In Serial

Perfect Love ✔️

8 187 36
Author:annwritess Type:Male
Meet Scarlett and Ashley they have been best friends since before time. There parents are best friends. There parents parents are best friends. They were going wind of being best friends too.
They grew up together and done everything together. The only difference is Scarlett is shy and gay. Ashley is none of that he is outgoing person. He isn't your classic joke that picks on the nerds. He quite opposite everybody loves him.
All Scarlett life had been surrounded around Ashley. He's always with Ashley either cheering him on, or being his support, or helping him with school. He truly been his best friend. The only problem is now Ashley has a girlfriend.
She nice to Ashley, but every time he isn't around she is straight up bitch to Scarlett. Scarlett never been the one to cause drama, but what happen we he feels she taken Ashley from him.
Did I mention Scarlett is in love with Ashley?
*This story is completed*
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