Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 124


Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 124-125

Chapter 124

The white woman, covering her mouth a moment ago, spoke a barrage of words,

“I came to know about you through the internet. I was moved by the stories about you depicted as a white-robed angel over there.”

She was very interested in Korea.

Naturally she began googling for information about Korea on the internet and came to know about him.

Suhyuk scratched his head, and said, “Well I did what I was supposed to to.”

She held out a notebook for his autograph.

“Can I ask you for your signature here?”

“I’m not an entertainer…”

“Please sign here, I’m truly your fan.”

Suhyuk wrote his name on it, appreciating her genuine personality.

“Be happy!” she said.

Having said that, she gave him a light hug and left.

Han wore a surprised look at that.

“You’re even popular over here.”

With a smile Han then introduced Michael to him.

“This is the surgeon Michael.”

He was a tall guy with a rough beard reaching down his cheek.

“My name is Suhyuk Lee.”

“Welcome to New York. You’re in good hands.”

Then they got in a taxi, and Michael and Han started talking about various topics.

Suhyuk was gazing at the passing landscape outside.

It was clearly different from that of Korea.

He felt some sort of more liberal atmosphere here, and the people looked more relaxed.

How long did the taxi drive for?

Soon they arrived at an apartment building.

Getting out of the taxi, Suhyuk looked up at the apartment building.

“This is the place where we’re going to stay while we’re in the United States…”

“Dr. Han, see you tomorrow then.”

Waving his hands, Michael was driven away in the taxi.

They were already handed the room keys.

“Let’s go.”

Their room was on the 5th floor.

Stepping inside the porch, Han looked around, whistling.

“The people here don’t take off their shoes even inside the house.”

Suhyuk, taking off his shoes at that moment, went into the living room with a perplexed look.

Most of the furniture, including the sofa and TV set, were covered with white linen.

There were two rooms.

“Which one do you want to use?”

Suhyuk move to the room on the left.

“I want to take this one, sir.”

His room was smaller than the other one.

“I think we have to clean first.”

So both of them briskly moved here and there, cleaning up the rooms and the white linens.

They were able to finish all the cleaning in about two hours.

As the two bedroom apartment was well taken care of from the beginning, there was not much they needed to do.

“Shall we eat?”

Suhyuk nodded at his words. Actually it was almost dinner time.

In Korea they could order food over the phone, but not here.

They had to go out for dinner.

After taking a shower, both of them went out of the apartment.

As the apartment was near the main street, it was easy for them to move out and go find a restaurant.

“What kind of food should we order?”

“Any food is fine with me, sir.”

“Well, I already miss the spicy kimchi stew soup.”

They certainly will miss the Korean food as they’re going to stay here for one year.

Of course, they could find a Korean restaurant if they really wanted, but they would not feel the same taste of food that they are used to back in Korea.


“How about that restaurant over there?”

Han looked over at one place. It was a fast food restaurant serving all kinds of hot dogs.

A long line showed that it was quite a popular place.

Just like the customers waiting in the line, Han and Suhyuk stood behind them.

“When do we start reporting to work, sir?”

“Starting tomorrow.”

Suhyuk could have made a frown as he had wanted to report to work as soon as he arrived here, but Suhyuk did not. Actually working right away was what he wanted.

He wondered how the working atmosphere or the medical staff would be different from that of Korea.

Looking at the menu, Han ordered a hog dog mixed with lettuce and tomato.

Unlike Han, Suhyuk chose a spicy hot dog studded with slices of bacon and pork.

They sat on a bench nearby.

“Well, I think this is the first time I am eating with you like this.”

Suhyuk agreed. Though he dined with other professors at Daehan Hospital, he never ate with Han before. For both of them were very busy.

“Thanks for the food, sir.”

He took a bite out of the hot dog. Though he felt it a bit greasy, he could enjoy it anyway with its salty flavor. There were many other people eating hot dogs just like them here and there.

They were eating in a relaxed mood on benches, enjoying conversation with each other, and some of them were openly kissing. It all looked so natural.

Suhyuk made a little smile at them.

At that moment, Han said, “I feel that this sort of food is too greasy. We need to go shopping to buy some food. Can you cook?”

Suhyuk shook his head, “Not really sir…”

Han said, with a smile, “Well, you can learn how to cook during this time. I can cook spicy soup very well. Just learn how to cook. Girls will like you for it. I seduced my wife with cooking.”

Suhyuk smiled at his remarks. It was the first time he saw Han cracking a light joke like that.

