Dungeon Hunter Chapter 5


Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Lightning Queen

Chapter 5- Lightning Queen

The previous evening .

A bluish twilight welcomed us .

‘Not bad . ’

I chuckled at the sight of the sunset .

The first experience had a variety of things .

In the end, the only ones that emerged from the entrance were the three women . Lee Ji-hye and I were carrying the two unconscious women .

Yoon Hyuk-soo……

He walked with the sword sunk in him . It was possible thanks to his high stamina . But he collapsed right in front of the entrance . His eyes were closed like he was sleeping .

‘Things have been resolved . ’

Shortly after leaving the dungeon, the two women were transferred to the shop operated by the Mithril Guild . They would handle things for a small fee .

A place for patients was prepared inside the shop . After emergency first aid was completed, they would be taken to hospital . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“What will you do now?”

I asked Lee Ji-hye who was staring at the sky with a blank expression .

“Work hard . I will do my best to live . ”

“Do you still plan to continue participating in raids?”

She shook the leather pouch filled with Cores .

“Except for selling my body, there isn’t any other high income jobs for a twenty five year old single woman . ”

Somehow I could feel something in her voice . It seemed like she needed money to live a normal life .

Anyway, she hadn’t abandoned the idea of exploring dungeons .

I nodded and asked again .

“Do you intend to join a guild?”

Lee Ji-hye opened her mouth without thinking .

“If I can earn money safely then I will sign up . But the screening of the 5 guilds is choosy . If I can’t join them then is it worth signing up to another guild?”

5 famous guilds existed in Korea . fjahuarheandjbnskja

Each of the were led by Starters and the reliable raids was the biggest benefit . There are various merits but it was a big challenge itself joining the business .

Lee Ji-hye seemed to have applied to all 5 guilds . And failed the steps . It was a pessimistic attitude .

I pulled out a business card from your wallet .

“Take this . ”

“A business card?”

“Just mention my name and ask for formal admission . Take it . ”

Lee Ji-hye accepted the business card and red the writing in the middle .

“Heaven’s Will… . ”

“Is there a problem?”

Heaven’s Will was clearly one of the 5 famous guilds .

Lee Ji-hye shook her head .

“No . Rather, what is your relationship with the Heaven’s Will guild master?”

“There is no need to know that . ”

“Randalph ssi . Tell me honestly . You are a beginner right?”

“I’ll take care of it . ”

I didn’t have the slightest intention of explaining . I just let Lee Ji-hye imagine whatever she wanted . It didn’t matter where her imagination ended up .

Lee Ji-hye was locked in her thoughts . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

The scene of Yoon Hyuk-soo and Kim In-pil was haunting her head . Those series of actions wasn’t something a beginner could do .

“Perhaps, Park Eun-taek ssi……”

Lee Ji-hye muttered in a small voice .

Park Eun-taek had thrown his body towards the creatures . As a result, they were able to escape .

However, didn’t he have the ability to easily overpower Yoon Hyuk-soo and Kim In-pil? Then couldn’t he leave the dungeon on his own?

Lee Ji-hye swallowed hard .

She should refrain from any speculation . Anyway, it had already happened and she couldn’t turn back time . Above all, she couldn’t easily deal with the man in front of her . She just imagined it . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations


Lee Ji-hye emptied her head .

‘Excellent . ’

I looked at Lee Ji-hye with eyes filled with praise .

She had the excellent judgement to swallow her words . Her potential was low but she could be the manager of his raids .

“A person absolutely can’t grasp everything . Anyway…I understand . I will get in contact with them . ”

Lee Ji-hye said with a sigh .

This was an opportunity for her . It was a solid path to enter one of the 5 guilds . She wouldn’t lose a thing even if it was false .

“But what are you going to do with that diary?”

I pulled out the diary left behind by Kim In-pil . It was a diary designed in an old-fashioned manner and gave off the scent of mana . bvjakfsadujsaoijds

I used Mind’s Eye to confirm the details again .

Name: Book of Command Spells (U)

Description- A demon’s book of madness . Those with low intelligence are likely to be infected by the madness . If it is used during hunting, the magic power of the diary will rise depending on the system .

The special job ‘Command Magician’ can be inherited .

‘This… . . ’

I saw a sneak peak in the dungeon but it was amazing .

A unique rating? In other words, a unique item .

The Heroes weren’t at the level to obtain a rare grade skill or item . That fact that this journal awakened with Kim In-pil was enormous .

I wondered why a human had this item and picked it up from Kim In-pil .

It also have the ability to inherit a special occupation . It was a unique item at a decent enough level .

‘Kim In-pil had something good . ’

A treasure like this being in the hands of someone with no power was a sin itself . Kim In-pil obtaining something so precious .

He must have been a command shaman in a past life . Kim In-pil had died and couldn’t keep the treasure anymore .

