Dungeon Hunter Chapter 129


Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Corruption (2)


I was suddenly tired after handling Okullos .

It was hard to keep my balance . Chrisley, who was blocking Gigantes, quickly rushed towards me .


I stopped Chrisley’s hands .

Was this a side effect of Corruption?

I didn’t trust anyone . I was even hostile towards Chrisley . It was an instinctive aversion . I felt like I was the only one who should exist .

“My Dungeon Master, are you okay?”

Chrisley asked in an anxious tone .

I turned my head towards Contegonom . It wasn’t the end after handling Okullos . I needed to take care of that guy to be successful .

"How about the movements of the other demons?”

“ . . . It seems like they are almost here . Okullos’ death didn’t stop them . "

The demons in Okullos’ faction .

I thought they would stop once he died . It seemed like they were performing his last command or there were other reasons .

This was dangerous . I didn’t know if I could be controlled, but a vast majority of the creatures here could be victims . They were the foundation of my strength . I had worked hard to build them up in the past three years .

No, I would rather kill them than have them controlled . Anyway, I alone was sufficient . Yes, alone . . .


I shook my head . My mental state wasn’t normal . At this rate, it was likely that my allies would be slaughtered by my own hands . It was becoming harder to resist .

“Get out . ”


“I will deal with Contegonom . Immediately leave the dungeon . ”

"I can't do that . "

“You will just become obstacles . The creatures will be confused from Okullos’ death so now is the perfect time . ”

“My Dungeon Master!”

“Chrisley . Do you want me to risk myself saving you? You will just be in the way!”


I spread my wings .

Chrisley looked up at me .

She formed tight fists as she tried to be patient . Chrisley then breathed deeply, relaxed her hands and bowed .

“ . . . I will protect this place until My Dungeon Master comes out . ”

“Chrisley . . . !”

"If Dungeon Master dies then don’t you know that I will die as well? Please don’t say such words . ”

A large crow flew away with Krasla and the others .

I had ordered them to escape . Krasla had hesitated but decided to retreat after seeing Chrisley’s decisive attitude .

Fortunately, I was able to maintain my spirit until then .

However, I felt my mental state take a nosedive after they left .


My vision darkened . It felt like all my emotions had been worn away until there was only one remaining . A murderous intent!

I was like a wild beast looking for food . Saliva dripped from my mouth . My eyes turned red . I started to rip into the creatures nearest to me .



They were torn apart like pieces of paper . I grabbed both shoulders and ripped a creature apart . My body was splattered with blood . These actions were repeated so many times that my black skin was completely obscured by the red blood .

I dug out their eyes and bit their necks . In order to quench my thirst, fangs broke the skin and started to suck out blood .



This place was like hell . I was recreating a nightmare here .

"You . . . what are you?”

Contegonom .

The shadow of nothingness . In the past, he was the yeti king, and now he was just ugly . It was a nightmare but more importantly, I realized how strong he was .


My instincts were telling me to relieve my thirst with a stronger opponent .

He didn’t have a hair out of place even when dealing with Mago . Rather, he was driving Mago to the edge of a cliff . If I left it alone then she would be defeated .

Contegonom was confident . They were just mortals after all . Once dead, their bodies would just become his subordinates . On the other hand, he was immortal and not bound by death . This was a screenplay he organized in the first place . Considering that . . . it was understandable that he was confident .

Now . . . it was the first time there was surprise on Contegonom’s face .

“You are directly opposing nothingness . You don’t feel like a god, yet you are trampling on everything! I will have your flesh . ”

In any case, this was the first time .

He had thought of my body as just a facade . His prejudice had been broken .

He felt astonished and greedy at the same time .

He stared at me . It was like discovering an artist with great artworks .

"I will take you . Once nothingness obtains that flesh, I will become a true god!”

Contegonom burst out with excitement . The creatures retreated as they felt his presence . A huge circle was created with Contegonom and I in the centre .

I opened my wings .