Back ar their apartment, Suhyuk put down several paper bags on the floor.

Han bought several clothes for him.

Tidying up the new clothes in the closet, he opened the window to look out.

Various neon signs from the street lights and cars left long tails, which created some sort of fantastic atmosphere in the evening.

Then Suhyuk’s cell phone buzzed. It was a call from Dongsu.

“Hey, did you arrive there safely?”

“Of course, I did.”

“Do you see many pretty girls there?”

Suhyuk shook his head as he was talking about girls day and night.

“Stay alert man! I hear that they are shooting at people at their own sweet will.”

The problem with Dongsu was that he watched American movies way too much.

“Don’t worry…”

After he had a short call with Dongsu, he called his parents to tell them that he safely arrived, and then he lay on the bed. His heart was throbbing.

He wished tomorrow would come quickly.


Getting up early in the morning, Suhyuk and Han had a light breakfast with cereal and milk, and finally they went out of the apartment.

They did not ride a taxi or use the public transportation.

For Michael was already waiting for them.

“Good morning! Get in!”

They got into Michael’s car.

The traffic jam here during the morning rush hour was the same as Korea.

As they left early, taking into consideration the traffic congestion, they could arrive at the hospital earlier than the regular time.


Suhyuk, now standing before the main gate of the hospital, looked up at the building.

It was a huge building, which looked much, much larger than Daehan Hospital.

Han glanced at him, saying, “You might be very busy moving around the building.”

Like Han, he smiled. No matter how large it was, it did not matter to him because he could go anywhere with his two feet.

“Let’s go,” said Michael, who escorted them into the hospital lobby.

Suhyuk’s eyes became wide once he stepped into the lobby.

There were so many people in white gowns moving around.

“Lots of doctors, right?”

Suhyuk nodded his head at Han’s words.

“This is what they at Daehan Hospital should learn.”

The three of them got on the elevator to go to the 3rd floor.

It was a general surgery building.

They soon arrived at the conference room along the hallway, and several doctors sitting there stood up to greet them.

It was a white man in his late 40s who came to greet Han first.

“Long time, no see! Welcome!”

He was Dr. Daman, a surgeon.

Han held his hands with a smile. Actually both of them were very close friends.

Three years ago, when Han was here as a guest professor, he saved Daman’s life.

Han found his affliction and performed surgery, saving him.

“Welcome, welcome!”

While he was welcoming Han, Daman turned to Suhyuk, asking,

“Who is this…?”

Han replied immediately, “Well, he’s a very promising doctor, a rising star at my hospital in Korea. I’ve brought him here because he’s going to get good experience here. He’s better than me too, you know.”

With a smile Daman looked at him, and he cast an incredulous look at him.

In his eyes, Suhyuk looked young and inexperienced.

“How are you, sir? I am Suhyuk Lee.”

Nodding his head, Daman held out his hands for shaking.

“Welcome, Mr. Lee!”

Han smiled at his speaking like that.

In time, he will change the title ‘Mr. Lee’ before Suhyuk to Dr. Lee.

Han could be sure of that…

Soon, all the surgeons gathered in the conference room.

Suhyuk was a bit surprised.

Except for some newly hired doctors, the other doctors all knew Han, but their surprise was instantly subdued because Prof. Han was such a capable doctor recognized by them all.

Suhyuk said hello to them one by one.

Then Daman brought one young man, who was a white man in his late 20s.

Daman said, introducing him, “He’s a promising guy at our surgery department. He is a genius who understands one thousand things when he learns just one.”

He was a very handsome guy, whose blue eyes were crystal clear and deep like a lake.

“How are you, sir? My name is Phillip. Nice to meet you.”

Nodding his head, Han grabbed his hands and introduced Suhyuk.

“This is Suhyuk Lee. Looks like you’re about the same age. Hope you two can get along well.”

Suhyuk held out his hands, and Phillip grabbed them lightly.

Phillip’s eyes looking at him were kind of strange at that moment.

Only Suhyuk could catch it as he was looking squarely at him.

‘Is it because I’m an Asian?’

“I hope I’m in good hands,” said Suhyuk.

With that greeting, Phillip cast a mysterious gaze at him.

And Suhyuk smiled back at him.

Chapter 125

Daman escorted Suhyuk and Han around the building and introduced them to the medical staff there. Some of them already knew Han, and some did not because of change in the medical faculty.

Suhyuk said hello to them, with the greeting, “I hope I’ll be in good hands.”