Those without Mind’s Eye wouldn’t see the enormous value of the diary and would just think of it as ‘japtem . ’

I decided to take the diary .

“I’ll take care of it . ”

“Burn it if possible . That thing, it must have received a curse . ”

Lee Ji-hye shuddered . The eyes that looked at the diary was full of disgust .

The experiences she went through in the dungeon had a substantial impact on her . She had replenished the nutrition but the mental blow would take time to recover .

Lee Ji-hye’s shoulders sagged before she turned and said to me .

“I will go and try . An unknown beginner? Is this really the business card of Heaven’s Will?”

“Go and do that . ” Read at rainbowturtletranslations . com

“Oh, I should go home and wash first…I also need to go to the hospital . It is difficult . ”

“If it is tough then I can give you a ride . ”

“It’s okay . I can’t depend on you so much . It is comfortable riding in a taxi . ”

Lee Ji-hye laughed and started to descend the mountain . Perhaps the next time I saw her would be at Heaven’s Will guild house .

I gazed in her direction for a moment before turning back to the dungeon .

‘And I haven’t met Yihi . ’

She was so busy that she didn’t even realize I entered the dungeon .

Yihi was the spirit of the Dungeon Core . She was in charge of various affairs in the dungeon and made it less bleak . It was possible to Yihi to create characteristics like flowers or a lake on each floor .

‘She is busy . ’

Right now, building the foundation of the dungeon was in full swing so it must be hectic . I had handed over some points so that she could create necessary things on the 2nd to 4th floors .


‘From the 2nd floor onwards, rare battle gear can be obtained so I need some precautions… . . ”

I also left this to Yihi . Crafty places were designed to wake up the spirit of the heroes .

It should be proceeding steadily right now .

‘I have to go back . ’

The suit was heavy . I didn’t think I would have to wear it in the dungeon for so long . I hit my neck several times before lightly jogging .

* * *

South Korea was noisy .

It had been 9 months since the dungeons appeared . The first guild to break through to the 2nd floor of the dungeon appeared . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

Heaven’s Will .

The guild master who was a Starter, Kim Yong-woo . Those three characters were spread all over various video and print media .

The public television channel, QBS used a vast amount of funds to get an exclusive interview with Kim Yong-woo . A famous announcer would only get 10 minutes of interview time but it caused an explosive sensation in South Korea .

The contents of the interview were as followed .

-Guild master of Heaven’s Will, I’m sure many people are wondering about Kim Yong-woo ssi . Please give a short self-introduction .

“Nice to meet you . I am the guild master of Heaven’s Will, Kim Yong-woo . As you know, I am an Awakened and one of the Starters . I am 28 years old . Single . ”

-Thank you for the answer . Then I will quickly jump onto the next question . The dungeons and Awakened are the hottest thing this year! Does Kim Yong-woo ssi have any idea have this?

“The dungeon is obviously a dangerous place . China and the Philippines have suffered significant damage from the monster waves . But as long as the Awakened are present, the creatures can’t run rampant . When looking at our occupation status window, I think our role is to get rid of the devil that exists at the top of the dungeons . ”

-Devil? Are you talking about the devil with two horns?

“Haha . That is everybody’s imagination . Actually, I don’t know what it is . There might be a real god, aliens or humans from an underground world . ”

-I can’t possible imagine it . Now, this is the next question . Recently the popularity of the Awakened in the entertainment industry is soaring high into the sky . How do you see this?

“A good phenomenon . The Awakened are still people . We suddenly went through a change but we still have emotions . I hope you look at us without any discrimination . ”

-I understand . Then I will finally get down to business . 12 people have succeeded in capturing the 1st floor? uteharoajioadksad

“They are the elite 12 members of my guild so capturing the 1st floor with a strategy wasn’t that difficult . It was more difficult finding a way . We spent a whole week finding the path to the 2nd floor . ”

-Amazing . I know how scary the creatures in the dungeons are from looking at the videos . They are horrible looking and cruel so it is unbelievable that you can easily hunt them . Are there many differences between the 1st and 2nd floor?

“Orcs appear . The size is 1 . 5 times larger and it has the nose of a pig . The thick muscles and tough leather means that we almost died several times . Other than that, treasures are hidden all over the place . A scroll that allows you to jump 500m at once, a leather pouch that allows items twice the size to enter, potions 10 times more effective than grinding up Cores, a sword with a rare rating…that is all on the 2nd floor . ”

-Wah! The descriptions are really eye-opening! Does that mean the 2nd floor is a treasure trove?

“It could be seen that way . But we have to be careful . The orcs are really scary . They frightened me during my encounters with them . If I met them alone then I would instantly flee . ”

-The creatures are so ugly that I don’t even want to see them in my dreams . Heaven’s Will guild master Kim Yong-woo, can you please say one final thing .

