Dungeon Hunter Chapter 104


Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Abnormal Proliferation (1)

The dungeon’s 18th floor . The mountain zone that made up the habitat of the saber tigers .

There were more than 600 saber tigers around . The configuration of the group was different . Around 50 had formed a group in order to take over other areas .

And one of the saber tigers received the best evaluation and was called the boss . He led 100 saber tigers and succeeded in mating .

After sowing several seeds that didn’t give birth successfully, he finally mated with an attractive female and received offspring . His offspring was born after three months of pregnancy . It was very healthy .

The problem was…the cub was a different colour . Ordinary saber tigers had brown fur, but this one was white . His entire body stood out as unusual .

Saber tigers were agile and skilled at snatching the enemy from the shadows . So the white colour was a sign of a leader .

The boss decided . It was a difficult birth and he was confident the group would follow his lead . He would use this opportunity to make other males yield . He put in strict measures and hunted the group of orcs .

The cub grew well . And after a few months passed, the boss found out that he was deluded .

This cub was unlike the usual saber tigers . It was true that a king of the saber tigers was born . But the king was a little too prominent . The degree of rebellion was enough that he even wanted to challenge the Dungeon Master .

The white saber tiger . Known as White . He reached an adult size in only a few months . And he already had dozens of saber tigers following him . Among there were newcomers who had just been born .

After White was born, the reproduction rate greatly increased . Their numbers reached 300 . Of course, they had to become fully grown in order to fight . White showed the most extraordinary performances in the fierce battles .

But…White didn’t feel any exhilaration . This much was natural considering his position . He had separate complaints .

First, he had high intelligence . It was enough to feel a difference with the others . He was also much stronger and agile . There were only five adults that were possible rivals for him . This difference became larger over time .

He didn’t just want to dominate this floor . White thought this floor was too narrow for the saber tigers .

Yes, it was cramped . He wanted to leave this floor .

But the adults stopped him . They said absolutely not . The Dungeon Master couldn’t be disobeyed . If he stood before the Dungeon Master then he would instinctively follow .

Nonsense . He was a king . A symbol of freedom . No one could oppress him .


White howled .

He gathered those that belonged to his group . This was his first priority . The true king of the saber tigers would leave this floor . He would widen his forces and even become the master of this dungeon .

White of the saber tigers proclaimed himself as the true king of this place . The numbers in his group gradually increased . White showed an overwhelming strength that made others submit to him . He managed to get his paws on half of the saber tigers when something happened .

A bump . An existence similar to himself .

That black bastard! An unusual black saber tiger was born around this time .

Before he knew it, Black increased his forces to a similar level . That guy was also strong . He admitted it .

But there couldn’t be two kings . It was inevitable that they would bump into each other .

A fight between bosses involving their sharp teeth . They fought until they were both bloody but the result was that White won .


The black saber tiger declared defeat . White rose to the position of king .

But it didn’t end here . White vowed he would become king of the dungeon and left the floor with a large group of saber tigers .

They climbed up one floor and the dark bears appeared . Their numbers weren’t much and defeating them was easy . However, the 20th floor was a sea . White was distressed since he couldn’t find a way to bypass it .

He determined the method to cross the sea would be obtained downstairs . He subdued the enemies while going down and arrived on the 15th floor .

This was the unusual place where the dark elves resided . White was happy . They would be able to tell him how to cross the sea . But White didn’t compromise . All those not part of his group were enemies . He would use force to make them spit it out .

He soon encountered the dark elves .

“Actually, the fairy has collapsed and Dungeon Master is quite busy right now…”

The dark elf in the lead .

A female . She was different from the other dark elves and it was the first time White felt pressure .


Surrender .

“I don’t know how you left the 18th floor, but this is due to the influence from the abnormal proliferation . It can’t be helped . I need to punish these naughty beasts . ”

“Queen-nim . We will handle this . ”

“No, Elder-nim . This white one is strong and completely different from the general saber tigers . It is fortunate that he is not yet an adult . In this place…I’m sorry but I must do it . ”

Charuk . Charuruk .

Chrisley walked forward with her wand and the spartoi .

