In Serial

A Mindful Old Soul Romance

8 170 21
Author:Dina_FK Type:Female
A girl of sixteen lives in a small family with her widowed father and her infant sister. After months of homeschooling along with raising Serena, her father finally decides he send his daughter off to a public school. Lena has to face a society she was never used to, but things change when she meets the inseparable James Allan and his grandmother, Amelia Allan.
Everything turns out perfectly fine until a hardship befalls one of them. Her lover, James Allan, finds himself a wreck and can hardly bear the pain any longer. He has no choice but to leave his beloved town.
All those years of waiting patiently for him, she, Lena Foster, starts to wonder if all of it is going to be worth it in the end.
(Written by: Andina F. K)
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