《Sage Monarch》Chapter 1598: The Perfect Plan of Cooperation


Proud Heaven was a vicious wolf who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

Both Yang Qi and Greensura knew that.

In fact, if Greensura didn’t know, it would reveal her to be a massive idiot who didn’t deserve to have fused with the essence of the god world. Yet she was still willing to use Proud Heaven. He was the perfect genius to use against Yang Qi, and in fact, without him, the entire effort would have been impossible.

But if she could get Yang Qi to join her, she would kill Proud Heaven without hesitation. Then she could give the Great Necropolis to Yang Qi, while she devoured everything in the god world in preparation for transcendence.

After all, she needed someone to assimilate the Great Necropolis, otherwise she couldn’t transcend.

Although Proud Heaven had command of a portion of the necropolis, he couldn’t assimilate the entire thing. Only Yang Qi had that power.

If Yang Qi couldn't do it, no one could.

There was just one critical point...

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