Kingdom of Earthos Fantasy Romance Sci-fi
Kingdom of Earthos (Book 1): The rise of an eagle rider.
Far away from our planet earth was a kingdom called Earthos which was ruled by four wizards: The white wizard, the red wizard, the golden wizard, and the green wizard. They control the west, east, north, and south parts of the kingdom and they do not let anyone go in or out. Meanwhile, in a far far far away place, the Kingdom of Parádeisos where there is no pain or suffering where only a few enter. That kingdom is ruled by the King of Paradeisos who was given the kingdom after his father the Emperor of Paradeisos layed down the foundations. The King of Paradeisos has sent the Headmaster and Guide of Paradeisos to lead the School of Paradeisos on an isolated part of the kingdom of Earthos where losers are recruited. Losers are these who cannot recruit animals. Every resident on the Kingdom of Earthos has to recruit three animal friends and by 18 years old pit them in a battle royale. If these animals survive, that person will have some status in the kingdom otherwise he will be classified as a loser. This is the life of a boy named Eagle before he became an Eagle Rider.
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