Dungeon Hunter Chapter 126


Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Shadow of Nothingness, Contegonom (1)

After going through Peru, we safely made it to the dungeon in Brazil . It was just as horrible as Peru .

“Dungeon Master . I, Krasla have come to greet you . ”

Krasla and several dark elves approached . They had covered themselves in dirt and straw to monitor Okullos’ dungeon .

“Are there any noticeable movements?”

Krasla briefly hesitated at the question before replying .

“That . . . it was only for a fraction of a second, but there was a huge surge of magic power inside the dungeon . It disappeared instantly so I thought I was mistaken . At the same time, the movements of the creatures reduced . ”

It clearly had a negative impact on the creatures in the dungeon .

My eyebrows rose .

‘The summoning was successful . ’

I had no clue at all about what was summoned . And without any hints, I was bound to feel some fear . Despite the information from my previous life, I was now moving in complete ignorance .

"Good job . ”

However, I didn’t hold back on my praise . Krasla and the dark elves had suffered without sleeping for the last fortnight .

"Thank you!"

I ignored their bows and took out Wrath and the Emperor’s Sword .

The dungeon was close enough for them to notice me . If Okullos felt danger then it was highly likely that the creatures and demons would start moving .

I was already committed to destroying the enemy . I had a clear goal and objectives . There was nothing else to say .

Chrisley, Krasla and Tashmal . . . all the preparations were finished .

Yes, words weren’t necessary . The only thing left was speed!

"Let's go . "

I ran towards the dungeon .

Giant ants emerged from the ground . They were the lowest grade ‘war ants . ’ They weren’t anything to worry about on their own, but hundreds of thousands gathered together were a lot stronger .

It was normal to be careful, even if they were lower grade creatures . But I needed to act quickly . Someone might have ordered them to buy some time . Rushing so recklessly . . . it was different from the creatures’ normal behaviour .

"Griffin . ”


Despite suffering a serious injury against Infinite Flesh, the griffin had completely recovered . Dust shot up as Fire and Lightning (Epic) hit the ground .

Kwa ru ru rung!

It was utterly amazing . A whole bunch of war ants immediately melted .

Despite their numbers, they were only lowest grade creatures . They were no match for the griffin .


The ants were destroyed without even a trace left behind . The Kur clan hunted the few remaining war ants .

The time that it took? Less than five minutes . They completely finished it . The enemy was wiped out and we moved on straight away .

Krasla had figured out the path in advance so it was easy to move up . But I didn’t see any more war ants until the 5th floor .

‘Ant cave . ’

Okullos’ dungeon was an ant cave .

All his creatures were ants .

The 6th floor .

It was the first time there was a change .

A storage for eggs . There were tens of thousands of ant eggs . Guardian ants were beside the entrance . Low grade 3Lv creatures . They were larger than normal war ants and had much sharper mandibles . Their speed and power couldn’t be ignored .

"Burn it . ”

The guardian ants were low grade creatures .

Destroying the eggs storage wasn’t a problem .

The dungeon was wider than it seemed, so even using the griffin’s Fire and Lightning skill would take a long time .

However, I also had three fire golems . In this situation, there was no need to keep them back from burning the eggs storage .

The fire golems ignored the guardian ants, despite the assault from the sharp mandibles . It reached the climax .

Kung! Kuuong!

After receiving my command, the fire golems only moved for the goal . The ground shook every time their heavy bodies moved .


Flames shot out from the fire golems’ hands . The eggs storage couldn’t survive the firepower . The guardian ants rushed at the fire golems but were just melted down . It was impossible for them to attack .

It was easy . There was nothing hidden . At this rate, it wouldn’t be too difficult to reach the top floor .

I was slowly climbing up the dungeon .

‘Isn’t it time that he noticed?’

More than 5,000 creatures entered . There was plenty of time for the owner of the dungeon to notice . But there were no movements .

Was he encouraging me to come? Or he was confident that I wouldn’t be able to rise .

Whatever the reason . . . I couldn’t relax .

I couldn’t know the truth about Okullos, but that wasn’t necessarily bad for me .

The 11th floor .

Intermediate level creatures emerged .

The gigantic ants were intermediate 3Lv creatures . Their whole body was covered with specific, hard materials that looked like armour, making the ants quite tricky . Furthermore, they spat out chemical ingredients from their mouth like human machine guns .


