In Serial

YAOS 1 - Limitless Adventures - Yet Another OP Story Book 1 Mystery Action Adventure Harem Virtual Reality Supernatural Martial Arts Slice of Life Sports

8 141 41
Author:lootharius Type:Male

December 23rd 2018: Book 1 is now up at Smashwords and at Amazon.
December 30th 2018: V1.1.2 of YAOS Book 1 is out, some content additions, fixed typos. Amazon's enhanced typesetting now displays tables properly.

YAOS is shown through the eyes of some genius athlete getting OP inside a VR, ah wait, Full Immersion game, ?F.I.O?. Not a Hero, not a Nerd, just a driven individual paying for mistakes made, biding time until he can return to the Real World. He isn't defined like you'd normally do it, you can pick his looks and name all on your own, just like you do in video games. Believe it or not, keeping his looks undefined is harder than you think. His backstory isn't expounded in detail, but it drives his choices. Book 1 isn't about depressing sob stories but about fun and rushing forward, pursuing new horizons.
Oh, and you'll end on a cliffhanger!
Well, most serials do, so you will probably expect that without being told explicitly. But it isn't that bad, there's a lot of reveals and more to come once this book, that is the first in a planned three-part series, is finally ready for release on amazon et al.
The published version will have:
1.) Godawful speaker tags, I hate them, they make you stop thinking and speed up editing so much. In hindsight they should have been in to begin with. But I stand by my goals proclaimed earlier. You guys should think while reading, that is the whole point of the exercise. Apply the knowledge and ideas, improve yourself, get creative!
2.) Pretty colored tables, the damned blue boxes, a lot of work, 69 in one book. Finally fixed amazon's centering issue. Can't say I liked the hours needed to debug that.
3.) The promised Mitara chapters.
4.) A cover!
5.) And lastly, updated polished versions of several chapters. MC shares more of his past, some terrible chapters (esp. 32) finally work. Some new scenes, minor rewrites in parts. Text flow and other issues. The current challenge is to maintain essential ambiguity while satisfying people wanting to know more without thinking three steps ahead. Balancing one with the other is tough.
The smut which was in remains, but the story told is not to be superseded by it. A 15+ rating for the first book is also important, not to mention, YAOS wasn't meant to contain any smut to begin with. If the Author can turn to writing full time his output should increase, so please support YAOS #1 once it does finally release. ~Thank You~
No maps so far, that should be in, but is really hard to get done right. Again, tips are appreciated.
Update September 2017:
Stubbed chapters, sorry guys, currently don't have time to upload them elsewhere, polishing book 1 and 2, writing 3, takes precedence.
Book 1 is in heavy editing, too much to keep synced and continuing editing.
I'd need a site which offers JS-free rapid managing of chapters and comments.
Coding one myself or setting a premade up is out of scope until I'm done with the books. RRL-old offered that, nuff said.
This is only here because the author believes in fairies, nobody reads this, most likely.
October to December 2017: Life threw some curveballs.
February 2018:
Book 2 draft 1 completed, at ~150K words.
Book 2 is fairly epic in scope, requires 1 rewritten chapter, some editing.
Tables and miscellanea are in, but needs at least a grammar pass.
March 2018:
Book 3 at 28k words, first arc, rest needs serious planning for spin-off and satisfying conclusion.
July 2018:
Yet another proofing/editing session of books 1-3, 101+ chapters, ~300k words. B3 at 48k, starts out great, but no ETA, no wordcount limit, in flux.
But prioritizing my writing cannot be done, I hate the delays as much as you, but you will prefer the whole released in a timely fashion rather than wait. Knowing myself how excruciating waiting can be, at least you'll get significantly polished versions and an ETA on book 2 by release of book 1.
December 23rd 2018: Book 1 is now up at Smashwords and in the process at Amazon et. al..
To all who wait patiently, offered feedback, thanks again!

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