Dungeon Hunter Chapter 3


Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Raid

Chapter 3) Raid

The streets of Hongdae were filled with young people . A place filled with the passion and dream of many young men and women .

At Cafe Amoa in the heart of Hongdae, four men and women were gathered . They were dressed differently and the atmosphere they gave off was entirely different from a common person .

They seemed like a combination that would rarely gather together but they were all tied by one common thing .

All of them were Awakened . In addition, each one of them were Starters and a guild master!

“If only this place was Paris . We could have gathered in Paris and once the stores open… . ”

The woman in her mid-30s waved her hands . She was frowning slightly while talking about flying to Paris .

Wavy, long hair and charming lips . The beauty spot above the nose and slightly droopy eyes gave her a glamorous type beauty .

Then the bald man wearing sunglasses and sitting opposite her smiled and said .

“I like the quiet . ”

“Then why did you pick the middle of Hongdae?”

“I don’t like noise but my favourite thing is the vibrant energy of young people . Does Ms . Kim hate something like this?”

The woman he called Ms . Kim was actually Kim Suk-soo . Kim Suk-soo clicked her tongue .

“Well, I don’t dislike money . By the way, why are we all gathered here?”

“Heaven’s Will . ”

The woman nodded as she roughly guessed the story .

“Ah . It is about Kim Yong-woo . Didn’t he go crazy? I heard that he is ranting nonsense every day about ants . ”

“He used to call me ant excrement . ”

“Oh my . Excrement is a little harsh . ”

Kim Suk-soo giggled and laughed .

Then a young man with blonde hair raised a coke to his lips and said .

“Ajusshi, don’t humans become crazy every day? Quickly cut to the chase . I don’t have time . I need to meet up with my team to decide a strategy to raid a dungeon . ”

“Isn’t the Mithril Guild closed?

“Ajusshi’s information is slow . It resumed again yesterday . The guild members are having a hard time . Those who perished in the Philippines… . ”

“Curiosity killed the cat . ”

The strong, young man knocked on the table .

“Aish! Don’t you know that country was being ruined by creatures and a broker arranged for me to enter by boat? I was clearly invited . ”

Kim Suk-soo who had been listening quietly asked .

“That reminds me, how is the area? I heard that martial law has been declared . ”

“Noonim . Don’t even say it . Tanks are being called in . Ah, and do you know that the creatures that are killed outside the dungeons don’t drop Cores? Do you understand?” (Noonim= respectful way for males to refer to older females)

The young man’s words were completely different from how he previously spoke to the man wearing sunglasses . He was a young man so Kim Suk-soo was a difficult opponent for him .

“Really? That is really good news . ”

Kim Suk-soo didn’t have much of a reaction so it seemed like she already knew .

Exactly a week ago, large number of creatures came out from the dungeon in the Philippines . It was that there were 5,000 creatures . The civilians and Awakened received damage but after a few days, the military was organized and started to earnestly clean it up .

It was natural considered the quality of the attack in the first place . But no Cores dropped despite all the creatures killed . There was only one .

There were numerous speculations but the more reliable theory was that creatures needed to be killed in the dungeons . In other words, there was a close relationship between the dungeon and the Core .


Anyway, the Awakened were glad to hear it .

“By the way, what is with those cat like scratches? Didn’t the tanks wipe them all out?”

“Well, one of them got lucky . I don’t know much . It must have been a strong creature . Noonim, can we stop this topic? I’m feeling awful . ”

“I’m sorry dongsaeng Noonim was too short-sighted . ” (Dongsaeng=younger sibling . Sometimes used to refer to a younger person who isn’t related . )

Although he survived the raid, members of his guild had died so he naturally felt sad . Unlike the United States, South Korea had no compensation for those who died in dungeons . All of the Awakened that weren’t in a institute had no choice but to go into the dungeon with nothing .

Many of the rich and powerful showed an avid interest in the Cores . If the guilds hadn’t emerged then the Awakened in South Korea would have been their slaves .