“Don’t panic if you one day awaken . I hope you think of it as a blessing . And there is a chance for everyone to receive a blessing . We are the protectors of humanity and also contribute to humanity’s development . The dungeon is a very dangerous place but humanity can use the knowledge to take on step further . It is over . ”

The video went up on YouTube and the interview spread all over the world . It achieved 300 million views and foreign news media aired it with subtitles .

The thought of treasure being found in the dungeon in South Korea naturally made people go crazy . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

Due to this, South Korea became even more aware of the Awakened . They were looked upon very favourable, except for the sports industry .

Heroes . The guardians of humanity .

The power of those words was beyond imagination . The Cores were used to cure some terminally ill patients and was successful in giving the Awakened a good image .

There were also devices that utilized the actual Core and there were heated debates about the importance of the Awakened .

Foreign celebrities were among the travellers heading towards South Korea . The only thing on their mind were the treasures unearthed in South Korea .

Korea became the subject of the world’s interest!

At its heart was Heaven’s Will .

And behind that…a man by the name of Randalph Brigsiel .

* * *

There was a strange atmosphere during the meeting at the guild house of Heaven’s Will . A total of 45 people were staring blankly at the man at the entrance .

There was silence for a while . Even the sound of saliva being swallowed died . There was tension in their faces .

1 second felt like an eternity . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

The man moved . The man that held the room’s attention opened the door to the guild master’s room .

After a while, the silence was broken . They could barely keep their senses .

“My house, my house . ”

“I can’t lose my composure . What is his identity?”

“Just because he succeeded in the raid . Anyone could…this dirty South Korea . ”

Little by little, there was the sound of complaints . Most of them were from people that just joined the guild . They dreamed of going on a formal raid but the guild chose depending on their performance so far .

“Sunbae-nim . Is that guy really that good?”

Eventually, one of the new members couldn’t tolerate it any longer and asked a muscular man sharpening his weapon .

He was one of the 12 elite members that attacked the 1st floor in Heaven’s Will .

“How many times have I told you? He is someone who defeated the orcs . If it wasn’t for him then we would have been wiped out . ”

“I can’t believe it . He doesn’t look like it… . ”

The muscular man frowned .

“I assure you, no one here can beat the orcs in a one on one fight . That man did it . He took on 2~5 of them alone . ”

“Does that mean even Sunbae-nim can’t win against the orcs?”

“The orcs are enemies that protagonists in fantasy novels often face . The kobolds and goblins aren’t their opponent . I would lose 8 out of 10 times if I fought them . ”

The people who heard it couldn’t believe it .

The muscular man was considered as the top 5 powerhouses in the guild . Yet he said that he could only win 2 out of 10 times . They still weren’t convinced that the orcs were so strong .

All members of the guild wanted to participate in the 1st floor invasion . They had quietly waited for the top members of the guild to get some results . uiheruajkndakjdbsa

But among them, a man they didn’t know had participated in the raid . He didn’t participate in any guild meetings so their nerves were scratched when he appeared .

Of course, the man was well known within the guild . They were aware that the guild master had gifted him with a Bugatti Veyron . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

In contrast to their snobbish words, each one of them felt their spirit being crushed in front of a giant and felt a crushing pain in their stomach .

No matter how proficient they were, they had never seen something like him . The man proved his skills to the 11 people participating in the raid . And they kept repeating ‘excellent and ‘strong’ in regards to him .

Even an orc was no match . It was no wonder there were complaints .

“Skills are secondary . Is he making a personal raid group within the dungeon? He brought in a female manager and a woman cleaning the toilers…rather than a raid group, it is like he wants to create a flower garden . ”

There was another problem .

The guild gathered the optimal personnel as needed to form raid groups . Now the man was creating a raid group with fixed members of the guild .

Making a raid group would create a fuss .

The separation of powers would affect the guild . The guild members wouldn’t just belong to the guild anymore . They could refuse the guild master’s commands and only move according to the direction of the raid captain .

There were many members that made a fuss .

Lee Ji-hye had been brought in as an outside manager . And he had taken a newly entered girl away . The guild’s new hire that had only been there for a month was snatched away like a falling fruit .

The man’s behaviour was just making a mockery of the guild’s traditions .

Thus there was talk that he planned to make his raid group a flower garden .

And the crucial cause of this turmoil…the fact that both women were beauties was to blame .

The muscular man stopped polishing his weapon and clicked his tongue .

“The leader has given his approval . We are not a mere guild . ”

“I want to hear your thoughts . ” Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“This might not be a bad thing for the guild . He definitely has the skills . A skill with the rare rating is definitely worth investing in . I also believe in the results he has produced so far . ”

“If Sunbae-nim says so . Ehyo!”

The guild members sighed as the muscular man shrugged .

“Think about it . We’ve cleared the 1st floor and established ourselves as South Korea’s number 1 guild . That means you will get benefits . The dungeons have appeared for 8 months and now you will have some opportunities to play . Why are baby chicks acting so impatient?”

There were standard requirements .

