In Serial

The Thorn from the Mountain Fantasy Tragedy Action Adventure

8 163 40
Author:Bhelliom Type:Male

A working title, formally 'A Forgotten Grimoire'. 
Ash, an orphan by age 8 and on the run by age 14.
After fleeing from his vicious uncle and supposed caretaker, Lord Hendrik, he leaves behind the only place he had ever called home, a place now warped by misery and torture.
A boon granted, by fate or pure chance, the boy stumbles upon something ancient and long forgotten.
The boy must learn, grow and become more than he ever thought he could be.
He must do more than simply surive if he wishes to make his own way in the world.
Synopsis will likely end up being changed.
Disclaimer, I'm a terrible 'writer', my grammar is poor to non-existant and my vocabulary is almost in the negative. 
I just wanted to tell a story that was floating around my head. 
Comment all you like, call me names and mock my scribblings, I'll surely weep myself to sleep over them. 

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