In Serial

Fireworks {The 100 Fanfiction Modern AU}

8 189 44
Author:Heyyy Type:Male
10 months. 10 months was enough to numb the pain. Bellamy hated it, hated how the pain lessened because his sister deserved more. She deserved the world, and he couldn't give her it.
Bellamy hadn't cried for her yet. He was shoving everything Octavia related into a file in his brain never to be looked at again. He hated himself for it, for trying to forget, but he knew that he would shatter if he tried to sort through it.
A part of him had died that day in the backyard, a part of him had died with Lincoln and Octavia in that car crash. Her funeral was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do. Him and Clarke had driven home in silence, and then he'd gotten home and sat on the couch, unable to move, unable to think, too numb to do anything except stare.
Woohoo! Another Bellarke story! I'm sorry, these fanfictions just keep coming. Now they're the only thing I can write, lol.
This is a modern AU where Bellamy and Clarke are roommates, she works at a Hospital and him as a college professor.
Started: 4/27/20
Finished: 5/26/20
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