A much smaller number of monsters now existed on the 1st floor of the dungeon . Information arrived that they were disappearing here and there . The reliability was 99 . 9% . It was good news .

“Our chance has come?”

All the guild members hoped to explore the 2nd floor of the dungeon . They didn’t think the chance would come easily .

The personnel who participated in the raid all received tremendous rewards . The various treasures found on the 2nd floor transcended the rewards received by killing the creatures on the 1st floor .

The muscular man smiled .

“In the near future, 3 raid groups filled with 12 people each will be formed to explore the 2nd floor . It was originally scheduled to be announced a week later but it should be okay for me to tell you this . ”

“Heok! Really?”

36 people would be mobilized for 3 raids filled with 12 people .

All the people who heard the story had wide eyes . The muscular man turned his head and calmly said to everyone who was listening to the story .

“So raise your skills . I’m saying this to all of you . Life is a battle . If something goes wrong then it will end at once . If you want to gain some achievements then build up your skills . ”

“Ah… . . ”

“In that sense, do you want to participate in a 10 day special training?”


Hands started to move like lightning .


“I’d like that very much, special training!”

The muscular man’s eyes shone .

“Express hell training . You can’t mess around . If you’re not good enough then you will die . Do you still want to go?” Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

It was like cold water had been poured on a wildfire .

Hell training . He aimed to show them the real hell .

“Those who want to go, follow me . ”

The muscular man stood up with his weapon .

He was one of the 12 members who participated in the raid with Randalph Brigsiel . He was convinced that only the strong could live in the future .

He had been moving at a lukewarm pace . Continuing to the 2nd and 3rd floor of the dungeon . He didn’t stand a chance with his state right now .

‘I’ve been too complacent with my skills . It has been a few months at best… . ’

An example of the strong becoming lazy .

But there was a strong man in the guild he wanted to follow .

A wall .

And he would go beyond that wall . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations


The muscular man, Kim Tae-hwan .

He was a man who would laugh while jumping into hellfire .

* * *

“The outside is quite noisy . ”

I said to Kim Yong-woo after hearing the noise outside from the sealed room .

Kim Yong-woo just laughed while raiding my proposal about establishing a raid group .

“There are multiple times when they are noisy . Thanks to Randalph-nim clearing the 1st floor, you are now a perfect target . The time of your proposal… . ”

“A festival . ”

There were no festivals in the Demon World . They divided the spoils of victory and enjoyed the atmosphere but they didn’t have any idea of the concept itself .

In that sense, a human festival was very lively .

“Are you interested? In fact, I would have rented a huge hall sooner or later . It is pretty fun . ”

Despite being a miser, Kim Yong-woo wrote something down . He was using his position as a guild master .

I shook my head .

“That’s okay . Rather, just make sure that there is no problem with the proposal passing . ”

Kim Yong-woo scanned it and roughly shook his head .

“You don’t want it formally?”

“Still, it is good to get things straight . ”

“Hrmm…there is no problem with the proposal itself . I’ve already heard about an independent raid group that only focuses on attacking dungeons . ”

It was the first time I submitted official documents but the story of the raid I was creating had already spread through the guild . The speed at which the issue spread through the guild had spread beyond imagination .

Kim Yong-woo looked at the proposal and muttered .

“The raid name ‘Devil Hunters’…somehow it reminds me of the black flame dragon . ”

Devil Hunters . The name of the raid group would be reduced to D . H .

The name was a reminder of my goal to get rid of all the demons in the dungeons and to become the devil . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“There shouldn’t be any changes . ”

“I think it looks great . Should I seal it now?”

Kim Yong-woo who had his attitude changed asked him . I nodded and Kim Yong-woo immediately stamped the proposal .

This was the moment that the raid group Devil Hunters was launched .

“How are you going to fill the other group? One manager and one new member . You are walking down a very hard path . Wouldn’t it help to recruit more influential people?”

Right now I was thinking about the future of the raid group . I intended to make the strongest raid group but had only found one appropriate person for it .

“My methods will take a bit of time . But I am confident they will become the strong raid group . It won’t be bad from the guild master’s position . ”

It wasn’t bad for a guild to have many strong members .

Kim Yong-woo handed the proposal to me .

“I’m at your disposal . I am Randalph-nim’s faithful servant . I will follow Master-nim . ”

“I never expected this when I rescued you . ”

It was really surprising . I had been wandering the dungeon when I came across Kim Yong-woo and decided to help him . I hadn’t hoped for something like this .

Kim Yong-woo just grinned . bvnabfajdnbsadasjd

“Studying and social experience, I just used every chance I received to do well . Isn’t it thanks to Master-nim that I broke through the 1st floor? I don’t think my choice was wrong this time . ”

Kim Yong-woo .

He thought he was an elephant . But he realized that he was lower than an ant . Instead, he decided to stand next to the elephant .

