Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 129


Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 129-131

Chapter 129

Suhyuk raised Phillip up and whispered,

“Your mother is right here, so try to show her that you’re a reliable and great son.”

Phillip, who was lowering his head, looked at him.

There was something different about him.

Suhyuk was far from being arrogant.

Maybe he was a man like that from the beginning.

“Thanks so much…”

Then Suhyuk turned back with a smile.

Suhyuk thought that seeing as her son was here, he was not needed here anymore.

When Phillip grabbed his mother’s hands again, Daman fixed his eyes on Suhyuk who was leaving the room. He felt that Suhyuk was just like Han when he first saw him.

“Let me go now, Phillip,” said Daman, tapping him on the shoulder as he left.

Daman said to Han, walking side by side with him,

“What a terrific guy!”

Actually he was stunned when he heard from Han that he would put Suhyuk in charge of the surgery.

How could he let a junior doctor take care of severe trauma patients?

Daman could not believe his ears everytime he had hear Han say,

“He is at least as good, or better than me.”

As soon as Han gave the go-ahead, Suhyuk moved briskly like a fish in water.

His fast handling of the surgery along with the incision of the belly, partial incision of the liver and the ensuing smooth anastomosis.

It was as if he had been thinking of all that in his head prior to the surgery.

Han smiled at Daman’s praise of Suhyuk,

“Actually I’m surprised myself from time to time about him.”

“You’re great, Dr. Han.”

Obviously Han must have taught Suhyuk.

Han just smiled. Of course he had never taught him before.

The one thing he taught him was about caring about the patient’s feelings.

That made Suhyuk what he was today.

The next day, Suhyuk was in the room of the patient who underwent intussusceptions.

As he performed the surgery, he was just like the head surgeon.

Of course, other medical staff thought so too.

“Hi, Dr. Lee,” said the patient, welcoming him.

Though he had the surgery only 3 days ago, he was already up and running.

“How do you feel?”

“I’m feel quite normal now. I owe it to you, Dr. Lee! Thanks a million.”

Suhyuk showed the chart to him, adding,

“This is your blood pressure, pulse, and this…”

He heard Suhyuk’s step-by-step explanation, and glanced at him.

He was such a queer doctor in his eyes.

‘Why is he showing me a chart with such a kind explanation?’

It was the first time he’d seen a doctor like this.

However, the patient was beaming brightly, with his questions like that left behind in his thoughts.

He was moved by the doctor’s behavior.

“Then you can just go ahead and get discharged, if that’s what you want.”

Nodding his head, the patient memorised the name on his gown.

That day passed quickly.

Suhyuk was heading for the elevator to go to William’s office just like he did the day before.

Then his cell phone buzzed.

It was a call from intern Park Sungjae.

When he touched the display of his phone, Park’s face appeared on it.

“How are you, sir?” asked Park, bending his head.

“How are you?” asked Suhyuk back.

Given his rugged and tangled hair, it was obvious that he worked day and night.

“I sent you the package you mentioned. Looks like it will be delivered tomorrow.”


Before he left for the USA, he had asked Park to find the package he left behind in the taxi and ship it to his address in the USA.

As soon as he heard Suhyuk’s request, he instantly put it into action.

“Thanks, Mr. Park.”

“I miss you, sir”

At Park’s flattering words, Suhyuk just smiled.

“Other doctors also miss you, and there are many patients looking for you.”

That was true.

Since Suhyuk moved to the USA, the cardiothoracic surgery department was simply just too busy.

The vacuum he left behind was too big.

“Are you on call tonight, sir?” asked Suhyuk.

“I think so. Oops, my primary doctor wants me now. Let me give you a call again later.”

And Park added, “By the way I applied for the cardiothoracic surgery department, sir!

By the time you come back, I’ll have turned into a resident.”

If there was any department that the interns hated the most, it was the cardiothoracic surgery department.

Suhyuk was just proud of him, though he did not sense that Park had been affected by him so much.

Soon Suhyuk hung up the phone, and pressed the elevator button.

Ding dong.

The door opened, and Suhyuk went in.

Then he heard some calling from behind suddenly, “Dr. Lee!”

It was none other than Phillip.

“Are you available this evening?”

“I have an appointment. What’s up?”

“Well, I wanted to dine with you. It’s regrettable…”

Strangely enough, their conversation seemed rigid, but their look toward each other was different from before.

“Though it’s regrettable we cannot, then…”

Phillip walked with his back to him.

