In Serial

The Devil's Love Fantasy Romance Supernatural

8 350 32
Author:TM Watkins Type:Female
The Devil's Love Series
Book 1: Tempt the Devil;
Book 2: Playing with Fire;
Book 3: Queen of Hell;
Book 4: Shadow of Death.
(All stories contained in this one book)
What does the devil do when he is invited to a wedding and the invitation says, plus guest?
Lost in his thoughts about the possible choices, he takes a walk in the human world and happens upon one young woman that is the answer to his question. His offer is one of simplicity, save her failing business and in return be his date for the wedding. He never expected for the deal to last anything more than the few weeks that were ahead of them. Then again, he never expected to fall in love with her.
Unloved, unwanted. Two words that Sarah thought summed up her life. Unloved by her parents who favored her sister over her, unwanted even after their death. Her business is failing despite being a brief walk from one of New York's best tourist attractions. Being a failure was never in Sarah's future, she was desperate to prove her nasty sister wrong. Committing to the deal of a lifetime could cost Sarah so little if she accepts.
One little walk through the bustling city of New York will alter their lives forever, entwining them in ways they never thought possible. As the days progress and their love for each other deepen, they believe that they are beyond the reach of reality and soon realize that there are some people that would do anything to bring them down.
All of their plans for the future are now unstable, resting upon the edge of a knife. With the threat of being revealed to the world, Anton and Sarah must choose a life among humans on the surface or hide in the underworld.
**This story is a part of the DEADLY BEASTS world**
© These stories and works are copyrighted. No part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of T.M. Watkins (xMishx) 2015
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