This was the secret of his life . Otherwise he wouldn’t have become the guild leader of one of Korea’s top 5 guilds .

I received the proposal and said .

“As long as you’re not pretending in order to stab me in the back, I will help you . I hope you made the right choice . ”

“Ahh! Don’t say that even as a joke . ”

Kim Yong-woo waved both his hands .

“Only you know whether it is a joke or not . ”

I gave him advice just in case he was prepared to betray me . It was in order to properly scare him .

I turned my body .

The proposal was stamped so now I was going to plan my raid group .

“Will you participate in the festival?”

Kim Yong-woo asked before I opened the door .

“I will make a decision at the time . ”

“Then I will send you the official documents when the schedule has been determined . ”

“Thank you . ”

“It is natural . ”

Kim Yong-woo’s eyes blazed with his loyalty .

I ignored him and opened the door of the room .

‘This time I will participate . ’

I wasn’t very interested in a human festival but not participating would cause discord within the guild . Read at rainbowturtletranslation . com

I didn’t care but there was a need to create an amicable relationship . In order to be a member of Heaven’s Will, I needed to participate in a minimum amount of activities . I was aware that the other side had no flexibility .

‘I need to slowly build the foundation . ’

The creation of my own raid group! The most urgent thing was to collect all the members .

This time, the new member known as the ‘Lightning Queen’ in my previous life appeared in my head and a warm smile appeared .

* * *

The spacious hall on the guild house’s 3rd floor .

It was the space given to the Devil Hunters raid group . It was a wide area for only 3 people but it would become narrow once the positions started to fill up .

There was no furniture and I felt a strange tension as I entered the empty hall . The manager Lee Ji-hye and newly recruited member Yoo Eun-hye were in a standoff .

Stiff expressions were on their faces .

I slowly opened up .

“What’s going on?”

Lee Ji-hye confirmed my presence and said .

“Captain-nim . You shouldn’t pick her . ”

“Unni . Wasn’t it just a mistake? It couldn’t be helped . ”

“Have you accidentally killed someone?”

“I’m sorry . But you’re not dead!” Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

It was indeed a meaningful conversation . Lee Ji-hye seemed to be acting unfair towards Yoo Eun-hye .

I looked over their appearances and nodded .

There was a faint burning smell from Lee Ji-hye’s hair so I could guess the reason .

‘It is due to Yoo Eun-hye’s passive . ’

In my previous life, Yoo Eun-hye had been called Lightning Queen . She had a young appearance like a student and the bob cut and mischievous eyes gave him an impressive appearance . However, she was afflicted with some type of passive .

I use Mind’s Eye to take a deep look at Yoo Eun-hye’s status window .

Name: Yoo Eun-hyeOccupationHero (Lightning Magician)Title* Dozen Lightning Strikes (R, Magic +4)StatsStrength20Intelligence44Agility15Stamina14Magic45 (+4) Potential: (138/423)

Uniqueness: Has received the protection of the spirit of lightning . A state received after being hit by lightning and standing on the door between life and death .

Skill: Lightning Bolt (N), Electric Current (N, Passive)

It was a truly strange status window .

Her potential was outstanding . The owner of the highest potential I had seen until now . It was comparable to Timely Rain’s guild master, Alin .

The problem was the uniqueness . It was the part about receiving the protection of a lightning spirit .

Perhaps due to the lightning spirit, her body acted as a big lightning rod . If lightning struck then it would directly hit her . As a result, she even received a title .

She might suffer a bit but it wasn’t bad . There were many toxins and waste running through the body . The owner of this talent could be called a genius but… .

‘The passive Electric Current is the problem . ’

The lightning had a comfortable place and wandered inside the building . She unknowingly spread this aura everywhere she went . This was the reason why Lee Ji-hye’s hair was burnt .

“Don’t come any closer . If you take one more step then I will attack!”

Lee Ji-hye warned . She didn’t want to attack the enemy but she needed extreme patient to endure the charred hairs . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

Yoo Eun-hye had a long face .

“Unni’s hair was so beautiful that I inadvertently touched it . But my passive was activated . Unni, we are Hye sisters . Huh? I won’t do it again . ”

Lee Ji-hye and Yoo Eun-hye . Both of them had names that ended in Hye . People should overlook a small mistake .

But Lee Ji-hye had no intention of forgiving her .

“We are not sisters . How can you call me unni when you burned my hair?”

“Don’t you think it looks good? No, I’m kidding . So don’t be like that . Sometimes I just joke around for fun . I’m sorry unni!”

“You… . ”

“Stop . ”

I finally spoke .

I needed to control the situation .

“Emotions shouldn’t consume you in a raid group . ”

Lee Ji-hye held out her burnt hair and whined .

“But…” bfiahroaijdsaodklna

“I told you to stop . ”

I firmly said .

The Devil Hunters raid group had been formally launched so I needed to discipline them . I was the leader of the raid group and Lee Ji-hye and Yoo Eun-hye were only members .

