Dungeon Hunter Chapter 7


Chapter 7

Chapter 7) Dungeon’s Internal Stability .

The kobold and goblin bosses .

At first there was 9 but now only 5 remained . 4 had died during the war . And the 1,700 troops had decreased by more than half . The war was that violent .

Of course, I took care of most of the Awakened alone but a promise was a promise . I considered the number of creatures left and presented them with some females .

The just summoned female kobolds and goblins were frightened but I didn’t worry about it and placed a fixed number with each unit .

“Kiek! Dungeon Master! Thank you!”

“Increase the number! Make the kobolds strong!”

“I worked hard . Now I won’t be alone!”

The ones that survived until the end .

I sent them away and looked at the points .

[Points Remaining: 1,174,357]

I felt more comfortable looking at the message window floating in the air . I gathered a million points so I could achieve my purpose at the Demon World auction .

‘The power of advertising……’

To be honest, I hadn’t expected so many Awakened to flock here . I simply promoted about the treasure for the growth of the Awakened .

It was unexpected that I would get such a fervent response from overseas . I was always happy to receive an unexpected gift .

I firmly pressed my index finger to my forehead .

‘Should I increase my investment a little more?’

It was definitely tempting .

At this time, one million points was a massive amount . No, that amount of points couldn’t be ignored even in my previous life .

I could even summon the high class creature, a griffin . Of course, the level of the griffin was low compared to other high class creatures but the flames and lightning could be enough to cause a disaster .

The current level of the Awakened was low so letting it loose would wipe out hundreds or thousands of humans . One alone would be enough to destroy a small country .

There were any demons at the moment with one million points . I could definitely get an adventure in the Demon World auction .

In addition to Krasla, I could obtain several other things . If so, using a lot of points on the dungeon would be bad .

‘So far, I’ve placed 40,000 points on the treasures in this dungeon . If I increase it to 100,000 points…the hidden items will be found by others outside the Heaven’s Will guild . I can’t just intentionally leave things for the Heaven’s Will guild . ’

I’ve received news from Kim Yong-woo that the other 4 large guilds were recruiting members to raid the dungeon .

They would obtain some of the final benefits .

Some of the Awakened would die from the creatures in the dungeon but others would obtain the treasure .

It was a sacrifice I was willing to take .

‘I have to do it before the other demons notice…they might decide to follow my dungeon . I have to eat everything up . ’ Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

The 72 dungeons were different depending on the nature of the demons . It was the early days so they were guarding against being too strong . Little by little, they would learn the important of points and start to raise the awareness with the Awakened .

My dungeon was highly likely to be their role model . Then I needed to maximize the benefits before that .

I planned to use the colourful treasures to entice the Awakened . Items as well as gold and silver valuables were placed all over .

“Phew~ it is hard! I thought I would die because of these heads .


Yihi wiped the sweat from her forehead .

I had Yihi collect and count the heads of the Awakened after the battle ended . Thanks to that, Yihi was exhausted . If the numbers didn’t match then she had to start again .

I listened to her manner of speech .

I said with a smile .

“Yihi . Did you decorate a garden?”


Yihi was startled .

I heard that Yihi was decorating a garden for me . But she didn’t understand why I decided to mention it .

“Y-Yihi determined that it is good…t-this is the modern world . Yihi thinks a dungeon should be bright and beautiful . This dingy dungeon doesn’t fit Dungeon Master’s style! Dungeon Master is great so the dungeon also needs to look great!”

Despite stammering, Yihi spoke with utter conviction .

I lightly nodded .

“I’m not blaming you . ”

“…Yes, really?” You really aren’t punishing me?”

Yihi’s eyes became wide . Her wings started to flap again . She had spoken loudly to hide her sins . It was easy to understand her reaction .

Yihi’s mind was better than the kobold and goblin bosses . But that didn’t mean that Yihi was smart . Her brain was frantically stuck in a corner until I coughed .

“Hrmm! Can you make it so that creatures don’t enter the garden?”