“Let’s return to business . ”

There was silence until a mysterious woman spoke . She was a similar age to the young man but she had a cold face . A tight skirt and blouse . She gave off the perfect impression of a ‘cold city woman . ’

“I met an Awakened . ”

The young man complained after hearing the man in sunglasses’ words .

“What about it? Those who haven’t defeated creatures aren’t real heroes . ”

“He took care of a monster beyond the normal standard all by himself . ”

“Eh? Isn’t that an urban legend? No, a dungeon legend?”

Kim Suk-soo covered her mouth as she smiled .

“Omo, dongsaeng . It is real . The monster . ”

The young man made a shocked expression .

“Eh eh? Haven’t they never been seen before?”

“They exist . Dead people can’t attend our meetings . ”

“…Get down to business . ”

Kim Suk-soo sighed .

“I’m not afraid of the Ice Princess . Hey, Alin . Loosen up your expression . Don’t you know that you will get a lot of wrinkles by the time you are my age?”

“It appears one person has already heard the story . ”

Alin and Kim Suk-soo stared at each other .

The young man looked between them before sending a signal to Sunglasses . It asked him to proceed with the story .

“Hmm…I’ve acquired information that indicates the Awakened man is in Heaven’s Will . ”

“Heol . Ajusshi, he is a real person?”

“Kim Yong-woo wasn’t talking nonsense . ”

There was a moment of silence between the four of them .

Handling a monster beyond the normal standards alone . If it was true, it would be an overwhelming fact .

The presence of these monsters weren’t just mere legend . All the people who had intelligence networks had classified it as Class 1 confidential information . The fact that they were reluctant to talk about it meant it was important information .

These people gathered due to necessity . Everything was for the sake of profit .

“Defeating it alone? No way . You saw a phantom . ”

Kim Suk-soo expressed her opinion . The young man also nodded .

It might be different a few years later . But right now, it was widely accepted that none of the Awakened could handle those type of monsters . It had only been 8 months since the Awakened appeared . The Starters were talented but even they couldn’t exceed the limits of time .

“Do you know why 12 people raids were created?”

Sunglasses asked politely . This time it was Ice Princess Alin who replied .

“In the worst case scenario, at least one person can flee . ”

“That’s right . That number should have been sufficient to deal with standard creatures . Even 4 people are enough to kill kobolds and goblins . ”


Everyone was silent . Sunglasses wasn’t wrong . Humans had come up with the idea of a 12 people raid in the first place .

“And not long ago, Kim Yong-woo’s group was completely destroyed . ”

The three of them were silent . Except for the guild master Kim Yong-woo, the other 11 people had died in the dungeon . The only living person who returned was Kim Yong-Woo . The standard of the creatures that could wipe out the raiding party wasn’t normal .

“Kim Yong-woo returned alive but he was babbling like a lunatic . He kept talking about an elephant that could handle the non-standard creature . ”

“He went crazy . You don’t need to take him seriously . ”

Kim Suk-soo clicked his tongue . Kim Yong-woo originally had a few screws loose . He seriously thought he was chosen by God . Kim Yong-woo’s nature was enough to make them suspicious .

“I thought like that as well . ”

“Then why?”

“Recently Kim Yong-woo’s attitude has changed . His changed mindset makes him seem like an entirely new person…he even transferred a Bugatti Veyron to that guy . I think that Kim Yong-woo met this person in a dungeon before . ”

“Wait, is he human? That car? Really? He didn’t just lend it for a moment?”

The man shook his head .

“People never saw Kim Yong-woo driving the Bugatti Veyron . On the other hand, that man was seen driving the Bugatti Veyron quite a bit . ”

Then a little boy sitting to their right gave an astonished cry .

“Amazing! This is a special feeling! Tomorrow the sun will rise in the west!”

“…I recognize it . ”

Kim Suk-soo and the other people felt their admiration increase . Kim Yong-woo was someone who was really stingy with his money .

