commander .

'Was Maxium unusual?’

Maxium . He had noticed from a distance that my heart belonged to the Hell Monarch . He shook off everything on the battlefield and ran over .

On the other hand, the commanders would probably have different reactions . Emperor’s Knight . I came to the conclusion that Maxium was unusual because he was the closest to the emperor .

"Time is really unique . It can change everything . Even those with absolute loyalty will change over time . The false loyalty would be worn away . Even so, there is no change in this world . It is indeed a sad place . ”

Oswen had an increased appreciation for time .

He had finally found himself after so long . Everything changed and this was a far cry from his original appearance so . . . overall, there was a feeling of sadness .

"What do the commanders want? The Hell Monarch has stopped this world . As a blacksmith, I don’t know why they are so obsessed with God . ”

"Maybe they want to escape the fate of guardians . ”

"Certainly, they guard the Middle World from the Demon World . The emperor is not the emperor . That is why he was called the Shadow Emperor . He became crazy in the later years and became known as the Hell Monarch . But his destiny . . . ”

Oswen smiled sadly and continued talking .

"It is really funny . His cursed destiny became twisted with another person’s . If the Seven Sins had entered his hands then the worlds would have ended . ”

"Weren’t you the one who made the Seven Sins?”

"I created them . I used the ‘God’s Metal’ that the Hell Monarch brought me . I was engrossed in the work . However, the finished goods were beyond my scope of understanding . I collected the Seven Sins and abandoned them in a crack, where the dark spirits ended up picking them up . ”

There was a bittersweet expression on his face .

He had gone through all that work, and the result wasn’t what he expected .

"What will happen if I collect all of the Seven Sins?”

Gathering three had given him the skill ‘Corruption . ’ I couldn’t help wondering what the effect of putting together all Seven Sins would be .

“I don’t know . That only thing I’m certain of is that the one who wears them can cause unprecedented destruction . Therefore . . . I will help you, but don’t gather any more of the Seven Sins . ”


“I’ll think about it . ”

The one who wore them would cause destruction . But the Seven Sins weren’t made accidentally . The Hell Monarch had intended to wear them .

'I don’t intend to become the Hell Monarch . ’

My goal was to go beyond that . The Hell Monarch was in a lower category .

From the beginning, it was impossible to be the Hell Monarch .

“Come this way . The phantom cavalry are inside . ”

There seemed to be no end in sight to the tomb of bones . Oswen stopped and cleared the bones off one part of the floor .

After the dust was wiped away, stones with strange patterns on them were revealed .


Oswen drew the pattern on his ribs . It was a bizarre sight . I jokingly spoke while watching Oswen .

"I guess it doesn’t hurt for an undead . ”

"My ribs are reacting to the magic power in the seal . ”

"You examined it once . Hmm . . . make sure you remember everything . ”

The glyphs on the ribs . They soon shone with light! The floor opened with a loud sound .

“Ah! This feels like a dream . This memory is real . ”

"Is now the time to be talking?”

“Hmm hmm, I’m sorry . Let’s go . ”

Oswen stopped fussing over his memories and started guiding me .

A spacious underground . A gigantic temple could be seen at the end .

The inside of the temple .

The skulls of 2,000 cavalry were lined up there . An ambient light was coming from the bones . They were self-illuminating . They even had expressions .

"The key is the Emperor’s Sword . Drip blood on the sword and order them . ”

It wasn’t a difficult procedure .

I used the Emperor’s Sword to cut my index finger . Once blood flowed onto the sword, I slowly opened my mouth .

“Wake up . ”


The ground convulsed .


The wind made a moaning sound .

Light shone and the ghost cavalry started appearing .

Cheok! Cheok!

They lined up and bowed . I couldn’t help but raise my head higher at the majestic sight .

"Brilliant . "

There were 2,000 phantom cavalry .

All of them would follow me .

After all of the phantom cavalry showed up, Oswen approached me .

"I don’t remember seeing them move but it really is a great army . They are the best power that the Hell Monarch hid . ”

He was full of admiration .

I looked ahead and said .