He did not know how many times he exchanged greetings like that with the staff, because there were so many medical staff, especially compared with Daehan Hospital.

Surely this was a good hospital.

While escorting them around the building, Daman suddenly stopped before a patient’s room, casting a mystical eye at Han.

“What’s the matter?”

At Han’s asking Daman smiled, and looked at the patient’s nameplate on the door.

“He was taken here one week ago. I accepted him.”

Then a nurse came over to hand him the chart.

Daman glanced at Suhyuk, thinking to himself,

“Did Han say he was very good? Better than my disciple Philip?”

Daman went into the patient’s room after he cast a curious look at Suhyuk, and Philip also followed him automatically.

Han turned his head to Suhyuk, standing outside, “What are you doing there? Come on in!”

Nodding his head, Suhyuk moved.

It was a one-bed patients room, where there lay a 42-year-old man on the bed.

Daman went to him, saying, “You’ll be okay. Your condition has gotten much better. Your lung is also getting better naturally…”

Phillip and Suhyuk were looking at the patient quietly.

“When you feel unwell, please give me a call immediately.”

“Thanks, Daman. Cough, cough.“

Checking the patient’s condition lightly, he went out of the room.

He asked Phillip who also came out, “He is a patient who had one of his ribs broken.”

And he handed Phillip a chart.

“Why do you think he had it broken?”

Phillip kept silent a moment at his asking.

On the chart, there was information that the ribs punctured the lungs, and that the patient had taken medication.

Phillip did not think for too long.

“It looks like the rupture has been caused by cardiopulmonary resuscitation or bruising.”

Nodding his head, Daman was handed back the chart, and then gave it to Suhyuk.

“How about your opinion, Mr. Lee?”

Suhyuk examined the chart at a glance, saying,

“Looks like it’s been caused by his coughing.”

Looking at Daman, he wore an expression as if to ask him why he’s throwing him such a question.

Han made an awkward smile at that.

Han expected Suhyuk would easily answer it, but his reply was far from what he thought he would give.

Suddenly it came to his mind that the patient was coughing several times while he was talking with Daman. It was possible the rib could be ruptured even by coughing.

Actually there was a case where that happened before.

“Great answer!”

Daman indicated that Suhyuk was right, and Han opened his mouth, with a smile,

“I told you, man. He’s better than me. I think he’s quick in visual learning, too.”


Suhyuk, Han Myungjin, Daman and Philip were heading for the food court of the hospital.

They were supposed to have lunch on time.

Suhyuk could understand Daman’s behavior in no time.

There were many other doctors besides him, who could see the patients.

When the primary physician is away, another doctor subs for him or her. As there were so many patients at St. Hopkins Hospital, the doctors could not take their eyes off them.

This kind of work in rotation could free the doctors from their physical toil.

It looked as if they were like ordinary men going to work.

On the contrary doctors were forced to work and work and work in Korea.

It was inevitable in some respect because there were a limited number of doctors who could treat those patients taken into the emergency room.

Suhyuk had no choice but to laugh bitterly.

“Do they serve good food at the cafeteria at your place?” asked Daman.

At his asking, Han nodded. Daman liked Korean food very much, in particular bibimbap (rice mixed with beef, vegetable and red pepper paste).

When he was staying in Korea, he used to enjoy bibimbap as one of his meals every day.

Soon they arrived at the food court in the basement.

Suhyuk’s eyes became wider. He was expecting them to wait in a line with a tray.

He was wrong because it was buffet style, full of different kinds of food.

And there was the sound of classical music playing out from somewhere.

Just like how the patients were cared for highly, it seemed the doctors here were given the best possible compensation too.

“Very good, right?”

At Han’s words, Suhyuk nodded his head naturally.

“When you make a lot of money, why don’t you start a hospital like this one?”

Cracking a joke like that, Han and Daman began putting food on their trays.

Then Phillip slurred while passing by, “Looks like the foods you might like are over there.”

Suhyuk cast his eyes toward where Phillip pointed out, and over there were various salads.

Suhyuk moved to the salad bar, with a grin at Phillip.

He put tomato and spaghetti first on his tray, and some nicely chopped barquette.

There were also some sushi rolls, but he did not feel like it.

Suhyuk sat next to Han, while Philip sat beside Daman.

While eating, Suhyuk thought of the doctors at Daehan Hospital.

A man in his mid 30s was taking his seat at that moment.

When was about to eat again, Suhyuk turned to him.

He was holding a Korean book.