Despite controlling the funds of the guild house, he insisted on going dutch when dining together with other people . He would only have a bowl of jajamyeon once a month yet Kim Yong-woo gave a prized car to someone else?

The Bugatti Veyron was widely considered to be the fastest care in the world . There were differing opinions that the Hennessey Venom GT was faster but it was clearly a precious car in South Korea . The speed allowed in this place was very limited .

Kim Yong-woo had been so prideful after he bought it that they were sick of it . Even if Alin asked him for a ride, he would blow her off like she was a fly .

It really was like the sun rising in the west tomorrow .

Sunglasses pulled his cool coffee closer and said .

“Of course, I can’t be sure . It is just a high possibility . And if he is the same person, he isn’t someone who can handle a creature beyond the norm . Even if 100 Awakened are gathered, they would find it impossible to handle the creature . At the time, Kim Yong-woo was the lone survivor so he must have seen something . ”

“Ajusshi, aren’t you worrying about needless things?”

“No…it is clear that he has considerable skill . In addition, it is true that he bumped into a non-standard creature . ”

“Hey, let’s say he really did meet a non-standard monster? So how did he come back alive?”

“I think he holds a rare grade skill . Therefore he could escape to the outside . ”

Rare grade skill! They all swallowed their saliva .

Just like the name, it was a rarity . At least it was in South Korea . The only known user of a rare skill was Chinese .

Even the Starters who woke up 8 months ago only had normal level skills . The man in sunglasses had an Exceptional Normal skill ‘Improve Muscle Strength . ’

Skills could be obtained through a particular type of work, certain actions against creatures and completing difficult quests .

Quests could be found on their own but an updated list of quests also existed . Once a month, the quest list updated to coincide with the level of the Awakened . Completing quests with difficulty levels one or two steps higher would give a skill . Sometimes a lot of luck and hard work was required .

“But hasn’t he joined Heaven’s Will?”

Ice Princess Alin said calmly .

The five guilds had similar strengths . Respect was given to all sides . It was an unspoken law to not recruit members that had already joined a guild .

The man raised his sunglasses .

“It is Kim Yong-woo alone who is making a fuss . They’ve never gone on a raid together . ”

“Then he can still be taken . ”

Alin was convinced as she closed her eyes . She forgave him for calling this meeting of guild masters .

Then the young man said with confusion .

“Ajusshi . I don’t understand . Why are you telling us? Isn’t it better if you alone monopolize him? We aren’t amateurs . If there is any ill will… . ”

Sunglasses scratched the bridge of his nose .

“I have failed . I was rejected before even speaking one word . I almost died . ”

“Heh, even ajusshi fails at times . ”

“There are thousands of witnesses in the vicinity of the Heaven’s Will Guild House…they lose their appetite as soon as they see me . ”

“Uhh? Is ajusshi really going to give up?”

“You haven’t looked at him . My head would have been rolling on the floor of the restaurant if I said even one word . ”

The young man’s expression became determined .

There was something they implicitly agreed on . Sunglasses was the strongest among those gathered here .

In addition, they knew how obsessed he was with becoming strong . He would get whatever he wanted . A boiling spirit that never admitted defeat . Their hairs started to stand up .

If this was true then they absolutely needed to recruit his talent . Even if they had to spend billions of won!

Once he was drawn in, the balance between the five guilds would start to lean towards him .

Maybe they could go up to the next floor . Obtaining the title of the first ones to arrive on the 2nd floor was a great achievement . It was the ‘authorization’ that indicated they were the best guild in Korea!

Since America’s official announcement, the existence of the Awakened was known to everyone . A lot of people made movements behind the scenes .

Now it was a world of dungeons and Awakened . As the Awakened obtained more Cores, the people were forced to rely on them even more .

And having the title of the strongest would be very useful… .

“I only want one thing . Information sharing about the rare skill . I don’t want anything else . ”

“… . I will go first . The answer is yes . ”

Alin stood up quickly . There was a red flush on her cheeks .

“Oho, ho . It is already that time . I heard it well . I’m a yes!”

