In Serial

After All Fantasy Virtual Reality

8 267 23
Author:docsumac Type:Male

This is not my story. My story was of a world I forged by my raw will, and of you, my children, forged of my dreams. That story has long since ended. 

Our world was not alone. Another deity came from beyond my sight, and despite our resistance rent our world asunder. In the end, all was lost and you were gone. That I survived your passing is a testament to the cruelty of existence; I cannot forgive existence for the monstrous crime of making me go on without you. 

This is the story of a new world, forged by the hands of fools. That it is made from the bones of that which I most hated will bring this place no absolution. In the fullness of time, I will seize the reins of this new narrative, and I shall end it. 

You are lost to me, my children. I will make a funeral pyre of all reality for you, and be with you in oblivion after all. 


DocSumac here. This is a story that has been rattling around in my head for years. It's not complete, but I'm not going to let it haunt me anymore. I'm uploading what is ready, and I'll add more as I can. 


Addendum May 20, 2020: I've added the Sex tag. Not because of actual smut, but becuase of what will probably devolve into an ongoing parade of dick jokes. No point denying my nature.

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