Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 135


Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 135-136

Chapter 135

Suhyuk came closer to her, asking her,

“Hello. What is your name?”

“Haaah… haaaaah… Suji. Kim Suji.”

He was relieved to hear her reply to him because it showed her conscious state was normal.

Checking her vital signs and body condition, he said,

“I’m Dr. Lee Suhyuk. Can I touch the stethoscope to your chest?”


Suhyuk pulled down her upper clothes slightly, and pressed the stethoscope against the left side of her chest.

He carefully listened to her heart.

He heard the heart murmur.

It was a sign that one of the four valves, which could be called the door of the heart, was ruptured. If the valve which opened to send blood through to the body is not closed properly, this kind of noise is heard as the blood reverses in the wrong direction.

“Haaaaah… doctor… am I in a serious condition? They told me to go to Daehan Hospital, saying they can’t treat me…”

She was aware of the name Lee Suhyuk, and of his face, because she saw him on TV.

Suhyuk, whose face hardened for a moment, smiled and said,

“Don’t worry. I’m a famous doctor who was on TV. So, just trust me. Got it?”

She nodded her head slightly.

Suhyuk called a nurse immediately.

“Please take a blood test and ECG for this patient, Kim Suji.”

“Yes, sir.”

After she, carried on a stretcher, disappeared with the nurse, he fixed his eyes on her chart again.

There was the name and the contact number of the physician who treated her.

Suhyuk called him without any hesitation.

“Yes, this is Dr. Oh Chulin.”

“Hello, this is Dr. Lee Suhyuk at the cardiothoracic surgery department at Daehan Hospital.”

Suddenly Oh’s voice was not heard, but it was only brief.

“Oh! It’s an honor for such a famous doctor like you to give me a call like this…”

“I’m taking care of the patient you sent us. You mentioned myocardiopathy, and no reaction to treatment…”

“Ah… actually she has terminal cancer. Initially the reaction was favorable internally, but…”

Listening to him, Suhyuk nodded his head, but his face was hardening gradually.

“Got it. Thanks for your explanation.”

“You’re welcome. When you’re available one of these days…”

Suhyuk hung up the phone as he did not hear his voice. He was completely focused on the patient.


The radiograph shots were shown on the viewer.

Suhyuk knitted his brows.

Her condition was serious, just like Dr. Oh had said.

She could not be cured with internal treatments.

The fact that her heart did not respond to internal treatment meant her heart was broken.

It needed a surgical operation, and it was not that easy of one to perform.

Terminal myocardiopathy.

Suhyuk contacted Prof. Han immediately. Fortunately he answered the phone quickly.

“Professor Han. The transferred patient. She has terminal myocardiopathy.”

“Terminal? So what?”

“I think we need to perform a heart transplant.”

“Are you in the intensive care unit? Let me come to you right away.”

Han soon arrived, and checked the shots, images and the examination chart with a long sigh.

The mitral valve and tricuspid valve of the heart were damaged, and various complications were present. Therefore, the operation of the artificial heart besides the artificial valve could not be considered. Left untreated, she could not live more than one year.

“What is her blood type?”

“Type B.”

Watching the chart and shaking his head, Han murmured, “it’ll take a long, long time…”


Because it was none other than the heart organ, it was like picking a star from the sky to find someone who was willing to donate the heart.

It was only possible to get a donation from a patient in a state of brain death, suspected of having clear medical death due to an accident or brain disease. Needless to say, one had to get the donation paper signed by the patients who had fallen into the disease or the consent from their picky guardians.

“I will contact the organ donation center,” said Suhyuk.

He faxed the patient information to the center after calling them.

It would take time to find the right organ compatible with the patient, but his name recognition would help speed up the process.

He got a reply from the center that they would get back to him the next morning.

A nurse came to him, who just finished the call, saying,

“Sir, Kim’s guardian came.”

“Where are they?”

“She’s in the intensive care unit.”


A woman in her late 40s was sitting on a bench in the hallway.

She hurried to the hospital after she was informed that her daughter had been transferred to a different hospital.

Wrapping her face with her hands, she stood up feebly, and asked,

“Then, can my daughter survive if she receives a heart transplant?”

“I already informed the organ donation center about this. They said that they would reply by tomorrow. So stay with your daughter until then.”