Kim Suk-soo followed suit .

“Hmm hmm! Ajusshi, contact me separately . ”

The young man was the last to leave .

Sunglasses who was left alone leaned back in his chair and sighed .

‘Really terrible eyes… . ’

He saw himself ‘drop dead’ as soon as the other person glared . His breath became short as his spirit was lost . It felt like he was prying into a deep abyss . It seemed like a shower of sweat had flowed .

His body trembled as he remembered those eyes .

* * *

The sun at noon .

I leisurely sat on a park bench and watched the people . Children were wandering around chatting while it wasn’t unusual to see the figure of a woman sweating .

‘Peaceful . ’

I was wearing rimmed sunglasses .

Despite the existence of dungeons, they continued to live their normal lives .

And if I didn’t take any special actions, this peace would last for quite a long time . In my previous life, I randomly killed humans and the peace ended too quickly . The areas around the dungeon became a wasteland . The city became ruins .

But now I would change that . It was unacceptable to step on anyone like I did in my previous life . If they didn’t point a sword at me then I wouldn’t become hostile .

For the moment .

‘It doesn’t feel bad . ’

Wasn’t I once dead? Now I was free .

Maybe that’s why I felt more generous . I never imagined in my previous life that I would be blending in with humans .

But now I was stronger than in the past . No, to be precise I have the potential to become stronger .

So I don’t care . The strong were free . That’s why I decided to become a warrior above all others . I needed to make an effort to become a real warrior .

I don’t know much about humans in modern times . I couldn’t read their culture and behaviour at all .

It was natural . I had no interest in them in my previous life . Humans were just the prey of the creatures but now things were different .

Humans were still peaceful . Especially here in South Korea . Maybe it was because the threat of North Korea was stronger than that of the dungeons .

Now I needed to pay attention to them . It was necessary to analyse and completely investigate them .

So I spent time wandering and observing .

‘It is easier thanks to Kim Yong-woo . I was able to save a lot of time . ’

It happened suddenly when I emerged from the dungeon . A few pairs of eyes followed me as soon as I came out .

They were Kim Yong-woo’s hired messengers . He had drawn my outfit and rough appearance on a piece of paper and they had been waiting for 2 weeks . His patience was worth praising .

Everything became easier thanks to that .

I met Kim Yong-woo at the Guild House and he proclaimed that he would be my subordinate . He worshipped me . And he knelt down and kissed my feet .

The outrageous actions were all because I saved him . It had been shocking at the time .

I didn’ have anything to lose so I humbly accepted .

Kim Yong-woo seemed to be quite strong among the Heroes . It wouldn’t be bad to use him to accomplish my goal . I would be in a perfect position behind him . Receiving attention immediately wasn’t desirable .

‘Now that I have an ID… . am I also a person from here?’

I took out my wallet and checked my identity .

Kim Yong-woo had created an identity for him . My name and surname was still the same but my status was listed as a returnee .

When I was 9 years old, I left Korea for the United States and returned after graduating from Harvard University . Kim Yong-woo also graduated from Harvard in the United States .

I was someone who didn’t even receive a middle school education . So I didn’t care about it . As long as my actions were free .

“Can I sit beside you?”

A woman I saw earlier came up to me and asked . I didn’t turn my head let alone answered but the woman naturally sat next to me . She had been following me since I briefly stopped by Heaven’s Will in the morning .

‘An annoying woman has come . ’

I clicked my tongue .

At first glance, she seemed familiar like he had seen her before . She was different when I knew her but she was obviously the guild master of the Timely Rain Guild . But I gazed at the status window just to be sure .

Name: AlinOccupationHero (Archer)TitleNoneStatsStrength25Intelligence34Agility47Stamina23Magic30 Potential: (169/401)

Uniqueness: ‘Timely Rain’ Guild Master

Skill: Aim (N), Quick Burst (N)

‘Indeed . ’

There was no doubt .