“How is your mother, Phillip?”

Though he performed the surgery, he was not the main surgeon.

At his words, Phillip nodded his head indicating that she was doing well.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Soon Suhyuk disappeared into the elevator, and Phillip looked at the door quietly.

And he made a smile of thankfulness.


Day by day there happened to be some dramatic event.

And those events were mainly happening around Suhyuk.

Suhyuk looked at the picture on the viewer, and the medical staff gathered around him.

They were interns and first-year residents.

Suhyuk, looking at the CT, opened his mouth,

“Usually gas is not formed in the small intestine, but this patient is different. It’s full of gas. Do you see an increase in the size of intestine on CT? It is a case of typical intestinal obstruction.”

The medical staff nodded.

This time another picture was shown on the viewer.

“At this angle, a part of the abdominal wall is widened, and the bowel is pushed into it. So movement in the intestine was blocked, and it had to be stopped.”

The small intestine was swollen and at the same time the abdomen was swollen with it.

“Spigelian Hernia. In this case, the patient may go into a state of shock without urinating. Immediate surgery is required.”

Suhyuk only gave a brief explanation about the CT, because the patient was an emergency case.

Surgery was scheduled immediately, and the medical staff gathered around Suhyuk.

Suhyuk took a scalpel to the patient’s belly.

As small as possible, he made an incision of about 8cm.

Then the red intestine came out.

As seen on the CT, the bowel was stuck between the muscle defects.

The medical staff stood on tiptoes to take a look at it.

“Pull it!”

At Suhyuk’s instruction, an intern pulled it with a retractor.

A snake-like organ was clearly visible before their eyes.


Suhyuk examined the small intestine carefully, and opened his mouth,

“I think we had better put it back in its original position as it’s not as damaged as we thought.”

In this situation a doctor might ask them about the next step, but Suhyuk did not.

The sooner the surgery was done, the pain the patient would feel would be much less.

“Before we closed the belly, the part where the intestine was stuck was stitched. A patient with a hernia should undergo surgery at the moment of its confirmation. Otherwise, as you saw in this patient, intestinal obstruction may occur and the patient may go into shock. Despite having a hernia, the patient put up with it as the best he could. After all, when he could not bear the pain any longer, he was brought to the emergency room.”

Suhyuk looked at the medical staff slowly.

“I don’t know how well the hospital operates here, but I hope I could be of help to the patients.”

The patient was worried about the bill even when he was brought into the emergency room.

And the surgery lasted about 30 minutes.

Suhyuk was very busy everywhere like a fish that had met water.

How frustrated had he been back in Daehan Hospital where he could not see the patients as much as he wanted? Han thought such questions to himself like that.

Daman had the same thought.

“Dr. Han, I think you created a monster!”

It was so spectacular to see resident Suhyuk teaching the residents here.

Regardless of position or title, any doctor was given the best treatment and compensation at St. Hopkins Hospital as long as he or she was capable enough.


Going out of William’s office, Suhyuk walked through the hallway, sweeping back his hair.

It was already past 10pm.

He let out a little breath.


He felt that he had quite a busy day, performing surgery after surgery.

He was hectically busy, but felt good about it because the patients could laugh thanks to his service.

Suhyuk smiled, thinking like that.

Ding dong.

Going out of the elevator, Suhyuk went out past the lobby.

Then his cell phone buzzed.

It was a call from Han who arrived back at the apartment first.

“Can you buy some beer when you come back?”

“Of course.”

Suhyuk took the bus to the apartment.

It took about 30 minutes for him to get to the bus stop near the apartment.

Wasn’t there any convenience store nearby from the beginning?

He could not find one no matter where he looked around.

He then saw a black guy coming out of an alley with a convenience store bag, and left for that direction

A bell rang when he went into the store, signaling the entrance of a customer.

Suhyuk looked around. It was quiet inside.

He could not see the owner, either.

Then he head some sort of moaning from a man from somewhere inside.

Suhyuk turned his head to the counter, where he saw some sticky blood coming out of the white tiles on the floor.

Suhyuk rushed toward the counter.

“Please report to the police! I was shot by a gun…”

Chapter 130

Suhyuk’s pupil expanded when he saw a fatty white man in his mid-30s, his upper clothes stained with lots of blood, which flew onto the floor.

Coming to his senses, Suhyuk jumped the counter and tore off his shirt.