“How can I let them bother My Dungeon Master?”

“Then can I say something to them?”


Daring to relax in front of him?

White howled wildly but he just said with a smile on his face .

“Know your position . That is what I want to say . ”

* * *

The top floor .

I folded my arms in front of the Dungeon Core and watched Yihi .

Yihi was slumped . Her body was collapsed like all the power had gone out and she was barely breathing . The spiritual body of a fairy didn’t need to breathe but they would return to the source soon after they stopped breathing .

The ego that made Yihi be Yihi . There was the possibility of losing it .


Yihi’s body trembled .

I gently reached out and covered Yihi’s forehead . The trembling subsided a little bit .

‘The abnormal proliferation . Ever since the dungeon’s ecosystem was damaged, Yihi and the Dungeon Core started to break down .

It happened a few days after I went to the Spirit World . The sudden propagation rate interfered with the flow of magic power . It was a temporary phenomenon that was a mistake .

I quickly responded when Yihi complained of pain .

I recalled the memories from that time .

‘Master . I think Yihi is a little sick . ’


‘Dizzy . My body is shaking . Is it because you are close? Ah! Or maybe this is love?’


‘Hiing . Really sick . Even flying is annoying Yihi . I would like to lie down on Master’s shoulders . ’

The signs were clear . This wasn’t a joke so I needed to investigate .

But the current situation wasn’t that simple .

The reproduction rate . It had increased by 500% compared to the previous rate . The Dungeon Core was receiving interference from the creatures’ excess magic power .

It wouldn’t matter if that number had slowly increased . There would be no need to worry once the dungeon adjusted to the magic power . In the end, I needed to make adjustments so that the dungeon could adapt to the creatures .


‘I can guess the cause . The Tree of Origin . ’

That’s right . The Tree of Origin had a significant effect on the reproductive rate . But it felt like he got caught up in a stampede .

‘I released the blessing but there were no changes in the proliferation rate . ’

The blessing from the Statue of Abundance continued . He stopped the blessing and waited for some time, but there was no change . The breeding rate continued to increase .


Yihi drooled and muttered .


I gritted my teeth . Yihi was very important to me . In my previous life, she had devoted herself to me but I threw her away .

Now something was happening to Yihi in front of me and I couldn’t stop it .

“My Dungeon Master . ”

“Chrisley . ”

I turned as Chrisley came close to me .

“I have something for you to see . Is it okay?”

“It is okay . What is going on?”

“The white saber tiger and his followers have left their floor and invaded the 15th floor . ”

“Ah, those guys . Did they descend to the 15th floor in an attempt to escape?”

I knew about the births of White and Black . Their growth was excellent and they reached advanced 5Lv and 4Lv respectively . In particular, White was a special creature not available at the Store of All Things .

But descending to the 15th floor in an attempt to escape? It wasn’t good as the Dungeon Core currently wasn’t working properly . In addition, I expressly stated that exiting their floors was forbidden .

I was confused as Chrisley replied .

“This also seems to be the impact of the unusual proliferation . I’ve subdued them but they still aren’t hiding their teeth . ”

“I guess I will go . ”

“My Dungeon Master . It isn’t very urgent . ”

Chrisley seemed to be worried about Yihi as her eyes turned to the Dungeon Core .

However, I shook my head .

“No . I will come to see . ”

The impact of the Dungeon Core on the creatures . I was honestly curious . They even thought about leaving their floor to attack . They certainly weren’t ordinary creatures .

The 15th floor . White and Black were tied up next to the Tree of Origin . The rest of the saber tigers were expelled back to the 18th floor, but the two culprits needed to be handled .



“White and Black . ”

I stared at both of them .

White and Black revealed their sharp teeth and howled wildly . However, I saw fear within them .

Due to their escape from the influence of the Dungeon Core, they couldn’t obtain a complete impression of me .

“It seems like you have great hostility towards me…”

The creatures dared to rebel in my own dungeon . It was outrageous but also funny .

At that time, White tried to bite me .


“Now I understand . Yes, there can never be two kings on the mountain . ”

I started laughing . I could understand his attitude .