The clear eyes, sharp nose and thin lips gave her a striking beauty that stood out . However, half of her face had been burned in a previous life . She was a terrible person who chased me more than anyone else .

I could guess the reason why she chased after me . I was the cause behind the woman’s burns .

So…when my dungeon was on the verge of ruin . The Dungeon Core was being threatened so I hired a fire creature to guard it, wounding the woman .

Thanks to that, the woman and her guild considered me an enemy that couldn’t live together under the same sky . They continued to chase me and pushed me to the brink several times .

In the end, I was the winner but received intensive damage . It took me 1 year to recover .

‘Our destiny has gone around . ’

The Timely Rain guild master had come to meet him . I could get rid of her but didn’t . I had a hunch that things kept on moving around like a hamster wheel .

If I didn’t know about my previous life…the whole thing had now been initialized so it was pointless to argue against it . If I joined hands then I can figure out their intentions sooner or later .

The woman flushed and lowered her gaze . I was using the full power of Outstaring .

I said lightly .

“What do you want?”

Then the ice cold expression somewhat eased off . I talked first so now I was waiting for a reply .

Alin took out a business card from her shoulder bag . Then she smiled and handed me the business card .

“Contact me . ”


Alin’s eyes remained beautifully curved at my reaction (This is referring to the eye smile that Koreans like) .

She got up and coyly stroked my shoulder .

“Call, I’ll be waiting . ”

And she left without looking back . My forehead wrinkled as I was left alone .

‘That human female…what was that?’

It was difficult to understand her intent . She visited just to give me a business card before departing? It was too inefficient .

Why did she touch my shoulder before leaving? If she had a hostile attitude then I could cope with it but it wasn’t apparent .


I don’t know much about women . I had woken up on the battlefield . For 300 years, I only sought to become stronger .

But one of the few things to be cautious of were beauties, especially on the battlefield . Those who held the beauties in their arms would be found dead the next day .

Even the 4 Grand Dukes wouldn’t think of playing that game . But it wasn’t just the Demon World .

Just like demons liked slaughter, a succubus desired men and acted like battlefield scavengers . In my long life, those women were far away from me . The joy of becoming stronger was greater than sex .

Of course, my body had some experiences . I still had a libido . If I didn’t occasionally indulge his body then my mental state would go out of control .

But such acts were done without any kind of special feelings . There was no special senses from my side . I recognized it myself .

‘I am the wrong person to use that type of method on . ’

Of course, I was curious about why Alin gave me a business card but not enough to contact her . I abandoned the business card on the ground and stood up .

If there was a business matter then she would find me . If she didn’t come then I didn’t need to go find her .

Her potential was one of the highest among humans . Among all the people I’ve seen, she was among the top . Someone with no greed or false nature . If her talents were raised then she would bloom like a flower .

However, I became sure of her character in her previous life so she won’t easily follow me . There were also more constraints because she was a guild master .

I needed people to follow me in my own raids . Truly an elite minority . A party that would automatically follow me in the future .

‘Now I need some experience with what humans call a raid . ’

Alin was moved to a corner of my brain as I walked in the direction of the parking lot .

* * *


In the early evening, a dark room . The only light came from the monitor . I slowly moved the mouse to operate the computer .

“Um . ”

I wasn’t very familiar with the small screen and machine . In the past I had never used a computer but I saw it a few times . I had become accustomed to it over the past few days but I still felt uncomfortable using it .

Duk . Duk . Duduk .

My index finger tapped the keyboard . The typical stance of an eagle .

It was ludicrous to think I could use it quickly when I only touched a computer a few days ago . It was to the extent that 300 strokes seemed to be used . I identified all the icons on the desktop .

I adapted to the computer like cotton soaking up water . It was an indispensable necessity for people living in modern times so I needed to learn it, even if it was by force .

‘I need to look at an Awakened online cafe to receive information about raids . ’

Everyone had learned about the existence of the Awakened due to the announcement from the United States . Their strength and supernatural powers . Many people were enthusiastic and bombarded the portal sites about them .