“Of course . A safety zone setting? It isn’t large so Yihi can easily set this part . It would be sad if creatures came in and broke the trees . ”

Safety zone setting . He had heard of it before but never used it .

But now it seemed necessary . The Awakened needed a place to relax . It was a great base to encourage being stronger in dungeons .

It was time to earnestly lay out his dungeon .

“First, bring me to the garden that you made . ”

“Huh? I-I haven’t finished yet . ”

“No . Let’s talk after seeing it . ”


Yihi turned with a long face . It was an attitude that stated she didn’t want to .

However, I did not withdraw my decision . Yihi seemed to realize this and her shoulders slumped .

“I understand . Follow me Dungeon Master . Don’t expect a lot . ”

“Yes . ”

I didn’t have any expectations .

Yihi pouted and muttered ‘it would be good if you have some expectations’ to herself . Of course, I just ignored it . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

I started to move along after Yihi .

In fact, the 3rd floor was too wide to walk . A magic circle could be used to move quite a distance .

There was a magic circle inscribed in each floor of the dungeon for the Dungeon Master to move . It was invisible to human eyes and only the Dungeon Master and spirit of the Dungeon Core could use it to move through the large dungeon .

I had a terrible thought .

‘The size of the dungeon is several times larger than what can be seen with the naked eye . My dungeon is location on the Bukhan Mountain but the size that humans reported is much smaller . ’

The size was awesome when looking at the dungeon with the naked eye .

An area of 21 square kilometers and a height of 4733 meters . It was the size of a major city and had a similar width to Nauru in the Republic of Oceania . In addition, 4700 metres was twice the size of the Baekdu Mountain .

Yet not all of it was visible . It was actually much greater than that . It would be crazy to walk around a large place like this .

Some Awakened had actually starved to death . The dungeon jammed most equipment of modern civilization so those lost would end up dying .



The patterned red light of the magic circle wrapped all over the place . Soon I could confirm that the surroundings had changed . They were moved to the place that Yihi wanted .



The sound of hammers tickled my ears as soon as I arrived .

‘…This is staggering . ’

I was overwhelmed by the view .

First, there was the appearance of five dwarves hammering eagerly .

Yihi was authorized to create the dungeon environment and she could give that authority to others . In particular, building features was too strenuous for Yihi allow so she used the dwarves .

The problem was the appearance of the garden . It looked more like a strange structure than a garden . At first glance, it seemed like a palace of poo……

No, it was the shape of poo .

It far transcended my imagination of a lovely garden .

“Eh, Noonim has come?”

“What? Noonim came? Where?”

“Who is that man?”

Yihi permitted the dwarves to see her . The five dwarves stopped working and came running over as soon as they saw Yihi . Read at rainbowturtletranslation . com


But the nickname was strange .

I could roughly understand the situation from Yihi’s expression .

“You guys! Didn’t Yihi tell you to work hard?”

“We did!”

The dwarves lined up and replied at the same time .

Yihi’s expression still wasn’t good . She placed both hands on her waist and said .

“But why are you still not finished?”



“Uh huh . Excuses! You haven’t finished making it! Didn’t Yihi tell you to reduce the time you spent sleeping and eating?”

Humans would call this a vicious employer . The dwarves made a tearful face .

“That is realistically impossible Noonim . ”

“Spare us . I haven’t even eaten one meal today . ”

“I really am going to die under these circumstances . ”

And Yihi bluffed .

“I guess you haven’t suffered enough? Recently the orcs have been worrying about food . Do you want to become the orc’s rice?”

“T-that… . ”

The dwarves closed their mouths with an expression indicating they thought it was still unfair .

My eyes noticed the blisters on the dwarves’ hands .

“Yihi . Stop . ”

I finally spoke up .

Yihi seemed to be very strict to other people . Then Yihi clapped her hands .

“Ah, greet him as quickly as possible! This is the Dungeon Master . Your real master! Treat him more politely than you treat Yihi! Do you understand?”

“Heok! Dungeon Master!”

“Quickly . Don’t you understand what I mean? Do you really want to be chewed up?”