“What if there is no heart compatible with hers? Then what happens to my daughter?”

There was some silence between them.

“Then we have to find another heart donor.”

At his reply she clenched her teeth.

“We’ll do our best to find the right donor.”

Nodding her head, she went into the intensive care unit.

She stroked her daughter’s hair cautiously.

“Mom, Dr. Lee Suhyuk told me that he could treat me. The nurse also says that he’s a famous doctor…”

She was almost choked to tears, but cleared her throat, nodding her head.

“Really? Don’t worry about anything, okay? Got it?”

“You’re going through so much hardship because of me, mom… If I get well, let’s go out for the noodles that you like…”

“Sure, sure. And for the clam noodle soup that you like…”

Suhyuk soon turned his back after watching them.


The next day.

Suhyuk was talking to the organ donation center.

“Unfortunately we could not find a heart compatible with patient Kim Suji. Hello?”

“Can you contact outside the country?”

“We can, but it will take some time. 6 months at the latest…”

Suhyuk knitted his brows. Six months would be too long.

There was limit to controlling a patient’s life span by using all kinds of medical methods.

“I look forward to your best possible help.”

Suhyuk tried his best to find a donor other than the organ donation center.

Whenever he found any available time, he took to the phone to find a possible donor.

But there was no tangible outcome.


Suhyuk let out a long sigh after putting down the phone, just looking at it quietly.

Soon he was heading for the intensive care unit to check her condition.

While he was walking down the hallway, he overhead some nurses talking to each other.

“You know patient Kim Suji, who has terminal myocardiopathy. I hear she needs to receive a heart transplant… Too bad.”

“Was it three years ago? A patient died after he failed to get a heart transplant while waiting for one.”


Suhyuk, whose face was hardening, made up his mind that Kim would not tread the same path.

He went into the ICU and ran into the patient’s mother.

“Doctor, I have something to tell you…”

They moved to a break area.

Offering a cup of coffee to her, Suhyuk took a seat.

“The heart compatible with my daughter… do you think it will take some time to find…”

Suhyuk did not hide anything because she need to know about the exact situation.

“I’m currently checking outside the country. So, a compatible donor can appear quite soon.”

Was she listening to him?

Sipping cold coffee, she looked at Suhyuk, and said,

“Don’t you think that a heart from a family member has a higher chance of compatibility with her?”

“Well, that is statistically right. But examination is necessary for an accurate diagnosis…”

Suhyuk opened his eyes wide while talking to her.

Was she thinking of donating her own heart?

All sorts of thoughts came to his mind.

“Don’t think about weird stuff. There is a certain standard for a patient who can receive a heart transplant. Above all, there is a clause that says, ‘the patient can get psychological protection from their family.'”

In that respect, she is not the right person to get a heart transplant from.

His face hardened, Suhyuk came out of the break area.

At that moment, she stopped him and said,

“Her daddy is in the hospital right now, in a vegetative state.”

Tears flowed from her cheek.



Suhyuk was on the elevator at a different hospital with Suji’s mother.

They soon arrived at the 3rd floor, and moved to the patient’s room.

There was a middle-aged man in his late 40s in there.

He stayed put there in the bed, with an oxygen respirator on his mouth.

He was none other than Suji’s father and her husband.

“Honey, I’m here.”

She came up to him, and grabbed his hands, saying,

“Sorry. I couldn’t come yesterday as I was too busy. Were you bored?”

Suhyuk came to her side.

“He is two years younger than me.”

They met at college as a junior and a senior.

The memories of him giving her flowers or tying up the loose laces on her sneakers on bent knees were still vivid in her mind. And their pleasant walks during the summer night.

Holding his hands gently, she opened her mouth,

“Honey, our daughter Suji is very sick… Boohoo… very, very sick. So… boohoo…“

Suhyuk slipped out of the room.

Suhyuk met his physician and asked him to check the compatibility.

“As I am not busy, I can check it out quickly.”

Having said that, the physician left the place, and Suhyuk sat on the bench in the hallway.

About two hours passed.

The physician came back to Suhyuk. He nodded his head to Suhyuk who rose from the seat.

“Thank you.”

Then Suhyuk went back to the room. In front of the door he heard her sobbing quietly.