Suhyuk noticed blood coming out from the man’s chest, and that it came from the left side where his heart was located.

“Please help me…Cough, cough…”

Fortunately when he coughed from his mouth, blood did not come out of his mouth.

Suhyuk pressed the man’s chest hard with his clothes, which became instantly stained with blood as if it were a sponge.

There might be some towels for sale at this convenient store to use instead, but he had to stop the bleeding first.

“What is your blood type?”

At Suhyuk’s urgent asking, the man said with difficulty, “B-type…B”

Suhyuk called 911 immediately.

“I have here a patient who was wounded by gunshot, and is now bleeding severely. His blood type is B. Urgent. Come quickly to this place. The address is…”

After the phone call, Suhyuk made a frown because the blood was spreading from his back and to the floor.

‘Penetrating wound.’

“Please press it for a moment.”

Suyuk lifted his hand and had him press it.

Then he jumped the counter, picking up a towel that was inside the store and returned back to the man.

He put the towel on the part of his back where the blood was coming out.

Suhyuk was clearly aware of what he was supposed to do in such a situation.

Actually he had experience with opening many patient’s bellies for surgery.

He was far from embarrassed. He was only concerned about the man’s safety.

The man’s face, who was looking at the ceiling blankly, became pale gradually.

“Am I dying now… I should not die…”

Tears rained down from his eyelids, because his mother living alone was glimmering in his eyes.

‘What is she doing now?’

She had one of her legs lost because of a traffic accident.

Even now she might be waiting for him, not sleeping at this late hour.

Her face smiling at him came to his mind, but it became darker and darker now.

At that moment Suhyuk lifted his eyelids, saying,

“Come to your senses! You’re not dying! Don’t worry. I’m a doctor.”

At his words, the man cast his languid eyes toward him and said,

“Really…? Please save my life. I have to survive because my mother is sick…”

If he dies, there is nobody who can take care of his mother.

“Don’t worry. What is your name?”


“Okay. Milion. How old are you…”

Suhyuk kept encouraging him to talk, and on such occasions he replied without fail.

Soon people began gathering at the convenience store, and looked at Suhyuk and the man with a worried look.

At that moment the 911 crew came in.

“We’re here!”

“Gunshot wound?”

“Yes, penetrated through his chest. Please stop the bleeding first.”

Milion was taken to the ambulance quickly.

Pads designed to monitor the oxygen respirator and the patient were attached on his body, along with blood packs.

“Huuuuuuh… huuuuh…”

Every time he breathed, a pure white steam fogged up in the oxygen mask.

“Please don’t tell my mother about me…”


Milion was carried into the trauma treatment center immediately, and the doctors examined the viewer showing his X-ray shots.

There was no bullet seen anywhere in his body.

As expected, the bullet penetrated clean through his chest.

While he was being given fluids and blood transfusions, he had all sorts of examinations.

And the doctors were inevitably surprised.

Daman murmured, “The bullet penetrated beyond all the organs…”

Despite that, the patient was far from safe.

There was some damage to his scapula and ribs. The lungs were the same. The bullet moved beyond the organs, but the lungs were damaged by the shock.

Incisional suturing was urgent.

“Be ready for surgery.”

At Daman’s direction, the medical staff moved ferociously.

Without any word Suhyuk disinfected his hands and wore a surgical gown.

When Milion was going under anesthesia, Suhyuk approached him, showing his face to him by removing his mask, and said, “You’ll be better when you wake up from a good sleep.”

Nodding his head, Milion said in murmuring tone, “Please… I feel sleepy now.”

“We’re going to start with incising the lungs and then penetration suturing…”

At Daman’s voice the medical staff nodded.

Whenever he held out his hand, the assistants gave him several tools.

Suhyuk fixed his eyes on them from behind.

Daman shook his head before he knew it because he felt he was being monitored by someone else as if he was a beginner resident. He even felt that if he made even a small mistake, Suhyuk would find fault with it. He noticed Suhyuk’s sharply glittering eyes.


At Daman’s saying, an assistant pulled the heart so he could get a view of it.

When he touched the bobby on the lungs, a white smog came out, pouring out blood.

Without caring at all, he cut into the anastomosis. It required a partial, not complete incision of the wounded area.


Wrestling with the suturing for a while, Daman turned his head to the side, when a nurse wiped off beads of sweat from his forehead.

Two hours had already passed since the operation started.

It would be perfect if the operation was done within the next 30 minutes.

