In Serial

The Lost Archon Fantasy Adventure Slice of Life

8 197 34
Author:KurtMKing Type:Male

One early spring afternoon, sixteen-year-old Reid is going for a walk when he finds a magical occurrence taking him to another world. A world where he is considered an impossible mage - and where he becomes ridiculously powerful quickly. Though he's happy for the adventures he can go on and the friends he makes, Reid also wants to find out how he got there and why, and if there's a way to return home to his parents.

Reid's priorities in this new world are learning magic, going on a few adventures, dealing with his feelings for the cute wolfkin Terrence Windfang, and seek an audience with the gods. All but one of them, he finds, is significantly easier than he expected.

This is a participant in the [April 2022 Royal Road Writathon Challenge]. The story is also concluded as of 4/26/2022.


1) This is a story about an OP guy doing OP guy things. There will be few fights that he struggles with, and he will rarely, if ever, find his life in peril.

2) This is a slice-of-life and adventure story, which means that there will be periods of chapters without any action or conflict, but also periods of chapters with battles and exploration/adventure.

3) There will be NO petty squabbles or conflicts going on in this story, because it is meant to be a fun one, not a high-tension, drama-filled story. So it will NOT be that. If you want lots of action or lots of conflict, then find another story to read because this isn't it.

4) There will never be an overarching evil/villain/conflict to deal with in this story. Ever.

5) This story will not contain sexual content as it will end after Book 1. As such, Reid and his future boyfriend will never reach 18+ years of age in-story, so they will never have sex in the story. There will also be no harem in this story.

6) This is a part of the Royal Road April 2022 Writathon Challenge.

7) This story takes place in its own story universe, with its own rules. Please keep that in mind when reading it and other stories.

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