Dungeon Hunter Chapter 122


Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Yihi’s Bizarre Adventure (1)

I was born on the battlefield . I spent decades on the battlefield .

The survival rate on the battlefield was less than 1% . Even when all the people I could consider as allies died, I managed to survive .

Therefore . . . I was familiar with torture .

“Please . . . ”

Azumun was in such a crushed state that it was difficult for him to speak . He had been stripped and his guts were hanging out . His ears and nose had been cut off . Both eyes? They had completely disappeared . The feet were tortured and Lightning God constantly burned the flesh .

There was a simple reason why he hadn’t died yet . The high class potion made by grinding the leaves of the Tree of Origin . There was no way I would let him die so easily .

“Azumun . Your god has no power now . ”

"Kill . . . me . . . ”

It had already been 10 hours of torture . I had done everything I could do, and Azumun’s mind had collapsed . Okullos’ power would also be reduced .

‘This is enough . ’

The pain I could inflict had reached its limit .


I swung Wrath towards his head .

Instant death . Azumun’s body twitched once as he died . However, I had no intention of letting Azumun go comfortably .

I turned my head and spoke to the lich that followed me .

“Lich . Take the head filled with magic power . This will give you a good source of magic power . ”

“Un-derstood . ” (The lich has a habit of pausing when talking)

In other words, Azumun would be used to make a staff . His body would receive eternal suffering . I was curious about what Okullos’ expression would be if I showed it to him .

Kuoooh .

At that moment, a crack began to open . The items purchased from the auction started showing up one by one .

'I guess it comes to the dungeon that I am near . ’

Originally I received everything in the South Korean dungeon . But right now, I was in the dungeon in China . The dungeon that the goods were transferred to seemed to depend on my location .

"We are the Kur warrior clan . Where is our master?”

A loud voice rang out in the dungeon .

A bipedal species with the legs of a horse, torso of a bull and head of a human, the Kur warriors were the first ones to show up .

The leader saw me standing before Azumun’s body and laughed .

“Torture! The Kur warriors are also very fond of torture!”

“Noisy . ”

My spirit was still a little sharp from the torture . The Kur leader frowned slightly before bowing his head .


"Master, I'm sorry! This is the normal voice for the Kur clan!”

I didn’t know because they had been quiet at the auction . They were compliant when purchased, so quite a few could have defects .

The Kur warrior clan consisted of 100 people . Each one was equivalent to an intermediate 5Lv creature . There were some advanced level warriors mixed in so I didn’t hesitate to purchase them .

'Well, it is okay as long as they enjoy fighting . ’

I would pay attention to them . As long as they followed commands well, I would let something small like this go .


My attention turned away from the Kur clan .

100 infernos had shown up through the crack .

The fire horse inferno . They weren’t herbivores . They ate monsters like goblins, orcs and even trolls . There were 100 of them . However, I didn’t purchase them simply to increase my numbers .

"I heard that the Kur warriors can ride horses, so your combat capabilities should greatly rise . ”

"That's right! We can hunt twin head ogres when riding an inferno!”

I nodded . I heard that the Kur clan lived in remote areas . Everyone said about them, ‘a species that becomes much stronger when riding a good horse . ’ There was a legend that a Kur warrior riding a pegasus managed to hunt a hydra alone . In other words, the Kur clan were a horseback riding species .

‘Excellent . ’

There was no doubt that they would play a large role when hitting Okullos’ dungeon .

The next item to appear through the crack was the lich Gaparam .

"Uhh, I can feel a strong aura of death . It doesn’t feel very pleasant . Is this a dungeon?”

"As a lich, shouldn’t you be familiar with the aura of death?”

Gaparam gave a small smile and shook his head .

"Don’t compare me with other shallow lich . I became a lich for my research, but my foundation is as an alchemist . My work deals with life, not death . ”

"S-hallow, lich?”

Unfortunately, there was another lich close by who heard it . The lich couldn’t accept such derogatory words .

Gaparam just continued .

"Ah, I take back the word shallow . I meant to say a rotten lich . ”

"Do, you, want to die?”

"Fighting is for savages . ”

“M-aster . Give me permission . ”

The lich looked at me . He didn’t want to fight in my presence so he asked for my permission first .

“I don’t allow it . ”

The lich gave a low bow .

I said to Gaparam .

“Gaparam . Don’t cause problems in my dungeons . Do you understand?”

"I know . I will put up with it for the research . ”


It was a vague tone of voice that felt slightly disrespectful .

But I wasn’t bothered by the tone .

