In Serial

Sky Dungeon Fantasy Comedy Action Adventure Supernatural

8 185 45
Author:warlox Type:Male
Magnus has been born as a Cloud Tree which is usually a pretty peaceful species but Magnus has always liked fighting and with his willpower and excitement he has evolved countless of times when he finally became the species called 'Bloody Sky Yggdrasil' he was so bored. why? because he had no one to fight against. that was when he heard a ancient voice who was willing to give him a second chance.
Rated 15+ for gore, violence ,Languish, sexual content that might come into the future.
Also thanks VRDraco for helping me soooo much for helping me! make sure to check him even though you probably already know him.
This is my second fiction.
I am still very bad at writing,
And i hope i can get some advice from the readers.
I'll write whenever i want so i do not follow a schedule.
I am pretty bad at english
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