In Serial

how the words come

8 114 48
Author:catarine hancock Type:Male
"this is the poetry
that has come from
finally realizing it is okay
to be okay
but also not okay
at the same time."
'how the words come' tells the story of overcoming the aftermath of an emotionally abusive relationship. the book is separated into two parts. the first part, titled 'the broken and the bruised' delves into the pain and heartbreak one feels while dealing with the trauma an abuser leaves in their wake. the second part, titled ' the happy and the healed' is filled with lighter, positive, and empowering poetry, embodying the strength and joy one finds in new love and in healing. there are also pieces covering topics like feminism, gun control, the act of writing itself, and self-love throughout the entire collection.
for more of catarine hancock's poetry, check out her instagram: @catarinehancock
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