Dungeon Hunter Chapter 120


Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Flesh and Bones (1)

The rest of the auction continued similarly .

The result was that Upa monopolized the later items, Pandemonium wasn’t greedy and bought minor items while Ariel had a strategy of only buying skills .

And I . . .

I purchased anything I wanted to buy . Without looking at the long or short term, I showed a buying power that surpassed the first and second years . I focused on things that would benefit me .

So once again, I was able to be the winner of this auction . Everybody else was in a similar position while I had the advantage with ‘Mago . ’

First of all, the list of creatures that I purchased was as followed .

Warriors from the Kur Clan, a naga queen, five krakens and 100 infernos . If I added Mago, the dwarf king and the lich I already bought, it was expected that my power would rise .

I also picked up a number of items .

‘Good . ’

I smiled as I recalled the details of the items I purchased .

-Name: Dragon Armour (Ex U)

Description – Full body armour filled with the energy of a dragon . If someone with the blood of a dragon wears this then their natural strength will greatly rise .

* Strength +3, there will be a ‘fear’ effect when someone with the blood of a dragon wears it .

** Dragon related skills will be enhanced .

-Name: Firm Conviction (Ex U)

Description – A primitive helmet used by the best female warrior ‘Aldorin . ’ A warrior who hid her face all her life with this helmet, her strong conviction was enough to set an example for all .

* Stamina +2, Magic Power +2, can only be worn by a woman .

* A strong conviction will be given when worn .

** A binding title ‘Firm Conviction’ (R, Stamina +3) is attached .

-Name: Fairy Knight's Sword (Sealed)

Description – A sealed weapon . It can only be used by a fairy .

* The effects are unknown until the seal is released .

** When worn, the ‘Fairy Blessing’ will become more powerful .

-Name: Twin's Mental Rapport (Ex U)

Description – The diary of one twin . Since they were born, the twins were able to communicate with each other even when separated . They suffered mental problems as they communicated while growing up . They always learnt something twice as fast .

* A skill book that teaches the twins’ communication . You can indirectly share each other's experiences .

** In an urgent situation, health can be shared .

These were assigned to separate owners .

But the Millennium Stigma and Lightning Orb were very helpful items for me .

Up to here, I used approximately 20 million points . Once I used exactly two million points, a message window appeared .

-Incredible achievement! You are the first to spend more than 20 million points in the Demon World Auction .

1,500,000pt will be paid .

1,000 achievement points will be added .

My two million reserve instantly increased to 3 . 5 million .

I had been a little bit worried .

This was the second half of the auction . Upa’s monopoly was continuing .


There was no auction item that I immediately needed . But . . . it would be good if I could block Upa’s restoration of power .

His strength had been cut by three demons . The target moved to Okullos, but Upa was the next opponent . This was a chance to stop his recovery to a certain extent .

I continued spending points to hamper Upa . Duke Visach who was sitting next to him had the veins in his neck bulge with anger .

“Randalph Brigsiel! What type of tricks are you using?”

Tricks . It wasn’t nice to hear that .

I lightly clicked my tongue and said .

“Didn’t Okullos say it? I have crossed the line . ”

Yes, I crossed the line . Someone who hunted demons and penetrated the ranks of the humans . I was someone who held the title of a hunter .

I hated being treated like I was equal to Okullos, but that misconception would be lifted over time . The moment they realized the misunderstanding, it would be too late .

I smiled and folded my arms . I wouldn’t give them any more answers .

None of them were completely satisfied but the auction couldn’t be interrupted again .

The auction ended . However, there was still work to be done .

I met up with Dubolong in the back of the hall .

"What brings you here?”

"I wanted to ask about any sightings of the Seven Sins . ”

In the past two auctions, I had obtained some items from the Seven Sins set . I was convinced that Adonis had all of them but they didn’t make an appearance this time .

Dubolong nodded lightly .

"The Seven Sins set is something that the Dark Spirit King highly values . He determined that giving you another one would be reckless . ”

"I don’t think it is because of that . Is he suggesting a contract?”

The other day when I saw Adonis, he had asked for a contract . I refused, so this was clearly the result .

Dubolong’s expression changed at my frank words .

“You are jumping ahead . If you wait a little bit longer then it would be slowly revealed . ”

"I have tasted the great power once so any patience has disappeared . It is my nature to want the things that belong to me . ”

"It can’t be helped . Even if it is given in a ‘separate trade’ . . . it would cost at least 20 million for only one item . ”

Hah . I could see it now .

They were trying to tame me . Adonis would slowly give me a mild amount of food in order to turn me into a docile lamb . In the end, I would be bound by the contract .

In fact, I felt some anxiety at the Seven Sins being held hostage . I had become ecstatic after tasting the strength of the Seven Sins . That strength was like a drug and couldn’t be easily cut off .

“20 million points . It is unfortunate but I don’t have that . ”

“Anything less will be difficult . ”

“Then what about this? I have something that can raise the limit of the potential . Do you know what that means?”


But I wasn’t without my own weapons .

The Essence of Origin! It was an item that increased the potential threshold by one .

