Reaper's Grimoire Fantasy Xianxia Wuxia
It begins with a entity, the entity is feared by all because of what it represent no matter god, mortal
or immortal and even itself can't escape it. when it decided to visit the realm of gods to say hi to a old friend of his before traveling to the mortal world to do a mission it was ambushed by gods and died in the battle along with a few gods. The entity's power with no owner to control them start to imbue itself in to the items the entity it was carrying along with the rest going to the mortal world changing it forever. The god noticing the powers movement decided to seal the items and send them into other realms for the gods realm can't hold the item because of the curse the gods place upon it. After thousands of years some of the items developed sentience with one taking on the role and name that has long been forgotten... Reaper.
(Author's note)
I will add in more tags as the story goes on
Chapter {{idx}} {{name}}