"I am greatly looking forward to the results of your research . ”

“ . . . Thank you . To be honest, paying 500,000 points for me shows that you recognize the worth of my research . I have become more motivated . You won’t regret this, I assure you . I will create the strongest homunculus and help Master become the devil . ”

"That is reassuring . ”

"So I wanted to say this . As I said at the auction, I need a workshop . . . ”

Gaparam trailed off . Did he need two million points? That number wasn’t a burden for me .

"I will give you a place soon . ”

“As expected, Master recognizes my value!”

Gaparam whistled happily . At first glance, he didn’t look like a lich . Leather and internal organs were attached to create a human face . It showed a great and versatile talent .

The crack opened once again .

The naga queen, dwarf king and five krakens subsequently emerged through the crack .

Swik – swik .

The naga queen’s tail made a sound as she twisted around my body . It might seem like rude behaviour, but I knew she was trying to learn my body odour so I left her alone . The naga queen moved for approximately 20 seconds . Next, her tail and body lowered to the ground . A submissive posture .

The dwarf king bowed with a dour expression . He could be distinguished from the other dwarves by his blue beard . Apart from that, there wasn’t much difference .

The five krakens didn’t show any movements . Maybe it was because there was no water . But that alone was enough .

My first thought when seeing the krakens was ‘big . ’ The smallest kraken I had seen was at least 60m large . I now had five of them . The top floor of the dungeon was high and wide but it seemed full .

‘They are invincible in the sea . ’

There were very few existences that could win against the kraken in the sea . Even a dragon wouldn’t easily touch a kraken in the sea .

I could rest assured about the defense if I placed them in a sea terrain .


The crack fluctuated even further .

‘Now . . . ’

The last one .

My lips curled up at the thought .


A high level creature greater than the griffin and Gigantes .

Mago’s eyes watched me .

All the auction items were moved to the dungeon in China, so I would use it as a base to advance . All my preparations to attack Okullos was finished .

Chrisley had brought all the major creatures over . I was prepared to move straight away after receiving the auction items .

“M-Master . Yihi really doesn’t deserve this . The Fairy Knight's Sword . Yihi is still not qualified for it . ”

Yihi was here as well . Yihi didn’t like Sik Sik but I needed to give her the Fairy Knight's Sword .

"In your case, it is sufficient . ”

Yihi had been upgraded to an Origin Fairy . She was qualified for it .

"But . . . the Fairy King only grants this sword to one fairy . The last time the Fairy King gave it to someone was more than 20,000 years ago . Yihihi, but I am glad to see it . ”

“Yihi . ”

“Yes Master . ”

"Take it . ”

"Yes . . . "

Yihi hesitated before grasping the Fairy Knight's Sword with closed eyes . It was 30cm in length so it was more like a skewer than a sword . However, it was quite long when considering a fairy’s size .

The moment that Yihi firmly grasped the Fairy Knight's Sword .

“Eh eh?”

Light poured out from the sword and formed a small door .

The door then sucked Yihi in .

-The ‘Fairy Knight's Sword’ will test the fairy ‘Yihi . ’

The fairy ‘Yihi’ will be moved to the examination room .

‘I never expected this . ’

A forced move took place .

There seemed to be a separate place for the examination . I tried to use the fairy’s blessing to talk to Yihi, but there was only deafening silence .

“M-my Dungeon Master . Fairy-nim has disappeared . ”

Chrisley said with wide eyes .

“…It isn’t a big deal . ”

She had disappeared and the connection had gone dead for some reason .

There was nothing I could do . I just had to hope that she would return unharmed . It might be cruel, but there was a chance she could take a long time and I still had many things to do .

'I can’t waste even a moment . ’

I didn’t know Okullos’ true intentions . Okullos had sent a raid group but there was no telling what he was doing during this time .

Besides, Okullos had seen my status window . He would have surely spotted the title of Dungeon Hunter . He might have sensed that residual points could be obtained from dungeons .

In order to alleviate my anxiety, I needed to move quickly against Okullos .

“Krasla . Take it . ”

“Thank you . ”

Intense curiosity was in Krasla’s eyes as I passed him the Dragon Armour .

Tashmal was given Firm Conviction and Chrisley the Twin's Mental Rapport . The Twin's Mental Rapport would be used with the dark elves Roy and Rose .

‘Yihi . This is an opportunity to show your abilities . ’

A creativity that no one could imagine!

If Yihi possessed the strength then she would pass the test .

Although I was still nervous . . . there was nothing I could do now .

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