In Serial

This Book Fantasy Mystery Supernatural Psychological Horror

8 89 34
Author:Andrew Furlong Type:Male

The author, Edward Faust is aware that “This Book” does not really describe what this book is about. We shall pretend that it is a meta artistic choice but the reality is that Mr. Faust is bad at coming up with titles, and since starting This Book back in 2015 as a NaNoWriMo project he could never come up with a good one.

This Book’s genre is YA Supernatural, but that’s only as helpful as any genre tag (IE: not very) so I shall describe it further. This Book is primarily about reincarnation, but it also features mythical creatures such as angels (known here as Seraphs), demons, Byzantines, as well as homeschoolers. Two mythical homeschoolers in fact make up the main characters of this work, a pair of siblings named Grayson and Kish. They live in metro Atlanta in the year 2019 AD with their Aunt. On one particular day they are plunged into a rabbit hole of spiritual and metaphysical politics by the arrival of a mysterious one-eyed Green haired woman and strange humanoid creatures into their lives. That is where the story begins. Yes.

This book can also be found at

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