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The Core: The Hive Daughter (Book 2 of 3) Sci-fi Action Adventure

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Author:Ken Raven Type:Male

Hi! Welcome back! This story continues from book 1. Here is the link to that if you haven't read it yet:

After witnessing the destruction of Magus the 2nd's Core, Kevin and his AI are on the way to pick up Meditati. 
Magus the 1st dreams of battle and enemies rising up against him. He will stop at nothing to relive the glory of war. The object his clone dug up from the star before it was devoured might hold the key to his dreams.
The AI of the Tela plan in secret, trying to trap their first Guest into letting them go. 
An egg is found, a drunk driver puts a child in a coma, and the Arbiter observes Earth.

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