In Serial


8 71 43
Author:XxadrizxX Type:Male
As Johnny's eating his favorite cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch) he un-knowingly makes a wish and what happens from there can only be described as an ever lasting ecstasy, between a boy and his cereal.
Chpt 3:
"Wh-what are you doing!.." Johnny asked embarrassed but cautiously.
"I gotta loosen up a bit more." Chris whispered.
"No- don't!" Johnny stretched as he felt Chris start to lick his hole. Johnny tried desperately to claw at Chris, attempting to remove his head away from him, but he didn't budge.
Now covering his mouth Johnny slowly adjusted to Chris's strong tongue which was now thrusting and flicking around In and around his hole.
"Mmffmm.." Johnny's moans were now muffled and slurred as he felt himself come closer to climaxation.
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