In Serial

Leading Love [boyxboy] Romance Action Drama family

8 87 22
Author:Wxnderjxxny Type:Male
Quentin Collister.
One of the six sons of the popular Collister family is the youngest son Quentin. And that family he grew up in is everything but normal which Quentin was forced to deal with at a very young age.
Growing up, the eighteen year old experiences too many memories he rather prefers keeping to himself and which made him to the person he is now.
And if Quentin is known for something other than being a famous Collister, then it is for his outstanding character.
As if his life was not already out of hand as it is now, it's about to get even more crazy when he happen to get involved with a gang
...and especially their leader.
Still sucking at descriptions O.o Promise it's better than it sounds ^^
Action! That should be the theme in this book and other than my first work;
[Book 1: "Suppressed" ; Go read it if you haven't ;)]
This book will contain more love action cuz... everyone loves intimate stuff ^^
I'll give it my best to write it as thrilling as possible.
Started: Sep.01.2018
Published: Jan.13.2019
Finished: April 2019
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