But the operation lasted about 3 hours.

As soon as he was done with the anastomosis, Daman washed the organs and bones where the bullet passed beyond. Otherwise there was a chance of inflammation developing.

After he was done performing the surgery, Daman stepped back.

“Finishing touches, please.”

Then, Suhyuk said, “Wait a moment!”

The medical staff turned their eyes toward Suhyuk.

“Looks like the patient has lipoma.”

Daman looked back at the patient’s belly, and widened his eyes.

As Suhyuk pointed out, there was some sort of bulging on his belly, 10 cm away from the navel.

Was it because he focused only on the incision of the lungs? Daman could find it only when Dr. Lee mentioned it.

Already Daman’s hand was on it. He felt something like a rubber ball at his fingertip.

Then Suhyuk opened his mouth again, “Looks like you had better remove it.”

It seemed a small lipoma between 2 and 3 cm.

There would be nothing damaging to the body even if it was left unremoved, because the patient wouldn’t feel any pain from it.

However, if left unremoved, it could grow into a giant lipoma of more than 10 cm over time.

Then the lipoma, grown as large as it could get, would cause pain by touching its surrounding tissues, and directly affect the function and movement of the body.

“We can’t do anything without the guardian’s consent. We can wait until the patient recovers and talks.”

At Daman’s words, Suhyuk knitted his brows because the patient would have to go through another surgery.

“Okay, let me get the guardian’s consent then. Wait a moment.”

Suhyuk looked at the patient, whose chest was already opened up, with his heart wiggling and beating hard.

It looked as if the patient was saying he is okay.

‘Please be patient a little longer.’

After a quick look at the patient’s face, Suhyuk went out of the operating room,

When he came out, he found an electric wheelchair moving toward him quickly.

She was in her early 60s, in long pants with her right leg lost.

She was Milions’ guardian, who just got here after she was contacted by the hospital.

“Doctor! My son… Is my son alive?”

Suhyuk smiled at her as brightly as he could.

“As planned, the surgery was done well. And your son will get well soon.”

Tears dropped from her wrinkled eyelids, and Suhyuk bent his knees to meet his eyes with hers, saying, “You filled out the consent form a while ago, right? Now the doctor found a lipoma during operation. Though it’s nothing particular, he might get sick later if it is not removed…”

Suhyuk explained to her as easily as possible, and she nodded quickly.

“Boohoo… yes, please go ahead!”

“Yes, will do.”

Standing up again, he moved to the automatic door of the operating room, and he turned his head to her back. One of her pants drooped down.

He smiled at her, adding, “Let me come back with your son very soon.”


When he came back to the operating room, Milion’s chest was closed, with the suturing done with just a moment ago.

“I’ve got the consent for the lipoma removal.”

Daman shook his head, saying, “I’ve never seen a doctor like you before.”

“Can I do it?”

At his words, Daman nodded his head because he already knew Suhyuk was quite capable.

“Okay, thanks for your efforts then.”

Holding a scalpel, Suhyuk walked up to the patient.

And he checked the location of the lipoma.

When he found it, he moved the scalpel without any hesitation.

He pressed the incised area as if to squeeze out something. At the same time, some yellow fat came up. It was the lipoma in question. It looked like mashed tofu.

When he checked it with his naked eye, it was about 3 cm bigger than expected.

Suhyuk pulled it out to the root by hand.

The lipoma was dropped onto the metal tray, and he stitched it up right away.

He could finish it with only a few stitches as it had been only a small incision.

“Done. Thanks.”

“Oh, my god…”

The medical staff murmured to themselves, watching him agog.

As soon as he grabbed the scalpel, he made an incision and then he was suturing.

All this was done instantly before their eyes.

‘Without any mistake, let me do it in the shortest time,’ Suhyuk thought to himself.

Of course, the medical staff were unaware of Suhyuk’s thought like that.

In the meantime, Daman, with his mask removed, shook his head, saying, “How wonderful…”

Dr. Han really created a spectacular monster, he thought.

Soon the patient was moved to the recovery room.

All the vital signs on the machine were indicating that he was normal.

Though his blood pressure was a bit low, it would get better gradually.

Daman, waiting for the patient to wake up, tapped Suhyuk on the shoulder.

“Good job!”

As soon as he said that, the other medical staff who participated in the operation said in unison,

“Dr. Lee, nice job!”

Watching the vital signs of the patient, Suhyuk smiled at them, and said,

“Just call me Suhyuk. Lee Suhyuk.”