This was a temptation that Adonis wouldn’t be able to refuse . Even surpassing the threshold by one would allow him to become stronger . The method to do this was through items, a title or a skill . It was why he inevitably needed points .

An item that surpassed the limits by one couldn’t be ignored . Breaking the limits was very important to Adonis . Therefore, he had no choice but to try and increase the limit by at least one .

As expected, Dubolong’s expression changed .

He bowed his head like he was thinking about it . In reality, he bowed because it felt like he had been punched in the abdomen .

"Are you making fun of me? Using the points or . . . ”

"The essence can raise the potential threshold by one . Maybe Adonis will know the name . The Essence of Origin . ”

" . . . . . . !"

His eyes flashed . The clown makeup turned colourless .

I leisurely smirked and said .

"Based on those signs, you have heard of it . ”

"I-isn’t that an essence of the gods that isn’t easily found? No, I know of only one Tree of Origin and that exists in heaven . . . !”

"As you know, the angels attacked us . I accidentally obtained one at that time . ”

I couldn’t tell him that I had a Tree of Origin in my dungeon . I had to hide my secrets as much as possible .

Dubolong tried to suppress his excitement as he spoke .

“ . . . What do you want? As a reminder, we don’t have all of the Seven Sins set . In addition, we can’t hand over all of it for just one essence . ”

They couldn’t hand over the whole set?

I was a little bit disappointed . I wanted the complete set of items .

However, I wasn’t in a significant rush . I had managed to replace one of the Seven Sins set with the Infinity Armour .

"I think in exchange for the Essence of Origin . . . ”

The moment that I was trying to speak .

-Master! There is big trouble . Sik Sik has sent Yihi an urgent request for help! Creatures are attacking . It is hard to block them!

"What are you thinking?”

Dubolong couldn’t endure it and asked .

I frowned and shook my head .

"We will have to delay this . Have any demons left the Demon World Auction yet?”

"Ah, Grand Duke Okullos and his faction are the only ones who have left . What is the problem?”

The demons stopped all activities on the day of the Demon World Auction . Of course, their creatures couldn’t move without their orders . They could give commands ahead of time but it was unlikely they would entrust attacking a dungeon to someone else . Especially if the number of creatures moving was hard to stop .

China’s dungeon had grown greatly but the basic structure was still the same . In other words, someone was attempting a full-scale invasion .

‘Okullos . . . !’

It could only be Okullos .

He used the gap when I was still participating in the Demon World Auction . I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t been able to communicate with Yihi .

I also tried to solve this problem in my previous life and had installed a magic dimensional notification . The tacit non-aggression pact on the day of the Demon World Auction wouldn’t always last . But this was only the third year so I hadn’t installed it .

In this case . . .

'Did he prepare in advance to hit me?’


I gritted my teeth .

Somehow, his honest speech seemed to be sniping at me . He acknowledged my presence . It was a type of ‘declaration of war . ’

As expected, it was really Okullos . I couldn’t understand that fellow .

"I will be going first . ”

"Then should I contact you separately?”

“Yes, that would be appreciated . ”

I turned and quickly moved .

The crack was opened .

Once I returned, Yihi greeted me with wide eyes .

“There is big trouble! Big trouble! Sik Sik’s dungeon is in danger of being torn down!”

"Don’t panic . Rather . . . what is the situation?”

"There are over 2,000 intermediate creatures and 50 advanced creatures . Yihi has been doing the calculations . Sik Sik alone won’t be able to stop them . I almost prayed for her . ”

It wasn’t all his strength . Still, it was clearly a significant amount .

Everything would be in vain if my Dungeon Core broke . I had to stop it before that happened .


"I called her earlier . Now she will arrive . ”

"Does she know the story?”

"To a certain extent . Yihi told her the main parts . ”

"Well done . "

"Yihih . . . ah, this isn’t the time to be laughing!”

Yihi tried to control her mouth as her eyes moved towards me .

Chrisley arrived with Krasla and several creatures . She understood the situation beforehand and came with the creatures with good mobility .

It would take time for the items purchased at the Demon World Auction to arrive . First I needed to stop the creatures with what I had now .

Krasla, Gigantes, White, Black and the saber tigers! The lich and advanced golems were also included .

"It is great to see Dungeon Master . ”

They kneeled in unison . However, there wasn’t a lot of time .

“Rise . We will move immediately . Yihi! Open the space . ”

"Please wait a moment!”

Yihi closed her eyes . The Dungeon Core started to resonate .


The Dungeon Core began to shake . An intense resonance was produced .

But I didn’t order them to move immediately .

“Chrisley . Lead the group of saber tigers separately . Do you know the location of the dungeon in China?”

"I know it . "

"Block the rear . Don’t let even one of them escape . Our goal is to annihilate all those bastards!”

“I will follow your command, My Dungeon Master . ”

I finished sorting the creatures and turned my head .

"The rest will come with me . From the moment we move there, soak your bodies in the blood of the enemies . Follow me!"

I formed a fist .


The enemy forced this confrontation .

However, I had no intention to obediently give in . If he wanted to end it now, then good .

I wouldn’t avoid it .

If he wanted to take my flesh then I would give him my bones .

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