High School DEATH GAMES Romance Tragedy Comedy Sci-fi Action Adventure Drama School Life Supernatural Psychological Horror
"'Why,' a woman asked me, 'would they show a movie with things I do not want to see?'
She is not unusual.
Most people choose movies that provide exactly what they expect, and tell them things they already know.
Others are more curious.
We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds."
- From the Great Roger Ebert
Be forewarned, this story is not for everyone.
It's not even for some people. This is for just a select few who get wet from misery and excited by suffering.
This is no level up, power up, let's kill monsters, op mc, fantasy land, standard litrpg garbage you find in basically every other story on this site. If the rest of RoyalRoad is shounen (which it is), then this is Gantz/Berserk.
Sorry. I lied. This is darker than Berserk and bloodier than Gantz.
Not a manga fan? Then how about Korean cinema? Have you heard of Kim Ki-duk? His works The Isle, Moebius, and Pieta all come to mind.
Again, this is not for normal people. There's a bunch of other normal stories for normal people to read. The whole rest of the site library is for normal.
This is a special section set aside for a special type of story meant for a special kind of people. If you follow or favorite this, you're telling the whole world that you're a little different. A bit twisted.
I guess you could call it the BDSM of reading. Which segues perfectly into the introduction.
Are you kinky? Are you familiar with the taboo? Have you ever thought about the depths of human depravity?
What I'm trying to ask is, do you like fucked up shit?
Do you like massacres and public shamings? Do you like watching people fall into despair, going insane, or turning into psychopaths? Do you get turned on when love is destroyed and hedonism reigns king?
Well, I've got the perfect story for you!
If you're uncomfortable with profanity, gore, sexual and traumatising content, then I recommend you move on.
I won't judge you just cause you're a pussy.
And I'm not talking about the fake labels of the other candy ass stories on this site who think their shit is morbid or even remotely disturbing, I'm talking about the shocking, offensive, real fucked up shit that you can't even use incognito mode for and you gotta install Tor browser. (You don't actually need to install Tor, you idiot.)
If you love that shit or even if you're just curious, then read on. I swear it's not as bad as you think it'll be. It's much worse.
- Signed with no love, Marley (written by a friend in the voice of Marley)
Unapologetic, cynical, pretentious, pessimistic, hypocritical, selfish, sarcastic, passive, apathetic asshole main character named Marley.
Alternate POV: Badass, intelligent, proactive, loving, nice, friendly, optimistic co-main character Sophia.
This is essentially a rough draft. Grammar and spelling has been read through and fixed for the most part.
If you don't like something, tell me why you don't like it. Don't just rate it low anonymously. Thanks.
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