Chapter 131

Milion’s condition was getting better so quickly that anybody could hardly think that he had just been shot. For the bullet went completely through without hitting his organs.

There was no other way to explain it than to say that he was just that lucky.

Another day passed like that.

Even though only 24 hours passed since he had undergone surgery, he could chat with a smile on his face, but it was still too much for him to get out of the bed and walk.

Turning over the chart before Milion in bed, Daman opened his mouth with a smile,

“Post-surgery condition is really good. You can be discharged in one month.”

His mother in the electric wheelchair expressed words of thanks continuously,

“Thanks so much, doctors. Thanks a million…”

When she offered her thanks like that, Daman turned his head to look at Suhyuk, who was smiling in the back.

The very doctor who saved his life.

Without his help, his mother would have sit up all through the night everyday, his picture soaked with her tears.

At that moment a man holding a camera around his neck came into the room.

“Excuse me, sir.”

Everybody turned their heads back. Nobody knew him.

But the man was indifferent. Looking at the doctors, he cast his eyes at Suhyuk.


Taking out a pen and notebook, he approached Suhyuk quickly.

“Hello, my name is Robert, a reporter with CNO. You are the doctor!”

Suhyuk stepped back before he knew it.

“Yes… yes….”

“Can I ask you how you’re related to the patient? I heard the surgery went well…”

Suhyuk pointed to Daman, saying, “He performed the surgery.”

Daman said with a smile, “Fortunately the bullet…”

Glancing at the professor, Robert looked back at Suhyuk and asked, “Did you see the suspect’s face?”

What the reporter was interested in was not the doctor who performed the surgery.

It was instead the Asian doctor who took care of the victim with gunshot wounds.

Ordinary people were more interested in this Asian doctor.

How dramatic the report would be!

When Robert held out the recorder, Suhyuk suddenly spoke in Korean,

“Well… I don’t speak English well. I didn’t see the suspect. The police…”

Suhyuk could not continue because some sort of awkward Korean was being spoken by Robert.

“Oh…were you Korean? I could speak Korean a bit as I learned it…”

What happened?

How could he speak Korean, such as it is?

When Suhyuk was about to sneak out of the room, he saw some other reporters coming toward him.

“Isn’t he the person we’re looking for?”

“Looks like he is. Wasn’t he a doctor?”

Suhyuk was surprised all of a sudden, as they were taking out recorders, and holding cameras like Robert.

Suhyuk slipped out of the room without hesitation.

“Wait a moment!”

Without looking back, he quickened his stride, and went straight to the restroom.

Then he changed his mind and changed his direction.

The restroom was a closed place, and open to the public. Accordingly, once he went in, he would be confined there, surrounded by the reporters.


Suhyuk moved around here and there as if he was playing hide-and-seek with them.

The reporters were chasing him like ticks.

In the end, Suhyuk chose a place only he had access to. An operating room.

He quickened his pace to the operating room.

Despite their desperate calls, Suhyuk went into the room.

And the reporters swept up their hairs, gasping for breath after following him in vain.

After catching their breath, some of them sat on the hallway bench.

Once he went inside the room, Suhyuk caught his breath.

Then a masked man came out of the operating room.

“Dr. Lee, what are you doing here?”

The man, taking off his mask, was Phillip who just came out after serving as an assistant.

“Let me go out after I take a breather here.”

“What’s the matter?”

Suhyuk made a bitter smile, telling him about the situation about the patient with gunshot wounds and the reporters chasing after him.

Phillip nodded lightly. He felt Dr. Lee didn’t want to be known to the public.

“Okay, let me go first.”

Phillip went out when the automatic door opened.

As Suhyuk said, the reporters camped out on the hallway.

Watching them quietly, Phillip told them,

“You shouldn’t do this. You might get punishment for obstruction of justice if you go on like this.”

Then Robert stood up and said with a smile,

“Don’t you think the prestige of St. Hopkins Hospital will go up if the people know about this?”

“As you know, St. Hopkins Hospital is the best in New York. Please go back. If you don’t, I have no choice but…”

Phillip’s warning was very icy, and the reporters had no choice but to leave.

Phillip was standing there until they left the building to the end.

When they all left, he looked at the operating room where Suhyuk was hiding.

Suhyuk’s embarrassing expression came to his mind.

Watching the automatic door, Phillip smiled and headed to the desk of the cardiothoracic surgery department.