The atmosphere was heavy as Lee Ji-hye closed her mouth .

“You are the only manager of Devil Hunters . Your job is to check the status of the members and to organize the schedules, such as when we take a job overseas . Don’t disappoint me from the start . ”

“I’m sorry . ”

Lee Ji-hye bowed her head .

She was a bit confused at first but she realized something after coming to Heaven’s Will .

A man that even the guild master listened to! An overwhelming amount of charisma flowed from him . The man talked strangely but it was hard to reject him . He gave off a strong impression .

It was the first time she met a guy like this . A person like that made her the manager .

She couldn’t disappoint him from the beginning .

‘Saying it one time is enough . ’

I was strong compared to humans . And Lee Ji-hye was a wide woman . It wasn’t necessary to repeat it . I decided to stop my harsh words at this point .

I pulled out a small vial and handed it to Lee Ji-hye .

“Take this . It will solve the problem of your hair . ”

Lee Ji-hye’s eyes blinked as she took the vial .

“What is it?”

“A potion I obtained in the dungeon . It is much more effective than grinding a Core up . ”

“Ah… . . ”

Lee Ji-hye’s expression seemed like she had been slapped . Simply grinding a Core into a potion couldn’t revive dead cells .

However, it was a different story if it was one of the treasures obtained . Lee Ji-hye moved her shoulders and freaked out . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“I-I can’t receive this . If this is a treasure from the dungeon… . ”

“If you don’t take it then I will throw it out . ”


“Like I said . For me, this is an item that I don’t need . ”

My body wasn’t weak enough to need an inferior potion like this . A wound on my body would need an advanced potion to cure . Lee Ji-hye seemed really moved as she looked at me with tears in her eyes .

“T-thank you . I will treasure it . ”

I inwardly shook my head .

I didn’t understand the uproar over a little bit of burned hair .

However, I heard that hair was important to women . In particular, women invested a lot into maintaining long, straight hair .

Perhaps hair was even more important than their lives . Thus Lee Ji-hye’s attitude was natural .


Yoo Eun-hye who was watching the scene asked .


“What am I doing here? Cleaning? The laundry?”

“Why do you think that?”

“Well, hehe . I’m not doing something like that?”

“There is no need to . You are different from those people . ”

I had no intention of giving up such a critical power .

Yoo Eun-hye was confused that she wouldn’t be cleaning and asked .

“Then what am I doing? Ah! Rubbing your shoulders? My hands are amazing . Perhaps you might become addicted to it?”

Then tragedy would occur when her passive was activated .

Based on her kindness, Yoo Eun-hye somehow reminded him of Yihi . Yihi would probably scold him angrily if she heard his thoughts .

“You seem to be misunderstanding something . Did you think I brought you here to run errands?”

The sullen Yoo Eun-hye closed her mouth .

“I’m honestly not sure . Do you know what my nickname is? Human lightning rod . I’ve been struck by lightning a number of times . My body even lets out electric currents . Do you know how much disruption and damage I cause to the area? Of course, I know I have a pretty face but Captain-nim is unlikely to bring me for that reason . ” euthaurjnakfnakjdsa

Yoo Eun-hye who was in charge of chores had suddenly become involved in Devil Hunters . That was 3 days ago . Yoo Eun-hye had been worrying about it for 3 days .

“Just have confidence in yourself . ”

“That is to say, yes . Sometimes I think that people don’t see me as a woman . ”

“You are amazing . I have high expectations for you . ”

“Expectations… . ?”

“Yes . Show all the people of Heaven’s Will how excellent you are . ”

“Hehe . I will burn them . It feels nice . This is the first time someone had expectations from me . Still, I’m sorry . You are probably going to be disappointed . ”

Yoo Eun-hye laughed .

From an early age, no one ever had any expectations for her . Many people were scared of her and wouldn’t come close .

She was struck by lightning and visited a shaman but the shaman just proclaimed ‘This is karma from a previous life . Build up your virtue . ’

Even her family and relatives were unnerved and saw her as a burden .

Yoo Eun-hye was delighted when she Awakened . She could finally be called a talent . However, the passive Electric Current flowing through her body brought her back to despair .

‘It is serious . ’

If Yoo Eun-hye was useless then the vast majority of humanity was less than trash . The flower hadn’t blossomed yet but I need to fix that mentality . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

‘I should make a move . ’

Her thoughts were full of self-deprecation . If that continued, it was natural for her health to fade . bhjabfuiadjksnasd

Furthermore, Yoo Eun-hye was a magician not a warrior . All her abilities were focused in intelligence and magic, not the physical traits of a tough warrior .

The door between life and death!

In the past, she learned some knowledge while dealing with tough opponents . I didn’t personally experience how great she was . It would be a shame to waste that talent . In the past, Yoo Eun-hye didn’t fully understand her talent or ability as a magician .

