Dungeon Hunter Chapter 102


Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Dubolong’s Request (3)


The dungeon’s top floor .

A crack occurred near the core . It was unstable like it wouldn’t last long .

But I had already made my decision . There was no hesitation . I stepped into the crack .

The only thing I could see was darkness . But there was a light . It was shining from far away and seemed to be the exit . I walked out of the light into a wide room .

I looked at the one standing in front of me .

“Welcome, Randalph Brigsiel-nim . I believed you would come . ”

Dubolong, who was still dressed as a clown, bowed respectfully .

Dubolong . Cool-headed and resourceful . A poisonous scammer . The best henchman for the Dark Spirit King . He was the spirit that greeted me directly, it was natural since he invited me in the first place .

I nodded .

“I am looking forward to meeting the Dark Spirit King . ”

“You won’t regret it . ”

“But this isn’t the castle I previously appeared in . ”

The room was similar to the previous times I had been summoned, but the magic power was subtly different . Dubolong laughed and said .

“You noticed . Yes . This isn’t the castle . ”

“Is there a reason?”

I gave a slight frown and placed my hand on Wrath . I didn’t like that he summoned me to another place without prior notice . If I wasn’t convinced by his excuses then I would mercilessly use Wrath on Dubolong .

Dubolong started sweating as he spoke . A high class spirit wouldn’t be easy to take down . I wouldn’t kill him if I didn’t have to .

“The spies of other spirit kings have broken into the castle . They forcefully opened a crack and attacked the Dark Spirit King . Please be understanding…”

The Dark Spirit King was ambitious . He ate up contracts and opened the Demon World Auction . He could do that by sacrificing numerous spirits . The other spirit kings had noticed .


But the timing was too fast; it took 10 years for this to occur in my previous life . The Dark Spirit King started a war shortly after gathering a large number of points .

‘My movements are affecting the Spirit World . ’

My movements were the only thing different from my previous life . I had exposed myself in the Demon World Auction . Perhaps the points I used influenced this event? It was like small wings causing a big typhoon that caused a seismic shift…

“Strange . Would it really be that easy to defeat the Dark Spirit King?”

Dubolong’s forehead furrowed .

“Huu! Do you know the mythical creature from the Middle World called the Shadow Emperor?”

A familiar name . I nodded .

“I know . ”

“We could never touch the treasure trove he left behind, no…to be honest, it was absolutely impossible, but recently there were signs of a dimensional move . The other spirits dispatched a military force and used it for navigation . ”

Ah, that was the cause . Now the fog had cleared . The spirits were interested in many things on the Middle World . Something happening in the Middle World would naturally catch their interest . I was directly related to the matter .

“It wasn’t due to the Demon World Auction . ”

“That’s right . The dark spirits are repelled by light spirits . The fire and wind spirits are also troublesome to deal with together . So it can’t hurt to be careful . ”

“You also want to grasp my growth . Isn’t that right?”

Reading such weak magic power would be a moderate estimate of my growth . They deliberately made the room like this . Their intentions were so obvious that I couldn’t help laughing . It was annoying but the dark spirits were originally like this .

“Would I do that? I have a life-long relationship with Randalph-nim!”


Dubolong waved his hand . I released my hand from Wrath .

“There is no second chance . ”

“Haha, of course . I shouldn’t be doing this now so let’s move . ”

Dubolong shamelessly guided me .

* * *

The Wailing Forest . A haven for dark spirits .

There were moans and screams coming from everywhere . The magic power of the forest itself was to blame .

Dubolong said with a playful expression .

“Be careful . You might be invaded by spirits . ”

It wasn’t a joke . I spoke to Dubolong as I looked around .

“This is certainly a place for the Dark Spirit King . ”

“…Please don’t say that in front of the Dark Spirit King . ”

Dubolong’s voice trembled slightly . He had really high loyalty to the Dark Spirit King . It was great that he didn’t show his hostility .

“I won’t . ”

Courtesy was necessary everywhere . Dubolong switched to another topic .

“Do you have a lot of points? I heard that there was a recent surge in the average points of demons . ”

“A moderate amount . By the way, how much is the average number of points?”

I didn’t mention any direct numbers . My points being over 10 million was a hidden weapon . Even if I had a partnership with him, it was ideal to hide it .

Dubolong replied like it was inconsequential .

“At this time, roughly 850,000 . Alas, we are indeed fortunate . The average points is close to one million so I wonder if I should bring out a high class creature . ”

The spirits were able to figure out the average points of the demons . And close to one million would allow them to bring out high class creatures .

Three years .

The emergence of high class creatures was really fast .

I asked a question after hearing those words .

“You don’t already have one prepared?”

“It happened so suddenly . There are a few candidates . Recently an older titan was obtained . There was also a whale-shaped creature found in a cave . They are candidates but…”

Dubolong shook his head and said .

“My offer from the past is still valid . Would you like to make a deal if you have any high class creatures? We will pay for it . ”

“I will think about it . ”

We had a relationship so there was no need to outright reject him . It was important to properly look after the relationship . Of course, I had no intention of handing over the high class creatures I obtained from the gods .

“I hope it moves in a positive direction . ”

Dubolong shrugged .

Soon they arrived at a cleared area . There was a big thatched building in the centre of the cleared area .

“It is simple . ”

“The Dark Spirit King doesn’t like luxury . ”

It was nonsense . There was no end in sight to the size of the Demon World Auction . I didn’t know it personally but the nature of the Dark Spirit King didn’t fit with those words .

At that moment, Dubolong turned towards me . He said with a stiff expression .

“…His request, please don’t refuse it . ”

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