Suhyuk murmured before he knew it, “Dongui Medical Encyclopedia…”

The man looked at Suhyuk as if he heard his soft voice.

He spoke in clumsy Korean, “Are you Korean?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Oh, my name is William,” said the guy in English now.

When he did not show any reaction, the guy smiled bitterly, guessing Suhyuk could not speak English.

However, Suhyuk replied at that moment, “My name is Suhyuk Lee.”

“Are you the doctor who just arrived here?”

“Well, I came here at the invitation of ….”

“Oh, you came here on invitation? Nice to meet you. Welcome to our hospital!”

“Well, what I mean is…”

“I’m very much interested in Korea. I hope to see you more in the future.”

Suhyuk looked at the book, scratching his head.

Han spoke to him in Korean, with a smile, “You had better get along with him.”

“Looks like you speak Korean well since you’re reading the Dongui Medical Encyclopedia.”

William shook his head, adding,

“Well, I am learning Korean, but I am very much limited in my Korean. May I ask which department you’re associated with?”

“I think we’re working at the general surgery department.”

William made a regrettable expression.

Then Han, who was eating, asked Daman about who William was.

“Well, he’s someone who’s come to the neurosurgery department this time. He is quite capable, but he actually has a speciality in some other area.”

“What area is that?”

“Stem cells. He’s authored many papers and received several awards, too.”

Nodding his head, Han began eating again.

Though he was not old, William was a great doctor.

“Can I call you Dr. Lee?”

“You can call me whatever you feel comfortable.”

With a smile, William nodded and then opened up the book again, as if he had just thought of something.

“If you don’t mind, can you tell me what this means? I can’t understand with my limited Korean.”

Suhyuk gladly took the book.

“It is about the curcuma herb. Curcuma powder is good for arthritis…”

When Suhyuk continued to explain, William shook his head, surprised at the contents of the book.

“Huh, Jun? How come he, who lived several hundred years ago, was able to find out that curcuma had this Tumeric ingredient? I am just amazed and deeply respect him,” said William.

The tumeric component extracted from curcuma are used to treat arthritis. Plus the selenium component that protects cells from harmful oxygen.

William, staring at the Dongui Medical Encyclopedia, continued to express surprise,

“Dr. Lee, then this word means…”

William suddenly shut up his mouth, because Suhyuk’s tray was full of salads.

“I’m so sorry. You couldn’t eat because of me…”

“Oh, never mind! Please feel free to ask me anything anytime when you’re in doubt.”

William nodded his head,and began eating.

While he was chewing with his mouth closed, he could not take his eyes off the Dongui book.

After lunch, Suhyuk was walking up the stairs to the lobby.

“Looks like I can digest food better if I press here,” said William, pressing his palm with his thumb hard.

Suhyuk said, with a smile, “Do you really feel that way?”

“I think the medical methods of the Orient are really great.”

“I agree.”

“Dr. Lee, are you available this evening?”

“I don’t think I’m busy…”

“How about a glass of beer then? I know a good beer bar near the hospital. I’d like to repay you for your teaching today.”

When he was about to reply, Han spoke in Korean,

“You’re not busy this evening, right? Go and get along with him over a drink.”

Suhyuk nodded his head.

“Okay, sir.”

William’s face became bright.

“7pm. Let’s meet in the lobby.”


Both of them exchanged their contact numbers. Looking at them, Phillip chuckled.


Their first day at St. Hopkins Hospital passed quickly.

They stopped by the surgery building and other nearby buildings, meeting the hospital director too.

It was approaching 7pm.

Han, who came down to the lobby to return to the apartment, waved his hands at Suhyuk.

“Don’t drink too much. Have a good time!”

Suhyuk checked the time. It was 6:30pm.

He still had 30 minutes to go until the appointed time.

Sitting on the waiting benches, Suhyuk looked around the lobby.

Though he felt awkward in every way, it seemed to him that there were many patients regardless of whether it was the US or Korea.

While he was checking his surroundings, his cellphone buzzed.

It was a call from William.

“Yes, this is Suhyuk Lee.”

“Dr. Lee, I’m afraid I’ll be late a bit. Can you wait… or come to my office, if you don’t mind?”

“Sure. Where is your office?”


Suhyuk headed to the elevator to go to his office, which he could easily find.

Knock, knock, knock.

When he knocked on the door, William in a white gown opened the door.

“Sorry. Please come in.”

Once he stepped into the office, Suhyuk’s eyes became larger gradually.

And he murmured before he knew it, “Wow…”

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