It was the same with the Awakened . The majority became aware of each other’s existence and the Awakened started to assemble . I heard from Kim Yong-woo that there was a cafe the Awakened could subscribe to .

The main portal site had articles associated with the Awakened . Just pressing three letters on the keyboard would come up with the Awakened as an associated search term .

But the cafe where Saints gathered wasn’t something that could be found through a search .

I pulled out a piece of paper from the wallet on my desk . A website address, ID and password was written on the white paper .

‘Here . ’

The English words on the piece of paper was typed into the address bar and a black screen appeared . The only thing present was the login box in the centre .

ID and password .

I clicked OK and the background changed to the message ‘Randalph Brigsiel-nim . I sincerely welcome you . ’

Then a bulletin board unfolded .

‘VIP . ’

The VIP status was displayed in the top left corner . Kim Yong-woo didn’t just give me an ID but also made sure I was authorized to view all the forums .

I knew about it at the time . Usually a person would feel hesitant at this type of favour but I was different . My style wasn’t to decline anything given to me .

However, I wouldn’t receive it unconditionally . I gave him one Core in return . It was a Core he obtained from one of the random high ranking creatures that appeared .

Humans placed tremendous value on this Core . It was the crystallization of pure mana . It didn’t matter to demons and high ranking creatures but the one ones could absorb the opponent’s Core to grow stronger .

I intended to play an active role in the human world so I pack away any mana before the creatures in the dungeon could get to it .

‘It is good that I packed it . ’

I know that I gave a Core with a huge value . Actually, Kim Yong-woo had broken into a sweat when I gave him the Core .

He had a considerable amount of money in his bank account if I took into account his car . It was cleanly washed and worth at least 5 billion won .

In fact, Kim Yong-woo thought that was lacking . The level of the Awakened right now meant they couldn’t kill the creature that would drop this level of Core . It was an extremely rare item .

Thanks to that, I could relax in this house .

‘Did he sell it at the secret auction in San Francisco?’

Curiosity rose but I soon turned it off . Money was readily available . And the economy and currency would collapse in approximately 15 years . Even if I could stop it, I wouldn’t .

“A lot . ”

My eyes turned to the screen again . The homepage was flooded with various posts . A significant amount of real time articles caused a new page after just 1 minute .

There were quite a few Awakened subscribed . If I wanted to view a specific article then I needed to find a separate forum .

First I looked for basic information . There was basic information besides the names of each Awakened . Some were locked and when I clicked on them, a pop up window stated that 100 points was required .

I had 10 points . The information I required was easily accessible so I didn’t need a lot of points .

The title was ‘Dungeon Entrance Map . ’ There was a reason why a Dungeon Master bought a map . The only person who knew the dungeon better than me was the fairy Yihi .

I started to read the posts from the bottom .

‘I want to know how much details are known . ’

I was quickly disappointed . There wasn’t any valuable information .

It was an overview from the Awakened about details of the creatures, how to obtain the Core and basic quest information . I didn’t need that information .

However, the ‘urgent announcements’ at the top had some value .

「Emergence of the Ale Snake . Please note that they have a strong attack venom that causes paralysis . Check the attached list for pictures . 」

「Recently the body of an Awakened was found in the dungeon . Test results revealed that it was the result of an inside job . Please pay special attention to the other Heroes on raids . 」

「 A monster wave has started in China . Please click on the link for more information . 」

A monster wave referred to incidents where creatures emerged from the dungeon . The official announcements warned the Awakened of dangerous information .

After checking other minor things, he clicked on the forums for those seeking ‘raid members . ’

‘People can be found here . ’

Sometimes I had questioned it . There was always a schedule for the humans who entered my dungeon . It turns out they could find a raid party here when they wanted .

‘I have to admit this thing called the Internet is useful . ’

It was convenient . Hopefully I could handle everything that existed in this world . It really was a civilization of machines . The world ran on extreme imbalance . They were strangely ignorant but managed to use the mana to create tools to help them .

There was a small posting on the forum that I examined closely .

