In Serial

Path of the Outsider Fantasy Adventure Drama Slice of Life

8 116 46
Author:Scarlet-MagicianX26 Type:Male

Path of the Outsider is the story of Roland, a university student...who's also gained the ability to travel to and from Hristomver, a world filled with magic and barely stepping into its own age of enlightenment. As the Outsider, he acts as adjutant and advisor to Madeline, a Magister in service to the court of the Kingdom of Straskey, where, in that capacity, he is able to bring the wonders of the modern world to Hristomver.

But the times are changing. The Kingdom of Straskey is but a fragment of a greater whole, one of the five splinter kingdoms that were born in the catastrophic fall of their parent state of the Strovian Realm. And from these Kingdoms, men and women, both opportunistic and dutiful seek to reunite the Realm - by the pen, or by the sword.

The wheel of fate turns, and no Outsider is exempt from being caught in its wake. And as the tides shift, Roland must grapple with his unique position, and find his trail to blaze, across Earth and Hristomver...

Updates every two Mondays, Also posted on SufficientVelocity/Fictionpress

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