My body was my own and I had no intention of handing it over to anyone else . That was a vain desire . Okullos had also died with his dream unfulfilled .

Indeed . Both of them were a little similar . Those similar tendencies were probably why the shadow was summoned in the first place .

‘Delicious . ’

Of course, I wasn’t thirsty for Contegonom . I looked at Contegonom and licked my lips . It wasn’t thirst but a desire to eat him up .

I was a hunter . . . he was the prey . A seasoned hunter would win over their prey .

"Give me your body!”

The shadow fluctuated . It spread out and pressured me from the front . The attribute of my magic power was once again altered .


Light shot out from the horns .

The replacement attribute was surprisingly ‘light . ’ It was a little different but had properties similar to holy power .

The light revealed the shadow . The shadow rushing towards me flinched back from the light .

"Aren’t you a demon? Why can you use that?”

Contegonom was once again shocked .


However, there was still the aftermath . It burned through my flesh . Rapid magic power conversion . The magic power was opposite to my attribute so it burned my body from the inside .


However, I didn’t stop . Light kept pouring out . Contegonom urgently recalled the shadow .

“You . . . !”


The recalled shadow gradually joined together to form one big sword . His ugly flesh was revealed but he was started to use his real capabilities .

The light attribute no longer worked on the shadow . I changed the magic power once again . This time, it was ‘chaos . ’ The patented attribute of Ariel Diablo . Her Abyss Sword used the power of chaos . It filled my entire body .


The smell of burning became even more intense . If this situation continued then I would destroy myself, but I didn’t mind at all .

Right now, the important thing to me was eating . And I was definitely going to eat .


I rushed towards his neck . Contegonom welcomed me with the shadow sword . . . a wave of magic power swept out from the intense clash .


Neither of us backed down . Explosive power built up from the clash of nails and sword .


"I am greedier!”

Contegonom gave an ugly laugh . His terrible appearance was hidden by the shadow, but he wanted a new body . He was pleased at the thought of winning and obtaining new flesh .

He just needed to drag out the time . It seemed like I wouldn’t be able to maintain this state for much longer . It felt like my health was dropping . My rationality was already completely gone, so Contegonom became more relaxed .


Kwang! Kwang!

His hands randomly moved during the confrontation . Every time that happened, blasts of chaos magic power and shadows would explode . Due to that, hundreds of the surrounding creatures died .

The creatures in the circle watching the confrontation started to escape . It was even difficult for the advanced creatures to endure .

The confrontation between the two even burned away at the dungeon . The magic power couldn’t sustain the floor any longer and it started to collapse .


“My Dungeon Master . . . !”

Chrisley came out from a gap in some rocks but it was too late . The space was completely divided in two .

“Give up and hand me your body!”

A long time had passed since the start of the confrontation with Contegonom . It was almost the end .

My nails were broken but I fought even more ferociously with my teeth . Contegonom wasn’t safe either . His neck had been half torn off and pus was leaking . He needed to quickly change bodies or it would become dangerous .

It was at that moment .

“Yihihi . The pretty and cute Yihi is back, Master!”


Yihi appeared with a loud sound .

She wore a gold crown and carried a shield and shining sword that was like a toothpick .

Yihi shook her head and looked around .

“Huh? Who are you?"

Yihi didn’t notice that my appearance had changed as she looked at both of us .

"Who are you again? Where is Yihi’s Master? Didn’t Master come to this place? Strange . ”

Yihi tapped a finger against her lips as she blinked .

She soon seemed to realize something as she pointed towards Contegonom .

"I feel that you are rather strange . It makes sense that your face is ugly . Yihi is annoyed . As a fairy knight, Yihi can recognize a bad guy . So you are a bad person!”

Yihi raised her shield . Then a bright straight line stretched out from the jewels in the shield .

Contegonom was dumbfounded . It was neck and neck . No, he was slowly grabbing the upper hand . My movements had been getting dull . He was certain of his ‘victory’ after a few more hits .