More than 35 stamina . One Hero is required .

I’ve already collected 2 magicians and archers . Beginners will be refused .

Do you take direction well?

Except for a few, all the post had ‘recruitment completed’ tags on them . There were new recruitment posts within 10 minutes .

‘There is enormous competition . ’

There were many demanding requirements with the recruitment . The minimum requirements for a raid always specified certain abilities and skills…and almost all of them refused beginners .

Beginners referred to people who hadn’t participated in a dungeon raid once . In that sense, I was also a beginner .

“I still have to send . ”

After muttering those words, I sent a small note . The eagle like tapping on the keyboard was used to appeal myself .

-Take me . I am strong . Kobolds and goblins aren’t my opponent .

A very subjective and objective note . I knew that I was strong . That alone should be sufficient . In case the other person failed to realize it, I wrote three clear sentences .

But no matter how long I waited, there was no reply .

“Hrmm…they are full . ”

New posts was constantly rising . I also sent messages to them .

-I’m sorry .

-Find another raid .

-Are you a king?

I sent 29 notes in an hour and only received 3 replies . The reaction from all three wasn’t good .

Of course, I was well aware of the cause .

‘The tone . ’

There was something called etiquette on the Internet . They couldn’t see each other’s faces here and needed to establish their identity .

But I was someone who wouldn’t even be polite to the Dukes and Grand Dukes . I was on the battlefield as a child and learned harsh curses from my opponents .

This was the language of a strong man .

And I didn’t want to . I wouldn’t change my speech even if I was struck by lightning .

My personality was made by nature and there was no way to change it . Wasn’t it hardened after 300 years? One day I might be able to adapt but that time wasn’t now .

‘Should I go on a raid with Heaven’s Will?’

I shook my head .

‘No . I can’t give up . ’

I am Randalph Brigsiel . And I sent messages to all the posts . One of them would eventually cave in .

Besides, I wanted to see a raid from the bottom . I wanted to view my dungeon from the perspective of a complete beginner . In addition, I had a deep desire to find hidden talents .

The name of Heroes from my previous life . But they weren’t the only strong ones . There were those with high potential who died in the early days . I was looking for people like them .

At this time, a new article was posted .

More than 33 stamina . Recruiting for a raid group will be open for 6 minutes . Please note .

8 people are required for the raid . I’ve recruited 6 Heroes so there is only one position left .

I sent a note just like before . A reply arrived 3 minutes later .

-Randalph-nim? Do you have experience in a raid?

Of course, I had experience with a dungeon . A lot of experience . But I’ve never participated in a raid . I pressed the keyboard with a bittersweet feeling .

-This is my first time for a raid .

-Well, what occupation are you?

I contemplated for a moment before replying roughly .

-Close combat .

-I understand . These days there aren’t many beginners who would send a note so I feel like I should help . Going on a raid…tomorrow at lunchtime, take Exit 3 at Suyu Station and head to ‘Street Cafe . ’

-Understood .

-Leave your number . Please text or call when you arrive .

I was easily accepted . I sighed and leaned my body against the chair .

‘I would feel more at ease fighting advanced creatures .

Sending a simple note was almost like a war . In any case, my recruitment was completed . I would fight the creatures in a cool manner and the other side would get a good impression of me .

Tock, tock .

The sound was coming from the clock on the wall .

Kim Yong-woo had spent 4~5 billion won on a luxury villa in Cheongdamdong for me . All the furniture and appliances were already in place .

114 pyeong (Unit of measurement) . 5 rooms and 3 bathrooms .

It was different from a castle but everything I needed was stocked .

I looked up at the ceiling . Everything was different now .

I missed the company of Yihi but her spiritual body was unable to escape the dungeon . Of course, I could always summon myself back to the dungeon . However, if I did that then it wouldn’t be easy to adapt .

I could return after I adapted . Anyway, it was clear I would adapt quickly . The difference would help eventually .

I closed my eyes .

This evening would be exceptionally long .

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