Of course, I had no intention of letting the past life repeat itself . Leaving this neglected would be a sin .

If Yoo Eun-hye was perfectly raised then she could ride the lightning and aim it at enemies .

In order to do this, she needed to increase her physical skills through training . Right now her state was too imbalanced . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

“Follow me . I will be starting your training from today . ”

I exited the hall .

* * *

“…This is the dungeon?”

Yoo Eun-hye said as she looked at the entrance that seemed like the giant mouth of a lion .

“Haven’t you seen a dungeon before?”

Of course it was a dungeon . Yoo Eun-hye had a horrified look on her face .

“We are just two people . ”

“I am a raid captain and can deal with them . ”

“You might be a raid captain but I’m not strong! How many times have I seen the dungeon?”

I replied like it was no big deal .

“Is that so? Don’t worry . From now on you will see it a lot . ”

Yoo Eun-hye felt like crying . That wasn’t what she meant .

“W-what if I don’t want to? Ignoring my words……”

“No, I will keep it in mind . ” uethanjkasndakjdasd

It was like a situation where I heard a confession .

“Then why……”

“Do you think you will die here? I won’t let that happen . ”

“D-don’t tell me we really came here for training? A dungeon?”

“Yes . ”

“Oh my god . ”


Yoo Eun-hye felt dismay .

An influential leader . However, he was the only capable one . Perhaps she would be a burden .

“Don’t use any magic . You can only deal with the creatures with your sword . ”

“Huh? A sword, you want me to use a sword? Is Captain-nim well?”

Yoo Eun-hye was currently carrying a longsword . She told she was just carrying the weapon for him . It was enough to make her curse .

“That’s right . You have to use the sword . ”

The confirmation killed her . Yoo Eun-hye’s body shook . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

While Yoo Eun-hye was crying silently, I looked at my plans for the future .

While the demons were using the training room to get stronger, the Awakened were also experiencing noticeable growth .

Killing creatures or completing quests would cause them to grow . It might be doubted because it couldn’t be seen but experience was always been gained .

I could see it rise with Mind’s Eye . The potential opening . And the way the abilities rose depending on their actions . Using a sword against the creatures would have a higher chance of physical abilities rising .

‘It is best to raise the abilities evenly . ’

Let’s imagine that a magician had 100 intelligence, 100 magic and 30 points for everything else . Obviously their body would explode from an enormous hit from a creature . There were constraints on using magic successively .

Magic wasn’t that easy to use . A double-edged sword . A power that could cause miracles but also rebound on the user . Read at rainbowturtletranslation . com

“Eu…in the end I entered . ”

Yoo Eun-hye muttered as she stumbled after me into the dungeon . Signs of anxiety were clearly evident . She was so scared from the beginning that she couldn’t open her mouth any longer .

“Don’t worry . You aren’t going to die in a place like this . ”

It was sincere .

Yoo Eun-hye’s level of talent was a frontrunner in the world . In my previous life, she had raised her level to being one of the 10 strongest humans .

Unless she encountered a Duke travelling in my dungeon, she could kill anything in here .

“I will believe in Captain-nim . ”

The desire for survival emerged in Yoo Eun-hye’s eyes .

I just laughed .

The story about how I dealt with the orcs on the 2nd floor of the dungeon was famous within the guild . It was funny that the master of the goblins and kobolds couldn’t handle them . Yoo Eun-hye followed without saying anything .

“Finish off the two kobolds that are coming . ”

“Heok . ”

“Get ready to fight . But once again, you shouldn’t use magic . ”

“I-I will try . ”

Her tone changed . It will filled with tension .

Yoo Eun-hye had been to dungeons several times . Despite not killing a lot of creatures, her high intelligence meant she could recover from panic . She wouldn’t give up easily .

“I can do it, I can do it, I can do it……”

Yoo Eun-hye hypnotized herself . She sincerely wanted to live up to my expectations . She also wanted to prove to herself that she wasn’t useless . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

It was a good thing . If she continued being frightened by the creatures then I would have been disappointed . It was important to have the will to fight .

“They’re coming . ”

I said in a low voice . uerhaojisklnfadmaldk

“I will deal with one kobold . And the remaining one is up to you, Yoo Eun-hye . ”

“Yes, yep!”


The two kobolds could smell that prey was present and hurried .

I reached out and a sword appeared out of thin air .

It was a magic sword with a rare rating that I used 20,000 points to purchase . A weapon had been necessary to handle the higher ranked creatures summoned during the beginner’s protection period .

The appearance was different from an ordinary long sword . However, it issued a very sharp light in the darkness .

I grasped the sword lightly and said while looking at the kobolds approaching .

“The kobold has similar strength to you . Don’t use straightforward attacks . Just like the goblins, be careful of their nails and teeth . ”

I demonstrated for Yoo Eun-hye . I moved as slowly as possible and showed her some normal moves .


