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Dreams or Another World - Not a Zero (Update 09/19/21) Adventure

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Author:Dad Type:Male

(Updated 09/19/21)

Hello and welcome. If you made it this far and the book title sounds interesting, I'm hoping you'll read a few chapters. ​Here's a sample from chapter 1 of "Dreams or Another World - Not a Zero."

​Slowly starting to wake up, I become aware. It's like coming out of a fog.
Head hurts.
Body hurts.
There's a conversation in the room. This isn't my bed. Someone is touching my arm. I crack my eyes to look. She doesn't notice. Is she praying for me? Her hands do feel good…do feel... Slipping back unconscious, my eyes slowly close. I didn't notice the soft green glow under Jenn’s hands.
"It does look like he saved them or at least stalled them long enough for us to get there." says the man dressed more like a park ranger than an officer of the law. "I did think he was part of it at first" he continues "but the evidence shows he wasn't there and they were certainly fighting on that back road where we found them"
"I don't care who he is." says a woman as she enters the room. "He saved and protected my Jenn. I will make sure there's not a mark or a scar on him before he leaves". As she continues the few steps over to the men speaking, even though dressed simply in common clothes, there is no doubt the race of elves is in her heritage. The grace and lines of her form. The elegance and lightness of her step. She glances at her daughter, still watching over the young man in the bed. "Do we know who he is yet?" she asks no one in particular.
"Not yet dear" a man in a white coat responds. A handsome middle-aged man. Fit, but not that of a fighter or ranger. "I asked Talon to bring another identification stone with him. I was hoping ours was just broke, but it's reading the same."
"What do you think is wrong?" Talon asks.
"I'm thinking we just have to wait until he recovers. I have heard of cases where the stone didn't work. Powerful spells can hide or wipe a person clean. I doubt he's a spy or a criminal. Spells like that are just too high level if, they're used at all. My best guess is, there is just some disconnect with him being unconscious. When he wakes, we can ask him or use the stone again then."
I find myself waking up in a hospital bed. The attending Doctor finds it odd that he cannot identify my class. An Officer says I’m a Hero for saving a girl from being kidnapped, but he’s asking too many questions for my liking. I know an accusing tone when I hear it. I don’t remember any of it and I need to find my way home.
Author’s notes.
Original work. First draft and update of chapters 1-16. Inspired by various fantasy games and books. Written with a focus on character development and interaction. Combat, progression, leveling, classes, but no numbers or stats. I’ll try to keep the language clean, PG-13, no smut.
I’m in the US, writing in English. Almost fifty chapters are completed as I pen this introduction. I intend to complete this story or at least bring it to a proper ending. I have a destination in mind. I find as I write, doors and ideas open, while others close and are discarded. 
​ The tentative release schedule will be once a week. ​I'm new to creating. My apologies now while I learn. I have not settled on a book cover or artwork, still looking for something that fits.

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