In Serial

RC: Bullies, Bad Boys and Warriors Drama

8 70 21
Author:ZincAlight Type:Male
In a world of seven billion people, RC feels alone.
In a world of so much diversity, RC feels out of place.
In a world of strength, RC feels like a weak link.
In short, RC is not okay. Despite what anyone says, she just is not. In fact, she is the complete opposite of okay.
She is hurting. She is hurting in silence so loud, it screamed across the street and woke Jordan, the school's hot mess. Like seriously hot. And seriously messed up. Like hot-bad-boy messed up.
And in a lonely world of seven billion people, he is the only one who can show RC that beneath all her depression, self hurt and silent anguish, RC is a warrior of drastic proportions.
Loosely based on a true story.
Inspired by @ThePsychoMadHatter
Dedicated to @Khifanurani
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