She was holding his hands as if she was praying.

Suhyuk cautiously opened his mouth,

“It’s compatible.”

Hearing that, she sobbed louder, which filled the room.

Suhyuk was leaning against the wall.

It would be a tough surgery.

Chapter 136

Suhyuk was moving in an ambulance, along with Suji’s mother and father.

She did not say anything while holding his hands tightly.

She was just shedding tears quietly.

The ambulance arrived at Daehan Hospital in no time.

And the medical staff waiting for them took her husband inside.

The stretcher carrying Suji’s father was coming into the lobby and then to the elevator.

Suhyuk checked his condition briefly, which showed that nothing could go better or worse.

Beep. Beep.

Sitting next to him, she did not say anything at first, but soon barely opened her mouth,

“Honey. Do you remember what I told you when you brought me a bundle of flowers? I said we would have been better off going out to eat meat with that money that you spent on flowers. I think it was slip of the tongue. The flowers were so pretty and I loved them. I’m sorry, honey… And you remember the time in the early morning when you came home drunk? You asked me to boil ramen to relieve a hangover. I just went to sleep with the excuse that I was sick…? So sorry I didn’t boil it for you then. Boohoo… I’m just sorry for everything… Sorry… boohoo…“

Tears flowing from her eyes soaked her cheeks.

Suhyuk moved his hands toward her shoulder, but did not touch it.

Nothing could comfort her at the moment.

Suhyuk put the papers on the table, which were the consent form for Suji’s surgery and a certificate of donation on of her husband’s heart. He went out the door and closed it quietly.

“Good job!”

Suhyuk turned his head to the side at someone’s voice.

It was Prof. Han Myungjin.

“Your face doesn’t look good.”

Like he said, Suhyuk’s face was hardened.

“What should we do? We have to save the patient’s life first.”

Han patted him on the shoulder.

Having said that, Han let out a sigh, staring at the door of the patient’s room that Suhyuk just came out of.


The next morning, Suhyuk visited the patient’s room where Suji’s mother and father were staying together in.

Warm sunlight was pouring into the room as the curtains were opened. A cool wind shook the curtains and made them swing gently.

“Suji’s mom,” spoke Suhyuk.

At his calling, she stood up while looking at her husband. Her eyes were swollen.

She must not have slept at all, shedding tears all through last night.

She presented the consent forms to him, saying,

“Doctor… my daughter… and my husband… Please do good to them.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll do our best.”

Handed the consent forms, he confirmed her signature.

She must have felt very pained and even tormented when writing down her signature.

It was tinged with her tears.

Looking at the papers, Suhyuk opened his mouth at last,

“The surgery date has been set for today, but if you need more time…”

She shook her head, and on such occasions she shed tears.

“My husband might want a quick surgery too, because he loved her so much. Right, honey?”

She smiled, but her tears never stopped flowing.

Suhyuk visited Suji’s room immediately, and smiled.

“Fortunately we found a compatible heart, so you can get the surgery today.”


“Yes, 3pm this afternoon.”

She barely nodded her head. Even though the surgery was scheduled suddenly, she still liked it.

Then her mother came into the room.

“Sorry, I could not come because I was busy yesterday.”

Suji said, smiling faintly, said, “Mom, the doctor says I can get the surgery…”

She stroked her hair adorably, saying, “Yes, how fortunate it is… Really it is…”

“When the surgery is done, let’s go out for clam noodles and see your daddy. He must be very bored as he is alone…”

She stood from the seat and turned back quickly.

“Let me go to the restroom.”

Shutting her mouth with her hand, she ran out of the room.

Watching the door she just went out of, Suhyuk smiled at Suji and said,

“I’ll see you a bit later then.”


The operating time was approaching, and the preparations were well in progress.

Soon the time came, and Suhyuk went to see Suji.

“It’s time for your surgery. You can come with me.”

Suhyuk pushed the stretcher carrying Suji out the room, along with her mother.

She was holding Suji’s hands as if she was praying.

“Suji, you can manage it, right? Don’t be scared. The doctor says it will be over quickly. You just take a nap and then wake up. Right, doctor?”

When he nodded his head, Suji lifted her hand with the IV fluid attached.

She wiped her mother’s tears, saying, “Yes, mom. Don’t worry too much.”