In the meantime, a fairy he had never seen before had intruded . He wanted to ignore her but . . . light started pouring out from the jeweled shield .

And that feeling was correct .


It wasn’t a great blow . But it was enough to slow him down for a little bit .

A small gap . The opponent flew through the gap and used his teeth .




The subsequent scene was terrible . Contegonom’s body was devastated by teeth . The winner didn’t even enjoy the feeling and just settled down to feast .

Eat . Eat and eat again . That was his only action .


Yihi lost her spirit at the odd sight . She had goose bumps all over her body .

She turned away from Contegonom’s body being devoured by a demon with grey wings . His eyes gazed at Yihi after he finished .

"Y-Yihi isn’t tasty . . . ”

Yihi grasped her sword and shield but there was an elusive feeling .

She felt like she had seen the face before, despite it looking quite different . She checked the blessing but there was no signs of a connection to Master .

What to do?

Meanwhile, the gray wings flapped as he headed towards Yihi .

Yihi closed her eyes tightly and cried out .



The crown shone .

This was the first time Yihi was using it, but the ability of the crown was very unusual .

She had a clear idea about the effect .

Yihi was reminded of the moment she met the Pink Queen .

The Mushroom Kingdom . The Cookie Kingdom .

The gold crown and jeweled shield were treasures of the two kingdom .

She wore the treasures and went to meet the queen .

She fought and lost . The Pink Queen laughed while Yihi was crying with vexation .

"Oh, how fun!”

As it turned out, the Pink Queen was a fairy knight . She had been waiting 20,000 years for a successor to appear . Due to her boredom, she plotted this drama .

She also apologized to the mushrooms and cookies . Yihi wept with pouting lips . The really bad fairy knight opened her mouth and said .

“That will be enough . You are called Yihi? You have a very nice mentality . I will pass the succession rights to you . Although it has already happened . ”

The crown, shield and sword . Those three items were tokens of a fairy knight .

"The sword can pierce through evil, the shield can reveal it and the crown . . . it returns evil to its original place . In particular, the crown is dangerous and should only be used when needed . Use these three powers well . ”

"Then Yihi can go back?”

“Yes! Where do you want to go? Think of the place where you want to go . I will take you there . ”

“I want to go to Master’s side!”

“Huh? You are already serving someone? Awesome, awesome . I understand . Think about him closely . His features are required for something like this . ”

"Master has two, no three big weapons and is unbelievably handsome . I was bad a little while ago, yihihi . He still took care of Yihi . ”

"Uh . . . well, I understand . Now, are you ready to go to your master?”

“Yes . Goodbye, Fairy Knight-nim!”


The power of the crown returned evil to its original place .

Yihi calculated that it wouldn’t work on Master . Master was sometimes nasty but Yihi never considered him as evil .

And the power of the crown sent the evil being away .

“Ah! He really wasn’t Master . ”

Yihi neatly cleared the threat of the existence with grey wings . Only the remnants of the shadow remained .

"By the way, where is this place? Fairy Knight-nim sent Yihi to a strange place . "

She looked around . There was a large pile of stacked rocks .

It was at that moment .

Chrisley emerged from a small gap in the rocks .

“My Dungeon Master . . . !”

Her fingernails were all broken and she had dried blood on her . It was from digging her way out of the rocks .



"Why are you here?”

Chrisley looked around anxiously instead of replying .

“Dungeon Master . . . did you see him? He was just here . ”

Yihi shook her head .

“No . Master isn’t here . There were only two ugly things . ”

“T-that is impossible . Although his appearance had changed, he has grey wings . ”

Yihi’s eyes widened at Chrisley’s words .

“ . . . Eh?”

"What's wrong?"

"Yihi did something bad . ”

"Then where . . . ?”

The crown returned evil to its original place . The place where Master was born and grew up in .

“ . . . The Demon World?”


“I-it is serious! Yihi did something wrong again!”

Yihi lamented with an upset face .

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