The dwarves immediately dropped to the ground and bowed .

I was at a loss for words at the sight .

The dwarves had suffered so much under Yihi that they looked at me like I was a monster .

“…Rise . ”

“No! How can we dare look the Dungeon Master in the eye?”

“You are excused from meeting my eyes . Rise . ”

“I-I see . ”

The dwarves were small . They were larger than a fairy but only reached up to my navel . Even if they were excused, there was no chance they could meet my eyes .

I convinced the dwarves to stand up . Then something caught my eyes and I flinched . I couldn’t hold my tongue and said .

“What on earth are you making now?”

The dwarf in the middle who seemed to be the leader spoke .

“Noonim said that Dungeon Master wanted to create a resort for a break . ”

The structure that was in the shape of a poo was supposed to be a retreat .

I didn’t dare think deeply about how Yihi visualized the design . It would be interesting if I ever got the chance to look inside Yihi’s brain .

The wrinkles……

“How long will it take before it is completed?”

The dwarf peeked at Yihi and said .

“I-If there are sufficient materials than 5 days . ”

“Pretty fast . ”

“We are good at making things . ”

Their faces were full of pride .

I nodded .

“I want to install one that is half the size on floors 1~5 . The deadline is one month . Yihi, provide the necessary materials for the dwarves . And you don’t have to work like you are now . ”


“You will get 3 meals a day and 10 minutes to rest every hour . And in the future, you will get at least 6 hours sleep . ”

I didn’t want the dwarves to die before they finished .

These conditions couldn’t be allowed to continue . At a minimum, I needed to maintain their lives .

“Ohh! Dungeon Master! My master!”

“I believe . I truly believe it!”

They shed tears of joy .

They were genuine tears .

The dwarves kneeled down and started sobbing .

I looked at Yihi . My eyes asked ‘did you bully them?’ but Yihi just pretended ignorance as she turned her head and hummed .

‘Hrmm . Did Yihi have this talent?’

It was slightly embarrassing but it wasn’t bad .

The sight in front of me was still surprising . I never entrusted points to Yihi in my previous life . The dungeon was quickly lost so I never discovered Yihi’s talent .

But come to think of it, it was a great whip and carrot .

Yihi squeezed the people like a vicious owner and then I would walk in . The environment improved only a little bit but they would cry tears of joy .

It would be good once Yihi’s talent matured a little more . It would be difficult if the workers kept dying . Yihi needed to gain a little more experience in this area .

They were summoned with points so I needed to squeeze every drop of blood from their flesh and bones .

Three meals a day, a rest for 10 minutes every hour and 6 hours of sleep would be enough for them to survive .

‘The design is a bit strange…but I’m not planning to rest here . ’

The Awakened wouldn’t care as long as they were safe . They would willingly enter the palace of poo if it meant a place to escape the horrible creatures .

So it didn’t matter how good the design was .

“M-Master . How is it? Isn’t it beautiful?”

Yihi asked shyly .

Yihi and I had moved from the 3rd floor to the vicinity of the Dungeon Core . The Dungeon Core was emitting more light, exposing Yihi’s nerves .

I lightly nodded .

“It is beautiful in several senses . ”

“Yihihi . ”

Yihi smiled widely .

Fortunately, she didn’t inquire about the multiple meanings .

“Yihi . Comply with what I just said . ”

“I understand . ”

“However, you don’t need to change your behaviour . Make sure they work hard like you did up to now . I’ll leave it entirely to you . ”

“But is that okay?”

“I don’t have much time to be present in the dungeon . I will temporarily entrust the dungeon to you . ”

Yihi’s eyes shone at the trust I put in her .

“Can I really have such a huge responsibility?”

“Yihi . I will be fairly busy in the future . I don’t have time for a pile of work . And I will continue to entrust important things to you in the future . If you act like this every time then I will be quite disappointed . ”

“No! Yihi would never disappoint Master!”

