In Serial

The Qi to Immortality Fantasy Xianxia Action Adventure

8 148 34
Author:TheDarkCrow Type:Male

The Golden Rule of transmigration into a xianxia world is not to get involved in the affairs of important characters. Death follows them, bearing down on the ordinary people they interact with.

For months Zhao Mi has managed to abide by this self imposed rule, making a living as an Assistant Admissions Disciple for the Misty Cradle Sect. When a misstep with a young master places him in the sights of a heartless clan intent on saving face, the only viable solution is to invert the Golden Rule. To surround himself with enough important characters that their fortune bleeds into Zhao Mi’s humble life.

Walking such a path will require surviving violence, navigating politics, and unraveling conspiracies. The otherworldly knowledge he possesses might give Zhao Mi a chance at emerging unharmed. Whether his modern soul can weather the immorality of life in Jianghu is another matter.

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