In Serial

The Dungeon Pact Fantasy Action Adventure

8 145 87
Author:Alexis Keane Type:Male

They must live, and so, a god must die.

Luneil, a unique dungeon, awakens in the wilderness. He must learn to adapt, or face oblivion.
Bas, a member of a lost race of humans, arrives on the magical world of Era. He must adjust to a new way of life using only his wits and an old physics book.
Era is in flux. Harmony is shattered and a tyrannical goddess begins to muster her full might in a crusade against anyone who will not bow.
They cannot weather the coming storm alone. A deal must be struck.
Luneil was born a monster. Can Bas become one?
No matter what, Era will never be the same.

This is the story of how a deathtrap becomes a haven, and how a good man becomes a killer. 

This story is eventually intended for publishing via Amazon, however, you have my word it will be left up for at least five weeks from the time it is completed (at which point I might be posting the second installment on here), so you don't need to worry about it disappearing overnight. Also, bear in mind that this is all a first draft before any significant edits. There will likely be spelling, grammar and continuity errors, I will address them as soon as I spot them or you point them out. I read every comment (and reply, time permitting). Please feel free to criticize (I suspect I have a somewhat longwinded writing style, shouting really does help :) ), and above all enjoy.


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