In Serial

The legend of the sun guild. Fantasy

8 74 41
Author:Rhys Harrison Type:Male

Durning the age of darkness it was said that four people of great power were born.

The first man of great might. Who hunted the monster and saw them as know more than a means to an end. He fought to simply feed his hungry for blood and power. He challenged both the heavens and the darkest depths of hell. He made the world know meaning of the word fear. He was a strongest swordsman of the world. During his time their were few who could say otherwise and by his end their was know to be only one who claimed to be his better. There were none who love the sword like him. And there would be none who his blade would love like him. They said that number did not matter to him. That all who face him blade would die without exception. They is a legend of him bringing death to an empire so he could claim the life of widow of a soldier who died of his own blade in the face death so that the sword man would not now the satisfactory of taking his life. They called him the sword of death.

The second was a man of great rage. An noble avenger to the weak and and terror to the strong. He was a berserker but unlike most who would attempt to control they rage he would reveal in the through of it controlling him. He would streak across the battlefield ripping both friend and foe apart alike and he would do so with nothing but his bare hand. They called him an immortal they said the more be bleed the more his power would grow. And they spoke of the power to he he could trade his blood for death. They said that no mortal weapon could kill him and that he would rise to fight no matter the injury. There was a legend of him ripping off his own head and using it to club his enemies to death. They called him the immortal wrath.

The third was a woman of madness and magic. She was a hated witch. They say that her only objects was to spread misery and hate. It said she lead many a good man from the right path to one of great evil just to she if she was capable of such things. Her experiments left only detestation in their wake as she tainted the lands in some way worse than the worse then the void or darkness ever could. Her magic was a foul and dangerous thing that saw all her enemy become her enemy. That she enter the territory of both the formed of order and the gods of Chao us would not go. That she played with the energy of the void. Legend speaks of a place where she corrupted the very darkness that that claim both the land and the people. Some say light would flee from her presence in fear of the shadows fate for that was her name she was the fate weaver.

The forth was a man. He was simply known as… the hero of the world.

But this is not his story.

No this is a story that speak of the other three

The unrelenting swords man

The undying wrath

The unquantifiable desire

But it mainly speaks of their second life. For the age of darkness has long since pases and the age of fire is coming to a close. But as the age dies a new one must be born. 

( the idea is that this story will be told from the perspectives of the bad guys. Their motives ,objectives, rise to power, struggles and what they want to achieve. But yes they are the ‘bad guys’ of the story it’s also probably important to note that for the time being it’s going to be written on my phone then edit later when I have the time and feel like it but you should probably think of whats here as a draft until further notice. )

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