In Serial

The Dead Poets Romance Drama Historical Fanfiction

8 81 28
Author:Katie Type:Female
The year is 1959, and for its very first time, Welton Academy Boarding School is now accepting female students. Violet Ross is not only one of those girls, but the only girl in the graduating class. She feels as though she must face her fears entirely alone, until she comes across a quirky group of boys. Also known as The Dead Poets. Violet soon finds herself becoming rather close with one in particular...
"I'm not entirely sure I even knew what constituted 'love,' until I had met him.
Now the mere thought of him made me ache to be with him, to look at him, to touch him.
I couldn't quite put my feelings into words. Even as I try, few seem to suffice. An entire sea of ink could not adequately describe my feelings towards him. It was almost as if all the stars in the sky were condensed into a single, twinkling one.
The only words I felt could convey some of what I felt for him, easily fell from my lips.
' I love you, too.'"
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