The door of the operating room opened, and she shouted into the gap of the closing door,

“I will be here, waiting for you, Suji!”

Coming back out of the operating room, and Suhyuk moved with her.

While Suji was under anesthesia, he had to bring her father.

Soon they arrived at his room, and pushed the stretcher carrying him into the hallway.

She did not say anything, just walking while watching him continuously.

Soon they arrived at the operating room.

Suhyuk stopped for a moment to give time for the last meeting between her and him.

“Suji’s daddy… Haaaaa…“

Again tears rained down her cheeks.

“Suji’s daddy. Let’s meet again, okay? We will meet again, right?”

She looked like she would fall down from having too much fatigue accumulated.

The automatic door of the operating room opened, and Suhyuk pushed the stretcher into it.

She held out her hand before she knew it, but her husband already disappeared into the room.


The medical staff approached when Suhyuk appeared with Suji’s father in the operating room.

They shook their heads, indicating that her anesthesia was not complete.

Nodding his head, Suhyuk began disinfecting. He washed his fingers and forearms with the disinfection brush. He rubbed them so hard that the skin looked like it peeled off.

Now, wearing a surgical gown, he looked through the window into the room.

The anesthetist rolled his hand to form a circle.

Suhyuk let out a long breath, and then said to Suji’s father on the stretcher.

“Let’s go then.”

He pushed the stretcher into the operating room, where the father and daughter met after such a long time. If they moved their hands a bit, they could hold each other’s hands, but they could not.

Suhyuk came up to them, and made it so that Suji’s one hand grab her father’s other hand.

The medical staff were watching quietly.

Some nurses were moved to tears by that.

When Suhyuk put them back to their original position, Han opened his mouth,

“Everybody, come here.”

The medical staff came around Suji’s father.

“Silent tribute!”

Everyone lowered their heads, with eyes closed.

Soon they opened their eyes, and Han said again,

“This is the place where the patient’s father is watching us. We have to do it fast and do our best. I won’t allow any mistakes.”

Having said that, Han took his hand to the oxygen respirator Suji’s father had on.

Then Suhyuk opened his mouth,

“Let me do it, sir.”

As he brought Suji’s parent here, he thought it was right that he should do the last ritual for him.

When Han stepped back after nodding his head, Suhyuk moved his hand to the respirator.

His hand trembled. Now just a little hand motion would end his life.

Suhyuk looked at Suji and then murmured to him,

“Your daughter is very pretty. You’ve done so much for her up to now. Now rest without any worry.”

Suhyuk’s hand took off the oxygen mask.

The oscillating vital signs became parallel, and the medical staff checked the time.

“Current time 15:32. The patient died.”

Suhyuk’s eyes were turned toward him, who looked like he was giving a smile.

“Let’s start.”

At Han’s direction, the medical staff got down to work briskly.

Han’s scalpel touched Suji’s belly, and so did Suhyuk who began opening her father’s belly.

They were trying to remove each one’s heart simultaneously.

The pads and ringer attached to Suji, and the cardiopulmonary valve to replace the heart started operating. On the contrary, there were nothing attached to her father’s body.

Suhyuk’s hand moved delicately more than ever.

Suhyuk cut the part of the heart connected to the main aorta. At that moment, the blood that had pooled up there shot up like a water gun. Suhyuk’s mask was filled with blood. However, he did not show any agitation. He cut off the vein artery gradually. Soon, his heart came out.

“Extraction is over.”

Han replied to Suhyuk’s voice. “I’m done too. Bring it.”

The heart in the hands of Suhyuk went into Suji’s opened chest.

From now on, it was the real start of the surgery.

Fight against anastomosis.

They did not know how long it would take to get a tight and subtle anastomosis.

Suhyuk and Han Myungjin.

Their hands began to move busily.

And Suji was gradually becoming one with her father.


“My daughter… Why is she not coming out? Why?”

Absolutely exhausted, Suji’s mother asked, holding a nurse.

It was 4am.

It was already gone past 12 hours since her daughter and husband went into the operating room.

At that moment the automatic door opened.

Taking off his mask, Suhyuk was coming out.

She approached him quickly and asked,

“What happened, doctor? My daughter and husband, no, my daughter Suji. Is she okay?”

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