Adventures of the Goldthirst Company Fantasy Comedy Action Adventure
Get the quest, kill the monsters, grab the loot, don't die. How hard can adventuring be? When the party is a fashionista wizard who'd rather stare at her reflection than dirty herself with actual combat, a thief that picks locks by ripping them apart, a paladin trying to do the right thing, and an archer that's better at talking to plants than people, then even a simple quest can prove a challenge.
Hired for a variety of tasks, from retreiving the legendary Dragon's Veil to bodyguarding the wealthy, thwarting apocalyptic prophecies, or uncovering not-so-abandoned elven ruins, the problems in their way may well prove their undoing; lonesome medusas, sticky-fingered psychopomps, agressively passive golems and fearsomely violent geography stand in their way, as well as the minor issue of simply not actually trusting, or even liking, each other!
Releases twice weekly, generally Tuesday and Friday
(Art by Sin Soppitt)
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