The Ultimate Guide To Writing PJO Fanfics Fanfiction
Are you struggling for ideas, or not sure if you're writing is at it's best? This is everything I've learned about success with my fanfics, what works and what doesn't, and how to achieve popularity. Some of these tips can be used for other fanfics and stories too!
"No, Percy! I promise, there's still good in you!" Annabeth said desperately.
"I'm sorry, but you broke me, and I've come to return the favor." Percy replied, malice glinting in his eyes, as he drew Riptide.
Your First Tip? Cliffhangers make good intros, so read on.
(I'm trying out this new cover, so please, give feedback!)
"No, Percy! I promise, there's still good in you!" Annabeth said desperately.
"I'm sorry, but you broke me, and I've come to return the favor." Percy replied, malice glinting in his eyes, as he drew Riptide.
Your First Tip? Cliffhangers make good intros, so read on.
(I'm trying out this new cover, so please, give feedback!)
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