Kwang! Kwang!

There was a loud sound . Over 100 gigantic ants were heading towards the entrance . The advanced golems’ forward movement was stopped .

The chemicals emitted by the gigantic ants were damaging to them . There would be an explosion from the chemicals and it would penetrate towards the nervous system .

The ‘flame resistant’ griffin also moved forward . Its skill was used efficiently . The only problem was that the griffin couldn’t discharge it that often .

“Naga queen . ”


With the tail of a snake and the upper body of a beautiful woman, she was a strong powerhouse among the advanced 5Lv creatures . The naga queen moved along the walls and floors quickly . Her sharp teeth and potent poison melted away the armour of the gigantic ants .


The naga queen breathed out purple smoke towards the gigantic ants in front of her .

The fog spread out . It was the skill ‘Poison Spray (Ex U) . ’

The purple fog touched the gigantic ants and melted them down . Their solid armour and powerful weapons were useless in front of the naga queen .

This battle also reached its climax .

‘Now I just need to hunt the queen . ’

I had encountered war ants, guardian ants and gigantic ants . Their presence meant there would be a queen ant .

As I approached the end of the ant cave . . . Okullos’ preparations were like what I expected .

Ant queen! An ant the size of a golem screamed .


The strident sound echoed .

The queen ant was in a miserable state . All her legs were mutilated and her body was covered with mysterious wounds .


White roared from his position on top of the queen ant’s torso . It was a roar of victory .

The end of combat was announced by White biting the neck of the ant queen . Despite the dozens of saber tigers that died, this was a great success .

'The queen ant can be left to die . My points will be wasted if I don’t move . ’

There were no traces of Okullos’ movements . I couldn’t tell that a magic circle had been carved . Immediately after the magic circle was activated, there was a surge of magic power intense enough for ordinary humans to feel it . There were no signs that anything like that had happened .

Even if Okullos wasn’t here, the fairy should have come out to reject me . It was like he just placed a number of creatures to resist .

'The damage is small . At most, there were 200 hundred intermediate creatures . The real bonus will be cutting that guy’s head off . ’

I turned and looked at Chrisley .

"Have you received contact from the other dark elves?”

"No, My Dungeon Master . ”

"That means the other demons aren’t moving . ”

I wasn’t only watching Okullos . Dark elves were sent to the dungeons of other demons in his faction . I gave them crystal balls so they could report back .

There was no contact, so that meant the demons weren’t moving .

Therefore, I only needed to pay attention to Okullos .

"Then . . . ”

Movement . There was movement while I was speaking .


A rough wind blew .


The dying queen ant made frantic sounds . Then the body of the queen ant disappeared in the blink of an eye .

There were no signs of it . There was only the wind blowing .

"This power . . . !”

Tashmal’s wings spread wide open and she activated the skill Barrage of Dark Spears (Epic) . The spears rushed through the dungeon .

Kwang! Kwarurung! Kwakwang!

An explosion took place and I could finally see it .

‘Shadow . ’

A shadow . A very large shadow could be seen on the outer wall of the dungeon .

Tashmal shouted loudly in dismay .



I didn’t know what it was but Tashmal seemed shocked . In addition, she was nervous about the shadow .

"Your presence shouldn’t be here! Return! This isn’t the place for you!”

-Return? I’m not much different from the original natives of this place .

It spoke in an annoyed, bass-like voice .

However, Tashmal had a tough attitude .

“Nothingness can’t be called a native! You’re not a god! You are just an ungrateful presence that tried to eat God!”

It was difficult to follow the story . In the first place, I had no idea what Nothingness was . This was the first time I had seen the overwhelming presence that was the shadow . It seemed to have existed for a long time .

It felt like the first time I had encountered a grand duke in the Demon World . The shadow wasn’t an easy opponent . A powerhouse .

-I’m not a God? I’ve heard that for 10 million years . I am the truest God that exists . A fallen angel shouldn’t speak on this topic .

"I still have all the memories from my past lives . You are a god? My god is real! I can’t stand any corrupted existences impersonating God!”


The wind grew stronger .

Many dark spears floated around Tashmal .

-I . . . am Contegonom! I am the true god! The other one is just a fake! You damn fallen angel!

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