Dungeon Hunter Chapter 128


Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Corruption (1)

-Are you sure you want to use Corruption (Ex Epic)?

This was the first time it had asked me again . However, my decision didn’t change .

I would use it . I slowly opened my mouth .

-This is the final warning . Corruption . . .



Okullos’ clone aimed for this gap . It became nervous at my shout .

-The demon ‘Randalph Brigsiel’ has used the skill Corruption (Ex Epic) .

You have temporarily gone beyond the protective limits of the system . The lock has been released .

Until the effect of Corruption ends, you can’t use all the features of the system .

Be careful . Demons outside the ‘protection’ won’t be free of surveillance from heaven .

-Be careful .

Be care . . .

The message windows continuously rose . There were many warning messages . There was no way of knowing what going beyond the protection of the system meant .

However, I began to change as soon as Corruption was used . It felt like something was breaking through a blockage .

My body trembled . Two horns appeared on my forehead and enormous wings popped out from my back . I grew fur like an animal and my nails became longer . My fair skin was stained black . Strange tattoos were carved on my body . They looked like glowing wounds .

And . . . Infinity Armour was transformed . A dark magic power . It was absorbed and changed the look of the armour . The armour and helmet changed so that they didn’t cover the wings and horns .

Usually a message window would appear now, but nothing rose .

‘I am out of the system . ’

I also couldn’t check my status window . I realized that I was now out of the system .

I looked around slowly .

My presence alone overwhelmed everything around me . Okullos’ clone showed no more signs of attacking me . Even Contegonom and Mago were looking at me .

"I feel strange . ”

That’s right . It was really strange . I couldn’t explain this feeling .

The movement of the wings seemed natural . The changes didn’t feel awkward at all . It was like I had found my true self .


At the same time, I received a great enlightenment .

“…This is a true demon . ”


It was electrifying .

Every demon had questioned it at least once . Why didn’t demons have wings like angels?

The demons looked too similar to humans . Sometimes demons would have horns like Ariel Diablo, but those were rare cases of blood and magic power mixing .

So demons hated humans in particular . It was because their appearances were too similar . There were strict differences in power but not appearances . They didn’t want to admit it . That’s why the demons rejected everything to do with humans . They hated even looking at them .

Now . . . I think I knew the answer .

I was a true demon at the moment . The demons lost their horns and wings for some reason, becoming human-like in appearance . Due to Corruption, I managed to remove those constraints .

‘This corruption isn’t corruption . ’

Unlimited magic power . It was confidence that I could dominate everything .

I was definitely not a fallen being .

"The original appearance of the demons? That is nonsense, Randalph Brigsiel!”

Okullos gritted his teeth . His relaxation had disappeared . There was infinite hatred in the eyes that looked at me .

"Why are you so excited? I don’t care if you dismiss it as nonsense . ”

I wasn’t trying to convince him that this was ‘real . ’

Okullos couldn’t accept it . He was staring at me with hate, but there was also envy mixed in .

He knew . Thanks to Naturalization, he instinctively knew that my current form was the origin of demons .

He felt like he had been deprived . No matter his mental state, he was still a grand duke . He hadn’t lost his pride as a demon . It was natural for him to think it was unfair and to become angry .

“You . . . broke the taboo!”

"Okullos, you are the one who broke the taboo, not me . ”

“That appearance . Alternatively . . . you are using some type of trick . Evolution? You have crossed the line and truly accomplished evolution!”


Okullos .

He was hung up on evolution .

I knew about it . Just a moment ago, I sensed Okullos’ true nature . This wasn’t his real character . A need to change . . . shortly after, he came up with the possibility of ‘evolution’ and crossing the line .

I developed so rapidly that it wasn’t strange he mistook it for evolution .

Soul assimilation, demon predator, maybe . . . little by little, he realized he had gone down the wrong path . Therefore he summoned the shadow for ‘answers . ’ Things fell into place .

“How pathetic . ”

My perception about Okullos changed .

He was just a maniac . It wasn’t insanity . There was no luck and he told a mocking story at the Demon World Auction . But there was a misunderstanding . He struggled to find a ‘source . ’

It seemed to have transitioned into an ego trip . He started to crave evil and war .

I had felt sympathetic because I still thought of his past self . Even though I didn’t like the grand dukes, I still felt some respect towards them .

In my previous life, he hadn’t left a distinct impression . He obtained the first world tree . He showed no motivation and even seemed to neglect becoming the devil .

I was the turning point in his attitude . Due to the potential I showed, Okullos took a completely different route from the one he took in my previous life . Okullos was correct to be suspicious about me .

In my previous life, I had never shown this power .

“What is with those eyes? Put them away . Or else I will take them by force . I will completely erase you from this world!”

"Your journey is over, Okullos . ”

It was a long journey .

Okullos was tiresome . This was his limit . His desire was getting out of hand . Before that happened, I would help him find peace .

Okullos’ worries would be eased . I would settle this once and for all .

"Shut up!"

Okullos shouted and moved . He ignored Lightning God and his clones . It was indeed a desperate struggle . He was doing everything possible to kill me .

However, I had regained my true nature so he couldn’t reach me .

Huoong .

I flapped my wings . I seemed to know what to do from now on .

The two horns on my forehead were a source of magic power . Different magic power attributes could be substituted .

Once the magic power swept out from the horns, it was changed to ‘moonlight magic power . ’

Haien Moon . Now it was possible to use 99% of the sword technique .


Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword moved brilliantly . The movements weren't just to mislead the enemy . Moonlight Falling became stronger the more I used it .

"My eyes can pierce through the world! Why can’t I read your movements?”

Okullos had the skill ‘Eyes of the World (Epic) . ’ It was a skill that managed to grasp and reflect back Mind’s Eye .

But . . . this time?


One clone was removed . He tried to partially strengthen the clone but it was no use . My wings touched a crumbling clone . The clone was melted by the magic power contained in my wings .

"I can’t read it . . . !”

Okullos bit his lips .

“Okullos . It is unfortunate but you don’t know everything about me . ”

This could sometimes cause failure . There were many cases .

Okullos also knew this, making him unhappy .

"Shut up!!”

Okullos recalled the one remaining clone . Soon, many large trees emerged from its body .

The momentum seemed like it would consume the entire floor of the dungeon, as the branches and roots moved like whips .

Kwang! Kwang! Kwakwang!

It couldn’t be blocked .

I spread my wings wide .

I flew above the tens of thousands of branches . It would have been impossible in the past, but now I had wings .

I flapped my wings and floated in the air . My speed was faster than the whips and I soon reached Okullos’ heart .

“Now . . . rest in peace . ”


I stabbed his heart with Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword .

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