In Serial

That Special Brunette || Aro x Bella||

8 102 21
Author:TheLittleBird26 Type:Male
"Jane opened the huge door with her hands, entering the room. Everyone followed behind her. Bella examined the circular room. The pillars with carving on them, the windows, the raised podium and the three men sitting on them.
Bella's gaze was concentrated on the man in the middle. The raven king of the Volturi. The mind reader of Volturi. Aro.
Aro looked at Bella with pure interest. His red eyes looking her up and down. A slight amusement dancing in his eyes. Aro turned to look at Marcus, wanting a confirmation.
Marcus placed his pale hand on Aro's. Aro eyes lit up when he saw the bond between him and Bella. Aro stood up with a smile, his eyes turning into pitch black."
What if Edward wasn't Bella's mate? What if it was the leader of Volturi? How will everyone react? Will Bella accept the fate? Or despise it?
Read to find out.
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