Yihi quickly shook her head and clenched her fists . I was confident that I could leave the ecology of the dungeon and the dwarf workers to her . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“I trust you . ”


“Yihi . Enter Domestic Mode . This will be an opportunity to bring the orcs on the 3rd floor to the 5th floor . ”

“I understand Master!”


The Dungeon Core played a hologram .

I was looking at the status of the 100 orcs on the 3rd floor . Many orcs had been lost . Their numbers needed to be multiplied .

The first 50 had increased to 200 in 9 months so these were nasty damages .

The orcs had a gestation period of 3 months and gave birth to 5 babies . And they became adults after just 6 months .

In fact, normally it would be 1 and a half years but the peculiar mana of the dungeon stimulated growth . The original numbers would be restored after 4 months .

‘It is a little too long . ’

One orc cost 700 pt . The goblins and kobolds were 35pt so the orcs were expensive compared to them .

‘However, it is necessary to add them up to the 5th floor . ’

It couldn’t continue like this . I didn’t mind the Awakened clearing every floor up to the 4th floor . They needed to feel despair once they reached the 5th floor .

I looked at the list of creatures that could be purchased .

[Lowest Grade Creatures]

Goblin 2Lv- 35 pt

Goblin 2Lv- 35 pt

Ale Snake 1Lv- 20pt

Meat Bat 1Lv- 20pt

Slime 3Lv- 200 pt

Skeleton 4Lv- 500pt

Zombie 4Lv- 450pt

Mimic 5Lv- 1200pt

Gnoll 2Lv- 80pt

Crazy Hound 2Lv- 120pt

…… .

[Low Grade Creatures]

Orc 2Lv – 700pt

Mud Golem 5Lv- 2,000pt

Puppet Doll 2Lv – 900pt

Snowman 3Lv- 999pt

Giant Man-eating Flower 4Lv- 1,400pt

Sleep Moth 3Lv- 1,100pt

Gargoyle 5Lv- 1,900pt

Harpy 5Lv- 1,200pt

…… .

Several windows simultaneously emerged . A significant amount of time was spent cleaning it up and finding the desired creatures .

And the universal strength was divided into Lv, with the highest level being 5 . The lowest of the Low Grade creatures were the 2Lv orcs .

This was a universal value . But it couldn’t be trusted unconditionally . I needed to look at the good points .

“I should start with the mud golems . ”

The 5th floor would be the place where the Awakened experienced despair . There would be such a tremendous rise in difficulty from the 4th floor that the Awakened would have no choice but to reverse their path .

Or be killed .

There were two entrances to the 5th floor . I bought mud golems and placed them at the entrances to the 5th floor . 30 puppets were also placed in the surroundings to assist .

The puppets were scavenger tools in the Demon World . Various metals, drugs, magic and witchcraft were used to make the puppets only follow the commands of the owner . Despite not being agile, they were very powerful and better in combat than the orcs .

‘The harpies breeding are okay . ’

Each floor needed at least one species that could breed .

The kobolds, goblins and rocs needed to be balanced properly but natural predators but the harpy’s breeding rate was far slower .

While the mud golems and puppet dolls were defending the entrance, at least 50 harpies were necessary . I placed 80 harpies on the 5th floor .

A total of 260,000 points was used on the internal affairs . The remaining points were a little over 910,000 . This was further reduced by increasing the treasures in the dungeon .

‘This much will recover soon . The amount of treasure in this dungeon means that the Awakened will swarm like moths . ’

Numerous Awakened in South Korea wouldn’t take the risk . This was the impact of the guilds and the website . This narrow land was controlled .

On the other hand, it was different regarding those from overseas . The Awakened sneaked into the dungeon . They were the ones who would replenish the points consumed .

“This much is fine . ”

“Have you finished?”

“Yes . ”

I nodded and Yihi shut off Domestic Mode while staring at me .

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Yihihi . No reason . ”

I couldn’t understand the fairy sometimes .

“Now I will go . I will leave the rest of the work to you . ”

“Please leave it to me!!”

Yihi answered quickly but her face was grouchy . The Dungeon Core was connected to me but the fairy Yihi was tied to the Dungeon Core . It was natural that she would be upset whenever I left .