Fortunately the news about Suhyuk was not reported.

But this was not back in Korea.

The video that was taken through the CCTV about Suhyuk’s treatment of the wounded patient still spread.

Those acquaintances of Suhyuk’s came to know about it, and the video was spreading through the internet, with lots of replies to it.

Though he never wanted it, his presence was being appreciated back in Korea, where he was not there anymore at the moment.


Suhyuk moved cautiously all day long.

Whenever he moved, he basically looked around first.

It was not in his element to draw others’ attention. It felt too uncomfortable for him.

The long arduous day was now over.

When he was waiting for an elevator to go back home, Han Myungjin opened his mouth,

“Why don’t you take a break for the rest of the day?”

Suhyuk shook his head. Though he wanted to, he could not break his promise to William.

It was an assignment he had to resolve by all means.

“Okay, I won’t give you any errands for beer. So come back home straight after you’re done.”

Han got on the elevator, while Suhyuk headed for William’s office.

And he thought to himself, ‘in the near future…’

If he worked harder with William, he felt he could produce some good results.

As soon as he knocked on the door, William opened it.


Suhyuk went in. The door did not stay open for very long.

It was well past the time Suhyuk usually went back home.

Past 1am, and still there was no sign of their movement inside.

The hallway was quiet, except for some occasional footsteps from some medical staff.

Then a loud voice was heard from William’s room.

“Oh my god! Ha ha ha…”

It was William’s voice.

“Suhyuk! I owe it all to you. Thanks!”

William expressed his thanks to him by grabbing Suhyuk’s hands.

All he did was to make a puzzle, which everybody could do.

But putting the complex puzzle together was not something anybody could do.

But Suhyuk did it! And at that within a month.

“You’re wonderful!”

Suhyuk smiled at that.

As he put together the puzzle, all he needed to do was to identify what kind of picture it was.

‘I can now do it.’

Suhyuk tightened his fist strongly.

The next evening.

After the day’s work Suhyuk made a strange look in front of William’s office.

For the door was locked tightly, and he did not take Suhyuk’s call.

He could learn the reason from the nurse at the desk of the cardiothoracic surgery department.

William was on vacation leave for one week as of today.

Anything wrong happened to him? Or…

Suhyuk smiled bitterly. It did not matter to him even if William took all the papers of his.

Suhyuk just wanted to confirm the outcome of his research with his own eyes.

He wanted to check it by all means because he had something to do.

Walking through the hallway, Suhyuk shook his head.

Though William was a recent acquaintance of his, Suhyuk did not think William was a shallow guy he could not trust.

At that moment his cell phone buzzed and Suhyuk smiled.

It was a call from William.

“Yes, William. It’s me”

“Dr. Lee, could you come to Manhattan now?”

“Why do you want me to come there all of a sudden?”

“Oh, I’m afraid you might find it difficult to locate my place…”

As Suhyuk arrived in New York only recently, obviously it would be difficult for him to get there easily. It would take some time even if he gave him the address.

William opened his mouth again,

“Let me send you a car, so the driver can take you here. It’s urgent. There seems to be an error in our research.”

Suhyuk tilted his head because he and William found no error when they met yesterday.

Was it because their research was at the final stage?

“Okay, then. Let me wait for the car at the main gate.”

There might be hidden errors he failed to catch.

After the call he headed to the main gate right away, and waited for about 30 minutes.

A luxurious car arrived there.

A middle-aged man in black suit got out, and asked with a smile,

“Are you Dr. Lee?”

“Yes, you’re right.”

“Please get in. William is waiting for you now.”

Nodding his head, Suhyuk got in the car.

It was around 8pm.

When he was looking out the car window, the driver’s eyes were reflected in the side mirror.

His eyes were cast toward him, ‘Asian…’

His glittering eyes showed he was surprised at Suhyuk.

After about one hour’s drive, the car arrived at the destination.

It was an auditorium seemingly reserved for operas.

“Is this the place where William wants to meet me?”

At Suhyuk’s asking, the man nodded and adjusted the buttons on his upper clothes.

“Let’s go.”

Suhyuk followed him silently.

He felt something was strange because the man entered through the rear door instead of the main door.

Though he cast a doubtful look, the man was just smiling.

They soon arrived at one door covered with leather.

The man held out his hand instead of entering.

“Let’s go in.”

Nodding his head, Suhyuk pushed the door open.

And he formed a blank expression when he stepped in.

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