The kobolds barely reached my chest . The location was a little low to handle with a sword but there were little tricks that could kill them .

Duk .

I kicked the ground . Dust rose up . jgahdfjkadskjadnadsk

The two kobolds hesitated for a moment . I pierced the kobold’s forehead in that moment .

“They are short-sighted . Their eyes aren’t good . Thus, they will briefly panic when there is smoke . In the meantime, use that chance to attack the head . It is best to cut off their heads . ”

At the same time, I removed my sword from the forehead and cut the neck . One kobold was perfectly handled in a moment .

“Now it is your turn . ”


The remaining creature went berserk . Its two eyes turned red and it kept snorting . It had a furious appearance .

Gulp .

Yoo Eun-hye barely maintained her spirit . She was barely holding herself together .

I stepped back . I didn’t attack it so the aggro wasn’t on me . Naturally the kobold would aim at the target closest to it .

‘You aren’t going to die . But I won’t act as your guardian . ’

I would stay in the background until Yoo Eun-hye’s life was in danger . Handling the creature alone would greatly increase her stats . Pushing herself to the limit would raise all her abilities .

She needed to cross the wall . But she needed to climb it alone . Yoo Eun-hye was now facing her first wall . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations


Yoo Eun-hye took a deep breath and moved her feet like I did . Dust went everywhere .

The kobold hesitated . It was only for 0 . 5 seconds but Yoo Eun-hye didn’t miss the gap .


But it was shallow . The sword barely pierced the skin of the kobold . Yoo Eun-hye hastily pulled out her sword and moved it to the neck .

At that moment, the kobold raised its hand . It was a posture to catch the attack and allowed it to keep its neck . nbvamnfbadsnmada

Instead, the arm it lifted flew .


Yoo Eun-hye cried out in a sad voice as her blow was blocked . She cut its arm instead of its neck . What was she supposed to do now? Finally she turned and looked at me .

But she didn’t put down her sword .

‘No . ’

Her high intelligence meant she could find a resolution . She also had a strong supporter .

Yoo Eun-hye looked at the kobold .

The kobold was in pain from one of its arms being cut off . Its behaviour was noticeable . Yoo Eun-hye felt some hope after seeing its status .


She raised the sword up high . She lacked the strength to pierce through the thick leather . That’s why she used a strike with all her power .

Bam! Bam!

The sound of the sword hitting flesh could be heard with every swing . Soon the cries of the kobold stopped and it became silent . thjanrkjeadnsmnda

“Haack . Haack… . !”


Yoo Eun-hye threw the sword to the ground . She sat on the floor and breathed harshly . She only fought for 2~3 minutes but sweat was pouring down .

The body of the kobold was completely unrecognizable .

“Well done . ”

I smiled with satisfaction . I knew she had thought of giving up when the kobold blocked the second attack to the neck . Because I didn’t tell her what to do if it was blocked .

But Yoo Eun-hye overcame the crisis by herself . The wall had cracked . That’s why I was satisfied .

I pulled out a handkerchief prepared in advance that Yoo Eun-hye used to wipe off the blood . A potion was also used to heal any wounds . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

The passive Electric Current attacked my body but I didn’t care .

Yoo Eun-hye watched her wounds being healed with a blank stare before asking me .

“D-did I do it correctly, Captain-nim?”

“Yes . It was admirable . ”

“Ah… . . !”

At first she hadn’t thought it was possible . But in the end, she did it alone . Yoo Eun-hye’s body trembled as she was inspired .

A great performance in front of the captain . Normally her passive skill put captains off from accepted her as a member . The Cores also needed to be divided after the hunt was over . Now there was no need to do that . She could handle one kobold alone .

Yoo Eun-hye didn’t want to lose this feeling . To Yoo Eun-hye who had lived most of her life with a sense of defeat, this feeling was more precious than anything else .

“If you want then we can stop here today . ” nbvmnafamnfsadjksad

I said . I deemed that this was sufficient for the first day . She followed me pretty well and I was pleased with her performance .

But Yoo Eun-hye shook her head .

“Ah, it’s nothing . I am able to do more . I think I can . ”

“Is it really okay?”

“Yes . ”

“Then don’t lose that willpower . ”

Willpower was very important . A commitment that she wouldn’t stop .

‘Not bad!’

Yoo Eun-hye had been scared in her previous life . She wanted to prevent any danger to her body . Safety-oriented behaviours were soaked into her body .

But now Yoo Eun-hye was different . The blood of the warrior inside her had woken up . She would grow wonderfully in the direction I set . Read at Rainbow Turtle Translations

‘Soon she won’t have to work to control the lightning in her body . ’

I looked at Yoo Eun-hye with shining eyes .

There was a sufficient amount of time .

Now I had to check her willpower .

She came here on a forced march but now it was different .

Lightning Queen!

The name of a magician who handled lightning in her previous life . This time she would be lightning .

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