Deeper Darker Comedy Sci-fi Action Adventure
Sci-fi dungeon crawler.
Set in the far future when humanity has reached the stars and finds it is not the first to do so. Alien technology has been left behind by a long dead race. Ancient cities, abandoned starships, temples and fortified bunkers all contain artefacts and devices far in advance of what humans have been able to produce. Technology that feels more akin to magic, so powerful it can allow a single person to dominate a star system. But these relics of another time have been left well-defended and behind bewildering and impenetrable security measures.
There are those who are compatible with the alien technology, who can augment themselves to face the evermore extreme protocols in the depths of the alien ruins, and by doing so attain greater power. And there are those who just want to sell what they find to the highest bidder.
The rewards are high, but you have to be prepared to go further and risk more to discover the greatest secrets of a civilisation that vanished long before the first human walked upright. Secrets that could irrevocably change humanity's future, or end it.
Chapter {{idx}} {{name}}
Chapter 1 Prologue
Chapter 2 1: Thief
Chapter 3 2: Warrior
Chapter 4 3: Prince
Chapter 5 4: Shopping
Chapter 6 5: Escape Routes
Chapter 7 6: Getting Away
Chapter 8 7: Fixer Upper
Chapter 9 8: Rule of Law
Chapter 10 9: Planning for the Future
Chapter 11 10: Tournament Challenger
Chapter 12 11: Sister Killer
Chapter 13 12: Litigation
Chapter 14 13: Defence of the Realm
Chapter 15 14: Prepared for Battle
Chapter 16 15: In Memoriam
Chapter 17 16: Disproportional Retaliation
Chapter 18 17: Executive Order
Chapter 19 18: City Heights
Chapter 20 19: Recruiter's Dream
Chapter 21 20: The Sweet Spot
Chapter 22 21: Launch Window
Chapter 23 22: SS Brinkman
Chapter 24 23: Dust Man
Chapter 25 24: Lift Off
Chapter 26 25: Swing Shift
Chapter 27 26: Initiate
Chapter 28 27: Unpacking
{{score}} {{readcount}} -
Black Ash
8 87 -
Age of Blackstone - The Spawn of Apophis
8 237 -
White Mystic Fox In A Radical World
8 198 -
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8 158 -
after dark | matthew tkachuk
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8 115