《Renegade Immortal》Chapter 2083 - Qualification to Enter


The sea storm continued to rumble, intensifying several folds. It caused a large amount of spatial rifts to appear in the surrounding area. It was like a ghostly cry, howling while carrying a sharp and shocking force that could destroy one’s body. It spread out in all directions from the center of the sea storm.

The hundreds of people from the Ancient clan had just arrived and looked at the sea storm before them. They could clearly feel the destructive aura from it that could easily destroy them.

This force was enough to make all living things tremble in fear. However, this didn’t include Wang Lin and the six Grand Empyreans. At their cultivation levels, they all had varying degrees of resistance to this rumbling… It was no problem for them.

Wang Lin ignored the rumbles. When this sound entered his ears, it didn’t cause his heart to tremble at all. It was as if this sound wasn’t qualified to make his heart tremble, even if it were...

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