Riposte Fantasy Romance Adventure Drama School Life Supernatural
Noël is known across the city of Portland—and not by choice. Under the care of the richest man in the city and just transferred to a new high school, she's already making close friends... and bitter enemies. A chance encounter on her first day plunges her headfirst into a secret underground tournament.
Between suspicious classmates and utter strangers, Noël soon gets a taste for the addictive rush of the duel, but questions of love and trust complicate every move she makes. Cutthroat games with grim consequences await her in a shadowy world of competitors all dueling for the greatest prize imaginable.
A new story from Etzoli, that one butterfly who writes things. This is a side-adventure I've written during the pandemic, as I've been having a lot of trouble getting into the correct head-space for writing my main series (The Last Science). Expect some rougher bits. Schedule is sporadic, but this will be a shorter one (closer to Snipe or Epilogue in length). I hope you enjoy it!
Full-size cover art
[Discord] - come hang out and chat sometime with etzy and other readers!
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