Rather than the insufficient 18th floor, he wanted to rule the dungeon itself .

I couldn’t allow that . The owner of this dungeon was me . Naturally, I was also White’s owner .

“My Dungeon Master . Shall I kill those ungrateful creatures? I can’t forgive them for that attitude . ”

Chrisley approached me with an angry expression . But I raised my hand and stopped Chrisley .

“I know how hard it is to be the king and I need to tell them myself . ”

I took out Wrath and said .

“Know your position . ”

White didn’t bend easily . Despite using his teeth and sharp claws, he still lost . He was originally a king . But the opponent was too strong .

His body was in pain . Once he was completely drained and collapsed, a dark elf female healed him . He would fight again once he could move his body .

But the next few fights were the same . Struggling against the Dungeon Master’s sword, collapsing, treatment, getting back up again and so on .

Once that process repeated a few times, White lowered his tail in surrender .


That cruel bastard!

White cried out . It was the first time he experienced such suffering . He was born into the saber tigers as the king so he couldn’t imagine something like this . The opponent was far too cruel .

“Chrisley . Heal White . ”

The Dungeon Master said while pointing down at White . Then the dark elf female, Chrisley carefully expressed her opinion .

“My Dungeon Master . The potions have limitations . Interfere with life…”

“Look at his eyes . It is still insufficient . ”


It was enough!

He cried out sorrowfully . Lowering the tail showed he wasn’t an enemy anymore .

“Look . That position shows he is prepared to jump . He is still able to do more . ”

“…Still not giving up?”

At this rate, White really would die if he didn’t abandon his pride .

He turned around on his back, exposing his belly .

“Are you trying to take me off guard? That won’t work . ”

Finding faults . But White didn’t like being weak . White couldn’t easily accept weakness . In the end, it took five more bloody battles before he surrendered . White absolutely realized something .

The sky above the sky . The true king! He wasn’t a king . He was a beast that followed a king .

The real king placed his sword back into the scabbard .


Now their positions were determined .

The Dungeon Master said to him .

“I need to use them as hounds . ”

I made a plan using White and the saber tigers .

There was abnormal proliferation so I needed to keep the numbers as small as possible . They would be hunters . And a leader was needed for the hunters .

The saber tigers were just one of the species proliferating . It would be a brutal task . However, maintaining the dungeon was necessary . It was indispensable for the ecosystem .

‘Insufficient . ’

But the rate of their progress couldn’t keep up with the reproduction rate .

He received an achievement in the middle but…

-An excellent achievement!

A Dungeon Master without any sense! 2,000 creatures have been slaughtered .

200,000pt will be paid .

800 achievement points will be added .

Such minor achievements weren’t important right now . I stood at a crossroad where the dungeon would either be maintained or lost .

The saber tigers were referred to as the best hunters, but their actions weren’t enough .

‘I need to use the Dungeon Core to create a monster wave . ’

If I couldn’t fix it inside then I needed to export them outside .

I needed to act quickly .

The number of creatures had already reached 7,000 .

The creatures randomly marched out of the dungeon . They had one command given to them . They could prey on everything around them . In addition, the creatures from the demons still monitoring the dungeon would be handled . My creatures were on an entirely different level . There were many creatures ranging from low grade to intermediate .

However, the humans didn’t take it lying down . Yoo Eun-hye and Edward Windsor were in the vanguard .

“I will kill all of you!”

“Noona, leave it to me . ”

Both of them had improved by leaps and bounds . Especially Yoo Eun-hye who had transformed in battle . She went on a crazy rampage among the creatures . Edward was also filled with negative feelings towards the creatures and easily dealt with the intermediate ones .

Plus… The Awakened in the guilds were rapidly growing .

Humanity’s enemy . Anger towards a common enemy! They adapted due to that drive .

At the next meeting of Heaven’s Will, Kim Yong-woo had a large sword by his side .

“We can win! We will win! They won’t defeat us!”

‘That’ was the starting point .

The Hero who died . He blocked the creatures for them .

The full-fledged threat changed them . The people of South Korea, the Awakened no longer stood still or ran away .

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