"The main fortress isn’t the only stronghold in the south . Other forts exist . We will go there . ”

"A good plan . Makdalli should have eaten everything by now . I know the locations so moving there won’t be difficult . If we capture other forts, our survival will be announced and the remaining power of the south will gather . . . ”

“Where is the nearest fort?”

"Two days’ running in the northwest direction . ”

“Then let’s go . ”

We rode on horses .

Two thousand phantom cavalry followed behind me .

Makdalli’s 3rd subordinate, Charung . He was a lich who captured one of the southern forts and raised the morale of the soldiers .

He drank from a branch of Jellim while climbing the walls .

‘Makdalli-nim will become the supreme commander . ’

A commander hadn’t returned to the earth in hundreds of years . But this time, the southern commander was removed . The wind was starting to blow and it was apparent that Makdalli would become the supreme commander .

‘Apart from the Cruel Commander Maxium, the other commanders are no match for Makdalli-nim . ’

Charung also felt good about following him .

He was currently 3rd ranked and imagined getting a higher position .

Opening the emperor’s treasure trove . . . he dreamed about receiving a significant portion of the treasure and becoming stronger .


He noticed it while strolling the walls and receiving the greetings of the soldiers .

Numerous lights could be seen in the distance .

'Is there something there?’

He raised his eyesight . He focused and could figure out the identities of the lights .

“ . . . Attack! Regroup!”

2,000 soldiers on horseback were storming towards the fort .

The charging power of the phantom cavalry was unimaginable . The particularly huge phantom cavalry aimed at the gates .

Kwa ru ru rung!

The gates at the entrance were split apart . The phantom cavalry entered .

The massacre began .

There was no need for words .

‘I like it . ’

It was simple and ignorant, but I didn’t dislike this way of fighting .

I gazed around and found the lich on the walls . I quickly realized that he was the captain of this place .

"Who are you?"

The lich asked .

I took out Wrath .

"The Hero of the South . ”

Thousands of soldiers were wiped out by the phantom cavalry . I engaged in battle with the 3rd subordinate Charung and won . I received help from Pride, but my pure strength was also above his level .

Of course, there was some damage . 300 phantom cavalry returned to the earth . Nevertheless, this was a clear victory .

After enjoying the afterglow of the victory, Oswen said .

“Spread the rumour . The southern commander and the hero of the south have arrived to reverse the situation . ”

"There is no time . As soon as the forts are stabilized, we will run towards Makdalli . ”

"I’m not sure if we should recklessly run towards Makdalli . I will send troops to check his place of power . ”

"Proceed as quickly as possible . ”

Oswen moved to the side .

I was aiming for Makdalli but this was a war . It was hard to see future aspects of a war . I didn’t want to be stupid enough to move too late .

‘Jeff, Torium . ’

I stood on the walls and looked at the distant horizon .

Spread rumours .

I am alive, so come here .

One month .

In the meantime, I gathered up warriors .

It was spread through the south and Oswen’s followers came .

There were numerous occasions when I moved against Makdalli’s forces . They were brutally defeated every time .

In addition . . . rumours about the phantom cavalry spread around the entire Underground World .

Therefore, I decided to reveal myself .

I stopped hiding the Heart of the Hell Monarch and the Emperor’s Sword .

The return of the Hell Monarch . Such rumours spread so the morale of the enemy was at the worst point .

“You . . . are not the Hell Monarch!”

Makdalli didn’t acknowledge it even in the end .

He had high self-esteem as a commander . In his heart, he was already the Hell Monarch . He didn’t trust my sudden appearance .

In contrast, Makdalli’s eyes were full of fear .

There was no choice . I had the Emperor’s Sword, the Heart of the Hell Monarch and the phantom cavalry . Makdalli ran a long way just to be punished .

No matter how frustrating, he couldn’t deny it .

"That's right . I am not the Hell Monarch . ”

I had no intention of denying it .

I was Randalph Brigsiel . Not the Hell Monarch .

I raised Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword .

Makdalli returned to the earth with a scream and . . . the southern war finally came to an end .

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