Yihi was a fairy but she was a fairy who liked chatting . She needed someone to converse with .

“By the way…it seems like you need a means to communicate with me . ”

I said with a laugh .

I was sure there would be a magic to communicate with Yihi if I browsed the store .

“Ah! T-then do you mind if I inscribe a magic spell on Dungeon Master’s body?”

“You can use magic?”

In my previous life, I never heard that the fairies of the Dungeon Core could use magic .

They were only helpers . Their bodies had no physical impact and the role of the fairy was to give advice on dungeon management .

I couldn’t help feeling interested .

Yihi wriggled her fingers .

“There isn’t a lot available . I don’t like to use it . But Dungeon Master has been very good to Yihi . So I asked the question . ”

“Go ahead . Where will you inscribe it?”



“The lips……”

“I understand . Come and inscribe it . ”

It wasn’t a big deal . I also wanted to see the magic of the fairies .

Yihi flapped her wings as her cheeks turned red .

“T-then I’ll…?”

“I hate to say it twice . Do it . ”

“Please close your eyes . ”

“Do I have to?”

I wanted to see the magic with my own eyes . Therefore I was puzzled when she asked me to close my eyes . She told me .

“The magic works better that way . ”

“Weird . ”

Fairy magic?

However, this was the first time I knew the fairies from the Dungeon Core could use magic . It was enough to allow her some free range .

I closed my eyes .

Yihi stopped and flew in front of my face for a while……


Then something collided with my lips . I frowned slightly and opened my eyes to see a message window floating in the air .

-A remarkable achievement! The first person to receive the blessing of the Dungeon Core’s fairy .

The title ‘First to Receive a Fairy’s Blessing’ has been given .

‘This… . . ’

A title!

I had the Indomitable Warrior title . But now I obtained a second title .

I forgot Yihi’s actions as I hurriedly checked the status window .

Name: Randalph BrigsielOccupationDemon Earl (Dungeon Master)Title* Indomitable Warrior (Ex U, all stats +2)

* First to Receive a Fairy’s Blessing (U, Magic +6)

StatsStrength79 (+2)Intelligence64 (+2)Agility74 (+2)Stamina 80 (+2)Magic 82 (+2) Potential: (382+16/500)

Uniqueness: Heart of the Hell Monarch has been transplanted (Full strength hasn’t been fully opened) .

Skill: Skill Combination (R), Mind’s Eye (U)

[Before and After Comparison]

Strength 79 Intelligence 65 Agility 75 Stamina 82 Magic 84 Potential (375+10/500)

Strength 81 Intelligence 66 Agility 76 Stamina 82 Magic 90 Potential (379+16/500)

The rating was also unusual .

Unique . A unique title!

It was a precious title that increased magic by 6 . The effect of both titles increased my magic from 82 to 90 .

Once the stats reached 90 points, it was an entirely different world . Magic had a deep connection to the power of the magic and control over the surrounding environment .

Once magic was opened up, the demons would be able to feel my majesty . They would shrink back in surprise . In my previous life, I struggled with low magic and intelligence but now magic was the highest .

I swallowed and smiled at Yihi .

Yihi had wrapped herself into a ball as she felt shamed . She seemed to be waiting for my anger .

But the blessing gave me a title so I couldn’t bring myself to be angry .

“Thank you . ”

The words were strange in my mouth .

It was awkward . I never thought that I would one day be sincerely thanking someone . But now was the time to share my gratitude . I couldn’t keep quiet just because it was awkward .

Yihi sensed my sincerity and laughed . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“Yihihi . It was nothing . Now I can talk to Dungeon Master when I want to . Yihi likes this!”

“Please refrain unless it is an emergency . ”

But a fairy was talkative .

If I let her talk freely then she wouldn’t stop attempting contact .

“…Yes . ”

“Now I am really going . Take good care of the dungeon . ”

“Don’t worry . And go carefully Dungeon Master . ”

Yihi humbly lowered her head .

I waved my hand as a reply and left the top floors of the dungeon .

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